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Jérémie N'gadi edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 5 revisions

GenerateMetaEnumsAndStructs namespace

class description
EnumInfoComparer __
Program __
Resource Une classe de ressource fortement typée destinée, entre autres, à la consultation des chaînes localisées.
StructureInfoComparer __

RageLib.Archives namespace

class description
ArchiveHelpers __
DataBlock __

RageLib.Compression namespace

class description
DeflateCompression Represents a deflate compression algorithm.
TextureCompressionHelper __
TextureHelper __

RageLib.Cryptography namespace

class description
AesEncryption Represents an AES encryption algorithm.

RageLib.Data namespace

class description
DataReader Represents a data reader.
DataWriter Represents a data writer.
PartialStream Represents a part of a stream.

RageLib.GTA5.Archives namespace

class description
RageArchive7 Represents an RPFv7 archive.
RageArchiveBinaryFile7 Represents a binary file in an RPFv7 archive.
RageArchiveDirectory7 Represents a directory in an RPFv7 archive.
RageArchiveResourceFile7 Represents a resource file in an RPFv7 archive.

RageLib.GTA5.ArchiveWrappers namespace

class description
RageArchiveBinaryFileWrapper7 Represents a wrapper for a binary file in an RPFv7 archive.
RageArchiveDirectoryWrapper7 Represents a wrapper for a directory in an RPFv7 archive.
RageArchiveResourceFileWrapper7 Represents a wrapper for a resource file in an RPFv7 archive.
RageArchiveWrapper7 Represents a wrapper for an RPFv7 archive.

RageLib.GTA5.Cryptography.Exceptions namespace

class description
KeyNotFoundException __

RageLib.GTA5.Cryptography namespace

class description
GTA5Constants __
GTA5Crypto Represents a GTA5 encryption algorithm.
GTA5Hash __
GTA5HashConstants __
LookUpTableGenerator __

RageLib.GTA5.Cryptography.Helpers namespace

class description
CryptoIO __

RageLib.GTA5.Helpers namespace

class description
RandomGauss __
RandomGaussRow __

RageLib.GTA5.PSOWrappers.Data namespace

class description
PsoDataReader __

RageLib.GTA5.PSOWrappers namespace

class description
PsoReader __
PsoTypeBuilder __
PsoXmlExporter __

RageLib.GTA5.PSOWrappers.Types namespace

class description
PsoArray0 __
PsoArray1 __
PsoArray4 __
PsoBoolean __
PsoByte __
PsoEnumByte __
PsoEnumInt __
PsoFlagsByte __
PsoFlagsInt __
PsoFlagsShort __
PsoFloat __
PsoFloat2 __
PsoFloat3 __
PsoFloat4A __
PsoFloat4B __
PsoIntSigned __
PsoIntUnsigned __
PsoMap __
PsoString0 __
PsoString1 __
PsoString2 __
PsoString3 __
PsoString7 __
PsoString8 __
PsoStructure __
PsoStructure3 __
PsoType3 __
PsoType32 __
PsoType4 __
PsoType5 __
PsoType9 __
PsoXXByte __
PsoXXHalf __

RageLib.GTA5.PSOWrappers.Xml namespace

class description
HexConverter __
PsoDefinitionXml __
PsoEnumEntryXml __
PsoEnumXml __
PsoStructureEntryXml __
PsoStructureXml __

RageLib.GTA5.PSO namespace

class description
PsoCHKSSection __
PsoClass __
PsoDataMappingEntry __
PsoDataMappingSection __
PsoDataSection __
PsoDefinitionSection __
PsoElementIndexInfo __
PsoElementInfo __
PsoEnumEntryInfo __
PsoEnumInfo __
PsoFile __
PsoInfo __
PsoPSIGSection __
PsoSTRESection __
PsoSTRFSection __
PsoSTRSSection __
PsoStructureEntryInfo __
PsoStructureInfo __
PsoUtils __

RageLib.GTA5.RBFWrappers namespace

class description
RbfXmlExporter __

RageLib.GTA5.RBF namespace

class description
RbfEntryDescription __
RbfFile __
RbfStructure __

RageLib.GTA5.RBF.Types namespace

class description
RbfBoolean __
RbfBytes __
RbfFloat __
RbfFloat3 __
RbfString __
RbfUint32 __

