truffle init
# new contract
truffle compile
# deploy contract to blockchain
truffle migrate
truffle migrate --reset
# check smart contracts from blockchain
truffle console
# type in console
truffle(development)> todolist = await TodoList.deployed()
taskcount = await todocist.taskCount()
# 0
# list maps
task1 = await todolist.tasks(1)
# output
Result {
'0': BN {
negative: 0,
words: [ 1, <1 empty item> ],
length: 1,
red: null
'1': 'Genesis',
'2': false,
id: BN {
negative: 0,
words: [ 1, <1 empty item> ],
length: 1,
red: null
content: 'Genesis',
completed: false
- List tasks in the smart contract
- List tasks in the console
- List tasks in the client side application
- List tasks in the test
- Connect App to Blockchain => Web3.js
- Connect Browser to Blockchain => metamask (Ethereum Wallet)