Maqalat is a completely functional API with CRUD functionality whose features can be tested. Setting it up will create 30 Fake Articles with an id
, title
and body
along with an author_url
currently set to
Open XAMPP Control Center and start the Apache Server and MySQL server
Clone the repository
Open the repository folder using VS Code or your preferred code editor and navigate to
file- The
will not exist, so create a new file and use the.env.example
template to fill it up and follow along - Under
make sure the following are as below:DB_DATABASE=maqalat
DB_USERNAME=root OR $your username$
DB_PASSWORD= $your password$
or leave it empty if you have no password
- The
To route Laravel homepage to
, follow the steps below:- go to
and openhttpd-vhosts.conf
with an editor - Input this at the bottom of the
<VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/maqalat/public" ServerName maqalat.test </VirtualHost>
- Open Notepad or the equivalent in your OS as administrator
- Open a file similar to this syntax that can be found in Windows -
- Make sure All Files option is selected and open the
file - Add this at the bottom of the comments - maqalat.test
- go to
The steps provided below are taken from Traversy Media's Larticles API
- Open a terminal within the repository
- Install dependencies by
composer install
- Generate an encryption key, run
php artisan key:generate
- Run Migrations by
php artisan migrations
- Import Articles by
php artisan db:seed
Fire up a browser and type in
and it is working if you see the Laravel logo- Check if the database is populated by the seeded articles by going to
- Check if the database is populated by the seeded articles by going to
Fire up Postman or your choice of API tester (Although Postman is pretty cool, not sponsored! 😢)
Below is the workflow for Postman:
- POST -> http://maqalat.test/api/article
- Add a new Header with Key = Content-Type and Value = application/json
- Body follows a
format as shown below
{ "title":"Whatever is your new title", "body":"Whatever you wanna keep as the new body" }
- GET -> http://maqalat.test/api/articles
- PUT -> http://maqalat.test/api/article
- Add a new Header with Key = Content-Type and Value = application/json
- Body follows a
format as shown below
{ "article_id": 4, "title":"Whatever is your UPDATED title", "body":"Whatever you wanna keep as the UPDATED body" }
- The
is theid
of the article that you want to update with the followingtitle
- DEL -> http://maqalat.test/api/article/{id}
- Replace
with the actual article id you want to delete.
- Replace
- POST -> http://maqalat.test/api/article
The project is setup personally for me to learn Laravel and familiarize myself with the framework. The project would not have been possible without the tutorial from Traversy Media over at YouTube. His video titled, Laravel 5.5 API From Scratch Using Resources is what I used personally to follow along and learn the fundamentals of Laravel.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:
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- Vehikl
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- Kirschbaum Development Group
- 64 Robots
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- British Software Development
- Webdock, Fast VPS Hosting
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- UserInsights
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- CodeBrisk
- 1Forge
- Runtime Converter
- WebL'Agence
- Invoice Ninja
- iMi digital
- Earthlink
- Steadfast Collective
- We Are The Robots Inc.
- Abdel Elrafa
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