RageLib.GTA5.Resources.PC namespace

class description
ResourceFileType __
ResourceFileTypes_GTA5_pc __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Drawables namespace

class description
DrawableDictionaryFileWrapper_GTA5_pc __
DrawableDictionaryWrapper_GTA5_pc __
DrawableFileWrapper_GTA5_pc __
DrawableListWrapper_GTA5_pc __
DrawableWrapper_GTA5_pc __
ShaderGroupWrapper_GTA5_pc __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Fragments namespace

class description
FragDrawableWrapper_GTA5_pc __
FragmentFileWrapper_GTA5_pc Represents a wrapper for a GTA5PC fragment file.
FragTypeWrapper_GTA5_pc __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC namespace

class description
MetaXmlBase __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Data namespace

class description
MetaDataBlock __
MetaDataReader __
MetaDataWriter __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Descriptions namespace

class description
HexConverter __
MetaEnumEntryXml __
MetaEnumXml __
MetaInformationXml __
MetaStructureArrayTypeXml __
MetaStructureEntryXml __
MetaStructureXml __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta namespace

class description
MetaXml __
XmlMeta __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.MetaXml namespace

class description
MetaCont __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures namespace

class description
MCAnchorProps __
MCBaseArchetypeDef __
MCBlockDesc __
MCCarGen __
MCComponentInfo __
MCCompositeEntityType __
MCCreatureMetaData __
MCDistantLODLight __
MCEntityDef __
MCExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings __
MCExtensionDefAudioEmitter __
MCExtensionDefBuoyancy __
MCExtensionDefDoor __
MCExtensionDefExplosionEffect __
MCExtensionDefExpression __
MCExtensionDefLadder __
MCExtensionDefLightEffect __
MCExtensionDefLightShaft __
MCExtensionDefParticleEffect __
MCExtensionDefProcObject __
MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint __
MCExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride __
MCExtensionDefWindDisturbance __
MCLightAttrDef __
MCLODLight __
MCMapData __
MCMapTypes __
MCMloArchetypeDef __
MCMloEntitySet __
MCMloInstanceDef __
MCMloPortalDef __
MCMloRoomDef __
MCMloTimeCycleModifier __
MCPedCompExpressionData __
MCPedPropExpressionData __
MCScenarioChain __
MCScenarioChainingEdge __
MCScenarioChainingNode __
MCScenarioEntityOverride __
MCScenarioPoint __
MCScenarioPointCluster __
MCScenarioPointContainer __
MCScenarioPointLookUps __
MCScenarioPointRegion __
MCShaderVariableComponent __
MCStreamingRequestFrame __
MCStreamingRequestRecord __
MCTimeArchetypeDef __
MCTimeCycleModifier __
MetaStructureWrapper __
Mrage__fwGrassInstanceListDef __
Mrage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData __
Mrage__fwInstancedMapData __
Mrage__phVerletClothCustomBounds __
Mrage__spdAABB __
Mrage__spdGrid2D __
Mrage__spdSphere __
MUnk_1036962405 __
MUnk_1358189812 __
MUnk_1535046754 __
MUnk_1701774085 __
MUnk_1980345114 __
MUnk_2236980467 __
MUnk_253191135 __
MUnk_254518642 __
MUnk_2741784237 __
MUnk_2858946626 __
MUnk_3430328684 __
MUnk_3538495220 __
MUnk_376833625 __
MUnk_4023740759 __
MUnk_94549140 __
MUnk_975711773 __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Types namespace

class description
MetaArray __
MetaArrayOfBytes __
MetaArrayOfChars __
MetaBoolean __
MetaByte_A __
MetaByte_B __
MetaByte_Enum __
MetaCharPointer __
MetaDataBlockPointer __
MetaFloat __
MetaFloat4_XYZ __
MetaFloat4_XYZW __
MetaGeneric __
MetaInt16_A __
MetaInt16_B __
MetaInt16_Enum __
MetaInt32_A __
MetaInt32_B __
MetaInt32_Enum1 __
MetaInt32_Enum2 __
MetaInt32_Enum3 __
MetaInt32_Hash __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Particles namespace

class description
ParticlesFileWrapper_GTA5_pc __
ParticlesWrapper_GTA5_pc __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.PSO namespace

class description
PsoXml __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.PSO.PsoXml namespace

class description
PsoCont __

RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.RBF namespace

class description
RbfXml __

RageLib.GTA5.Utilities namespace

class description
ArchiveUtilities __
FileUtilities __
FloatUtil __
GameRebuilder __
MetaUtilities __
RebuildResourceFileHandler __

