Install go libaries you might not have
go get ./...
This starts the deamon/server and all the services. Go into config/config.yml
to tweak settings or copy that into your own config/local.config.yml
or any other location. You can pass the flag --config=config/myconfigname.config.yml
to have a daemon loaded up with custom configs.
go run cmd/impd/main.go
This builds and exports the UI into a static SPA so that the daemon can serve it. Be sure to run the follow prior to go run cmd/impd/main.go
if you want it.
cd client && yarn && yarn export
This is where various one off imp interactions take place. Type out the help
command in order to see available actions.
go run cmd/impcli/*.go help
You can create the Dockerfile for this app to release the binary built into the docker image for others to get started quickly. For now it's a simple binary install, but later it might be able to do things like LND built in, socket/vpn setup, etc.
To build a new docker image:
docker build -t teamimp/imp-daemon . --progress=plain
For configs, there's a couple fields required as is for working with docker:
http_did_addr: # LEAVE ALONE FOR DOCKER
connection_string: "file:/app/db/imp.db?_auth&_auth_user=admin&_auth_pass=supersecretpassword&_auth_crypt=sha256" # LEAVE ALONE FOR DOCKER
type: sqlite3
directory: /app/ipfs/ # LEAVE ALONE FOR DOCKER
tls_cert: /app/lnd/tls.cert # LEAVE ALONE FOR DOCKER
admin_macaroon: /app/lnd/admin.macaroon # LEAVE ALONE FOR DOCKER
To run the built docker image:
docker run \
-p8881:8881 \
-p8882:8882 \
-p8883:8883 \
-v {REPLACE_WITH_CONFIG_PATH}:/app/config/config.yml \
-v {REPLACE_WITH_TLS_PATH}:/app/lnd/tls.cert \
-v {REPLACE_WITH_MACAROON_PATH}:/app/lnd/admin.macaroon \
-it teamimp/imp-daemon
You may also change the host port number (ie -p8891:8881
) if you are running multiple.
For publishing the docker image:
docker tag teamimp/imp-daemon:latest teamimp/imp-daemon:{version}
docker push teamimp/imp-daemon:{version}
A few additional dependencies needed for day to day development. Mostly around protobuf. The Makefile attempts to install a few things but some additional things are needed.
Run the makefile dependencies installation
make dep
This will install some things but not all. Figuring out how to put some of these into the makefile would be a nice to have.
Install protoc-gen-grpc-web:
npm install -g protoc-gen-grpc-web
Install rust:
curl -sSf | sh
Install protoc-gen-rust
cargo install protoc-gen-rust
You may have to install nightly to have the latest version of protoc-gen-rust:
rustup default nightly && rustup update
Install protobuf-codegen
cargo install protobuf-codegen
Add rust executables to your environment path (zsh,bash, etc):
Copy default config file into a local file and customize to your dev setup. The local file will be read first if present, and will be ingored by git.
cp config/config.yml config/local.config.yml
An explanation of the code design can be found here
Everything is subject to change based on requirements, but this is a good first attempt at abstracting, confining roles, and submodule level interactions.
Test every package with:
go test ./...
Code coverage test with:
go test -race -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
View code coverage results:
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
Use mockgen
to generate interface mocks to make testing easier. If interfaces ever change with any of our internal submodules then generation needs to happen or else compile time errors will occur with the tests.
Install mockgen
go get
Generate a fresh batch of mocks. This will be needed if you change any interfaces currently being mocked.
go generate ./...
- Make sure the proto files and generated code are up to date:
make proto
- Push the PR and merge into master:
git push -u origin {branch-name}
Create the release on github, tag it with the next version number.
Create & push the docker image:
Instructions here.