WPFrame is a small framework for building a plugin on the WordPress CMS by implementing the single-instance plugin method. WPFrame is created using the PHP programming language and published under the MIT open source license which can be used freely for redevelopment purposes.
WPFrame in its development uses external libraries and helpers from CodeIgniter 3, Laravel such as Blade, Eloquent and others. For that you can read the documentation from the official website of the two frameworks as well as the libraries and helpers that are in WPFrame.
The current development of WPFrame aims to assist development in making WordPress plugins quickly and easily and can be done in a structured manner with the MVC (Model-View-Controller) concept as well as MVC - FRC (Frontend-Routing-Controller).
WPFrame has WPFX (CLI Version) to run some simple commands to help in your Plugin build process.
composer create-project initflex/wpframe wpframe
You can see the documentation for the WPFrame project on the Official Initflex website Read the Documentation