⌜ 🎨 I'm creating a mangá,
⌜ 🌱 Lately studying TypeScript, Node.js and React Js,
⌜ 📫 Contact me at email: gvlima.contato@gmail.com
My official portfolio, made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, contains information about my work, my skills, among other options!!
Dragons Sorcery is a game project, developed at the Faculty of Computer Engineering, in which the objective is to play a card game, in turns.
Some projects and studies that I have been carrying out using Python^^
Project in JS, with development using HTML 5 and CSS 3, referring to an employee management platform, for corporate HR, saved in local storage for now, as I am always updating until the inclusion o…
This project was for study purposes, on the Instagram login UI clone, developed in React.js, based on the programmer's course!!
JavaScript 1
Project made in python, for a password generator, according to the options chosen by the user!