This landing page has been designed and developed following the principles of Atomic Design and leverages modern technologies such as React, React Hook Forms, and Styled Components to deliver a robust and appealing user experience.
React | Unit Testing | Forms | Styled Components | Atomic Design | Vite | Vercel (CI/CD) | ESLint | Prettier
React: The landing page is built using React, an extensively used open-source JavaScript framework for creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
React Hook Forms: React Hook Forms have been implemented to efficiently manage contact forms and queries with real-time validation.
Styled Components: Styled Components are used for inline style management, enabling a more modular and maintainable component development.
Responsive Design: The landing page is designed with a focus on adaptability to various screen sizes and devices, ensuring an optimal experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
Atomic Design Methodology: The user interface has been structured following the principles of Atomic Design, breaking down elements into atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages to achieve a modular and scalable design.
Unit Testing: React Testing Library was employed to create robust unit tests that ensure the proper functioning of components in various scenarios.
Markup & meta SEO.
npm install
npm run dev