More detailed explanations can be found in the Details document.
import { either, option } from 'fp-ts'; // import modules from root
import { flow, pipe } from 'fp-ts/functions'; // import functions from functions
import { Either } from 'fp-ts/Either'; // import types from their module
// rename common long module names
import { readerTaskEither as rte } from 'fp-ts';
const value = 'value';
// Imperative style
const value1 = addSthg(value);
const value2 = doSthgElse(value1);
const finalValue = doFinalSthg(value2);
// Or maybe inline
const finalValue = doFinalSthg(doSthgElse(addSthg(value)));
// With pipe
const finalValue = pipe(value, addSthg, doSthgElse, doFinalSthg);
// With flow
const transformations = flow(addSthg, doSthgElse, doFinalSthg);
const finalValue = transformations(value);
// Build an Option
// Build from a value
option.fromNullable(null); // => option.none
option.fromNullable('value'); // => option.some('value')
// Build from a predicate
const isEven = number => number % 2 === 0;
option.fromPredicate(isEven)(3); // => option.none
option.fromPredicate(isEven)(4); // => option.some(4)
// Convert from another type (eg. Either)
const leftEither = either.left('whatever');
const rightEither = either.right('value');
option.fromEither(leftEither); // => option.none
option.fromEither(rightEither); // => option.some('value')
const noneValue = option.none;
const someValue = option.of(42);
// Convert Option<T> to T | undefined
option.toUndefined(noneValue); // => undefined
option.toUndefined(someValue); // => 42
// Convert Option<T> to T | null
option.toNullable(noneValue); // => null
option.toNullable(someValue); // => 42
// Convert Option<T> with a default value
option.getOrElse(() => 0)(noneValue); // => 0
option.getOrElse(() => 0)(someValue); // => 42
// Convert Option<T> to T | U with a default value of type U
option.getOrElseW(() => 'default')(noneValue); // => 'default': number | string
// Apply a different function on None/Some(...)
const doubleOrZero = option.match(
() => 0, // none case
(n: number) => 2 * n // some case
doubleOrZero(noneValue); // => 0
doubleOrZero(someValue); // => 84
// Pro-tip: option.match is short for the following:
const doubleOfZeroBis = flow( number) => 2 * n), // some case
option.getOrElse(() => 0) // none case
// Build an Either
const leftValue = either.left('value');
const rightValue = either.right('value');
// Build from a value
either.fromNullable('value was nullish')(null); // => either.left('value was nullish')
either.fromNullable('value was nullish')('value'); // => either.right('value')
// Build from a predicate
const isEven = (num: number) => num % 2 === 0;
const eitherBuilder = either.fromPredicate(
number => `${number} is an odd number`
eitherBuilder(3); // => either.left('3 is an odd number')
eitherBuilder(4); // => either.right(4)
// Convert from another type (eg. Option)
const noneValue = option.none;
const someValue = option.some('value');
either.fromOption(() => 'value was nullish')(noneValue); // => either.left('value was nullish')
either.fromOption(() => 'value was nullish')(someValue); // => either.right('value')
const leftValue = either.left("Division by Zero!");
const rightValue = either.right(10);
// Convert Either<E, A> to A with a default value
either.getOrElse(() => 0)(leftValue); // => 0
either.getOrElse(() => 0)(rightValue); // => 10
// Apply a different function on Left(...)/Right(...)
const doubleOrZero = either.match(
(error: string) => {
console.log(`The error was ${error}`);
return 0;
(n: number) => 2 * n,
doubleOrZero(leftValue); // => 0 - also logs "The error was Division by Zero!"
doubleOrZero(rightValue); // => 20
// Pro-tip: either.match is short for the following:
const doubleOrZeroBis = flow( number) => 2 * n),
either.getOrElse((error: string) => {
console.log(`The error was ${error}`);
return 0;
// Build a TaskEither
const leftValue = taskEither.left('value');
const rightValue = taskEither.right('value');
// The taskEither module also provides similar builder functions
// to either, namely: `fromNullable`, `fromOption`, `fromPredicate`...
// Convert from Either
const eitherValue = either.right(42);
taskEither.fromEither(eitherValue); // => taskEither.right(42)
// Build from an async function
const asyncIsEven = async (n: number) => {
if (!isEven(n)) {
throw new Error(`${n} is odd`);
return n;
const buildTaskEither = (n: number) =>
() => asyncIsEven(n),
(error: Error) => error.message
buildTaskEither(3); // => taskEither.left('3 is odd')
buildTaskEither(4); // => taskEither.right(4)
// Simple case: an infaillible Task
const someTask = task.of(42);
// Invoking a Task returns the underlying Promise
await someTask(); // => 42
// TaskEither
const someTaskEither = taskEither.right(42);
const eitherValue = await someTaskEither(); // => either.right(42)
either.getOrElse(() => 0)(eitherValue); // => 42
// Or more directly
const infaillibleTask = taskEither.getOrElse(() => 0)(someTaskEither); // => task.of(42)
await infaillibleTask(); // => 42
const someArray = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
// filter and map
const result = pipe(
); // => [0, 4, 16, 36, 64]
// or in one go with filterMap
const result = pipe(
const strings = ['zyx', 'abc', 'klm'];
// basic sort
const sortedStrings = pipe(strings, readonlyArray.sort(string.Ord)); // => ['abc', 'klm', 'zyx']
// reverse sort
const reverseSortedStrings = pipe(
); // => ['zyx', 'klm', 'abc']
// sort Option
const optionalNumbers = [option.some(1337), option.none, option.some(42)];
const sortedNums = pipe(nums, readonlyArray.sort(option.getOrd(number.Ord))); // => [option.none, option.some(42), option.some(1337)]
// sort complex objects with different rules
type User = {
name: string;
age: Option<number>;
const byName = pipe(
ord.contramap((user: User) =>
const byAge = pipe(
ord.contramap((user: User) => user.age)
const sortUsers = readonlyArray.sortBy([byAge, byName]); // will sort an array of users by age first, then by name
import { readerTaskEither as rte } from 'fp-ts';
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';
import { ReaderTaskEither } from 'fp-ts/ReaderTaskEither';
declare const foo: ReaderTaskEither<R1, E1, A1>;
declare const bar: ReaderTaskEither<R2, E2, A2>;
declare const baz: (props: {
foo: A1;
bar: A2;
}) => ReaderTaskEither<R3, E3, A3>;
declare const quux: (props: {
foo: A1;
bar: A2;
baz: A3;
}) => ReaderTask<R4, A4>;
declare const transform: (props: { foo: A1; bar: A2; baz: A3 }) => B;
rte.apS('foo', foo),
rte.apSW('bar', bar),
rte.bindW('baz', baz),
// => ReaderTaskEither<
// R1 & R2 & R3 & R4,
// E1 | E2 | E3,
// B,
// >