RageLib.Hash namespace

class description
Jenkins __

RageLib.Helpers namespace

class description
HashSearch __
TextureConvert __

RageLib.Resources.Common namespace

class description
byte_r Represents a byte that can be referenced in a resource structure.
float_r __
ListBase __
ResourcePointerArray Represents an array of pointers where each points to an object of type T.
ResourcePointerArray64 Represents an array of pointers where each points to an object of type T.
ResourcePointerList __
ResourcePointerList64 __
ResourceSimpleArray Represents an array of type T.
ResourceSimpleArrayArray64 Represents an array of type T.
ResourceSimpleList64 __
string_r Represents a string that can be referenced in a resource structure.
uint_r Represents a uint that can be referenced in a resource structure.
ulong_r Represents a ulong that can be referenced in a resource structure.
ushort_r Represents a ushort that can be referenced in a resource structure.

RageLib.Resources namespace

class description
FileBase64_GTA5_pc __
Filter __
FilterDictionary __
PagesInfo_GTA5_pc __
RAGE_Matrix3 __
RAGE_Matrix4 __
RAGE_Vector3 __
RAGE_Vector4 __
ResourceDataReader Represents a resource data reader.
ResourceDataWriter Represents a resource data writer.
ResourceGraphicsBlock Represents a data block of the graphics segmenet in a resource file.
ResourceHelpers __
ResourceSystemBlock Represents a data block of the system segement in a resource file.
ResourecTypedSystemBlock __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Bounds namespace

class description
Bound __
BoundBox __
BoundBVH __
BoundCapsule __
BoundComposite __
BoundCylinder __
BoundDictionary __
BoundDisc __
BoundGeometry __
BoundMaterial __
BoundPlane __
BoundPolygon __
BoundPolygonBase __
BoundPolygonBox __
BoundPolygonCapsule __
BoundPolygonCylinder __
BoundPolygonSphere __
BoundPolygonTriangle __
BoundSphere __
BoundVertex __
BVH __
BVHNode __
BVHTreeInfo __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Clips namespace

class description
Animation __
AnimationMap __
AnimationMapEntry __
Clip __
ClipAnimation __
ClipAnimations __
ClipAnimationsEntry __
ClipDictionary __
ClipMapEntry __
Property __
PropertyAttribute __
PropertyAttributeBool __
PropertyAttributeFloat __
PropertyAttributeHashString __
PropertyAttributeInt __
PropertyAttributeQuaternion __
PropertyAttributeString __
PropertyAttributeVector3 __
PropertyMap __
PropertyMapEntry __
Sequence __
Tag __
Tags __
Unknown_CL_004 __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Clothes namespace

class description
CharacterCloth __
CharacterClothController __
ClothBridgeSimGfx __
ClothController __
ClothDictionary __
ClothInstanceTuning __
EnvClothVerletBehavior __
EnvironmentCloth __
MorphController __
Unknown_C_001 __
Unknown_C_002 __
Unknown_C_003 __
Unknown_C_004 __
Unknown_C_006 __
Unknown_C_007 __
VerletCloth __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Drawables namespace

class description
Bone __
Drawable __
DrawableDictionary __
DrawableGeometry __
DrawableModel __
GtaDrawable __
GtaDrawableDictionary __
IndexBuffer __
JointRotationLimit __
Joints __
JointTranslationLimit __
LightAttributes __
ShaderFX __
ShaderGroup __
ShaderParameter __
ShaderParametersBlock_GTA5_pc __
SkeletonData __
Unknown_D_001 __
VertexBuffer __
VertexData_GTA5_pc __
VertexDeclaration __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Expressions namespace

class description
Expression __
ExpressionDictionary __
Unknown_E_001 __
Unknown_E_002 __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Fragments namespace

class description
Archetype __
ArticulatedBodyType __
EvtSet __
FragDrawable __
fragNameStruct __
FragPhysicsLOD __
FragPhysicsLODGroup __
FragType __
FragTypeChild __
FragTypeGroup __
Joint1DofType __
Joint3DofType __
JointType __
Unknown_F_001 __
Unknown_F_002 __
Unknown_F_003 __
Unknown_F_004 __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.GameFiles namespace

class description
GameFileBase __
GameFileBase_Resource __
Gxt2Entry __
Gxt2File __
YbnFile __
YddFile __
YdrFile __
YmapFile __
YmtPedDefinitionFile __
YtypFile __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Meta namespace

