A ReactJs based web app that brings to you your favorite movies on just a simple search by fetching data from tMDB API.
For loading REACT web apps, heroku requires some time, hence the live link takes few seconds to load.
Get the code by cloning this repository using git
git clone https://github.com/infern018/R1P2-SGR-3.2.git
Once downloaded, open the terminal in the project directory and install dependencies listed in package json with :
npm install <dependency>
Start the app with
npm start
The app should now be running at https://localhost:3000.
|-- node-modules/ #Dependencies
|-- public/ #default react app logo, favicon and other files
|-- index.html #contains links of the styling frameworks
|-- src/
|-- components/ #all the components of the react app
|-- Home/ #home page
|-- Misc/ #pagination of results
|-- Movie/ #list of movies
|-- MovieInfo/ #details of a particular movie
|-- Nav/ #Navbar
|-- SearchBoxes/ #Search by Title/Genre Boxes
|-- SearchLogic/ #Different API Calls for Title/Genre
|-- App.js #index Js app holding the primary components
|-- index.js #hosting file for App.js
|-- package.json #project properties
|-- package-lock.json #dependencies
The app uses following frameworks to ease styling of the app:
The data of movies is fetched using the following API : TMDB
Code Snippet:
.then(data => data.json())
.then(data => {
this.setState({ movies: [...data.results], totalResults: data.total_results})
The live version of the website is hosted via : Heroku