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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


change from print "string" to print("string")

in notepad++ cntrl+h

from print\s"(.*)"(.*) to print\("\1"\2\)


print "some string %s" % some_variable

will become

print("some string %s" % some_variable)

find a specific line in file when line number is given

perl -ne 'print "$ARGV : $_" if $. == <line number>; } continue { close ARGV if eof;' <file name>

how to get the longitude latitude from city



This is my vimrc file


Also first install pathogen for this to work

clone it

git clone

put it in the home folder and install

cd ~
cp hacks/myvimrc .vimrc

:so ~/.vimrc

get output from a webpage

perl -MLWP::Simple -e "getprint '';"

how to find which process taking which pid

addr=`netstat -Aan | grep $port | awk '{print $1}'`
pid=`rmsock $addr tcpcb | awk '{print $9}'`
ps -ef | grep $pid

install docker in ubuntu 32 bit

git clone
cd ubuntu

copy a list of files later older than 2 days but not older than 30 days to new_folder

find . -type f -mtime +2 -a -mtime -30 -print | xargs -I {} cp {} new_folder

Use jq to pretty print some json data with ANSI color coded syntax and use -R in less to process the color.

jq -C '.' data.json | less -R

Generate output similar to 'tree' without using tree

find . -print | sort | sed 's;[^/]*/;|---;g;s;---|; |;g'

How to check the links in the webpage and find broken links

wget --spider -r -nd -nv -H -l 1 -w 2 -o run1.log

In case you want jupyter notebook to have a new environment as well

source activate myenv python -m ipykernel install --user --name myenv --display-name "Python (myenv)" source activate other-env python -m ipykernel install --user --name other-env --display-name "Python (other-env)"


Count the number of commits in the last one month.

git log --before={`date "+%Y-%m-01"`} --after={`date --date='-1 month' "+%Y-%m-01"`} --author="joydeep bhattacharjee" --reverse --pretty=format:"%cd  %h  %an  %s" --date=short | cat | wc -l

put all file paths that needs to be changed and run sed file replace on all of them

git diff and find only the file names

git diff --name-only mario_26_code_coverage dev | cat > file_path.txt

run sed file replace on all of them

cat file_path.txt| xargs sed -i 's/old/new/g'

find old word to be replaced and replace them everywhere in the project

grep -r old_word * | cut -d ":" -f1 | grep -v Binary | grep -v .ropeproject | sort | uniq | xargs -L1 sed -i.bak -e 's/old_word/new_word/g'

Setup vim based code jump in code

You need to have exuberant ctags installed first.

sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags

Run the following command in your code.

ctags -R --fields=+l --languages=python --python-kinds=-iv -f ./tags $(python -c "import os, sys; print(' '.join('{}'.format(d) for d in sys.path if os.path.isdir(d)))")

That should create a tag file in your root folder.

Keep track of the memory with time stamp

➜  ~ vm_stat 10 | gawk 'NR>2 {now=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T "); gsub("K","000");print now ($1+$4)/256000}'
2018-08-25 21:40:55 6.16284
2018-08-25 21:41:05 6.79999
2018-08-25 21:41:15 6.57524
2018-08-25 21:41:25 6.75619
2018-08-25 21:41:35 6.40904

Check if all the lines in a jsonl file are valid json.

$ while read line; do echo $line | python -c "import sys,json;json.loads("; done < filename.jsonl

change shell to fish