class description
DataBlock __
EnumEntryInfo __
EnumInfo __
MetaBuilder __
MetaBuilderBlock __
MetaFile __
MetaInfo __
MetaUtils __
MetaWrapper __
StructureEntryInfo __
StructureInfo __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Meta.ExtendedTypes namespace

class description
CBaseArchetypeDef __
CBlockDesc __
CCarGen __
CCompositeEntityType __
CDistantLODLight __
CEntityDef __
CExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings __
CExtensionDefAudioEmitter __
CExtensionDefBuoyancy __
CExtensionDefDoor __
CExtensionDefExplosionEffect __
CExtensionDefExpression __
CExtensionDefLadder __
CExtensionDefLightEffect __
CExtensionDefLightShaft __
CExtensionDefParticleEffect __
CExtensionDefProcObject __
CExtensionDefSpawnPoint __
CExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride __
CExtensionDefWindDisturbance __
CLightAttrDef __
CLODLight __
CMapData __
CMapTypes __
CMloArchetypeDef __
CMloEntitySet __
CMloInstanceDef __
CMloPortalDef __
CMloRoomDef __
CMloTimeCycleModifier __
CTimeArchetypeDef __
CTimeCycleModifier __
rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef __
rage__fwGrassInstanceListDef__InstanceData __
rage__fwInstancedMapData __
rage__phVerletClothCustomBounds __
rage__spdAABB __
Unk_1701774085 __
Unk_1980345114 __
Unk_2741784237 __
Unk_3430328684 __
Unk_975711773 __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Navigations namespace

class description
AdjPoly __
AdjPolysList __
AdjPolysListPart __
IndicesList __
IndicesListPart __
Navigation __
Poly __
PolysList __
PolysListPart __
Portal __
Sector __
SectorData __
SectorDataUnk __
Vertex __
VerticesList __
VerticesListPart __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Nodes namespace

class description
Node __
NodesFile __
Unknown_ND_002 __
Unknown_ND_003 __
Unknown_ND_004 __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Particles namespace

class description
Behaviour __
BehaviourAcceleration __
BehaviourAge __
BehaviourAnimateTexture __
BehaviourAttractor __
BehaviourCollision __
BehaviourColour __
BehaviourDampening __
BehaviourDecal __
BehaviourDecalPool __
BehaviourFogVolume __
BehaviourLight __
BehaviourLiquid __
BehaviourMatrixWeight __
BehaviourModel __
BehaviourNoise __
BehaviourRiver __
BehaviourRotation __
BehaviourSize __
BehaviourSprite __
BehaviourTrail __
BehaviourVelocity __
BehaviourWind __
BehaviourZCull __
Domain __
DomainAttractor __
DomainBox __
DomainCylinder __
DomainSphere __
EffectRule __
EffectRuleDictionary __
EffectSpawner __
EmitterRule __
EmitterRuleDictionary __
EventEmitter __
KeyframeProp __
ParticleEffectsList __
ParticleRule __
ParticleRuleDictionary __
ShaderVar __
ShaderVarKeyframe __
ShaderVarTexture __
ShaderVarVector __
Unknown_P_001 __
Unknown_P_002 __
Unknown_P_003 __
Unknown_P_004 __
Unknown_P_005 __
Unknown_P_006 __
Unknown_P_007 __
Unknown_P_008 __
Unknown_P_009 __
Unknown_P_010 __
Unknown_P_011 __
Unknown_P_012 __
Unknown_P_013 __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.PSO namespace

class description
PsoBuilder __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.Textures namespace

class description
Texture __
TextureData_GTA5_pc __
TextureDictionary __
TextureDX11 __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.VehicleRecords namespace

class description
VehicleRecords __
VehicleRecordsEntry __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5.PC.WaypointRecords namespace

class description
WaypointRecord __
WaypointRecordEntry __

RageLib.Resources.GTA5 namespace

class description
ResourceFile_GTA5_pc __

RageLib.ResourceWrappers.GTA5.PC.Textures namespace

class description
TextureDictionaryFileWrapper_GTA5_pc Represents a wrapper for a GTA5PC texture dictionary file.
TextureDictionaryWrapper_GTA5_pc Represents a wrapper for a GTA5PC texture dictionary.
TextureListWrapper_GTA5_pc Represents a wrapper for a GTA5PC texture list.
TextureWrapper_GTA5_pc Represents a wrapper for a GTA5PC texture.
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