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High Dimensional Algorithm Tester (HDAT)

HDAT is a python library and command line tool that simplifies testing algorithms with high dimensional inputs and outputs, e.g. image processing algorithms.

HDAT shares some principles with snapshot testing tools, such as those in Jest. These tools are usually designed to test for regressions or changes of user interfaces in specific frameworks, instead of any high dimensional python algorithm like HDAT.

An example implementation of HDAT testing can be found in the example directory.


A suite is a python class that subclasses the Suite class in the hdat module implements a few methods. In particular, it implements methods that:

  1. Collect test cases
  2. Run a test case
  3. Compare the result of running a test case against a previously verified result for the same test case
  4. View a result

Each suite must also have a unique id that identifies it which is referred to as the suite_id.

We discuss each of these methods in detail below.

Collecting Test Cases

A suite is responsible for collecting all of the test cases that it contains, and it must return a dict whose keys are ids that uniquely identify a test case over time, and whose values contain all of the inputs necessary to run the test.

Running Test Cases

A suite is responsible for running test cases. A test case must be run with the inputs provided from the collection stage.

The output of the algorithm we are testing will usually be a large array of some sort, which is difficult to compare over time as the algorithm evolves due to its large size, floating point changes, etc.

In other words, unlike "low-dimensional" algorithms where it is possible to write assertions to verify that the output is correct, when working with "high-dimensional" algorithms, the outputs are too large and complex for simple assertions; in fact, for many types of problems, finding a simple verification assertion is equivalent to solving the underlying problem! Thus, the only way we can really verify the result is through semi-manual verification by a human.

But of course, we don't want to manually verify the test case output every time! To get around this, we reduce the high dimensionality algorithm output into one or more "metrics" that can be compared automatically most of the time. The first time we run a new test case, a human manually verifies the output. We then save these metrics into a "golden result" file. Subsequent algorithm runs are compared with these golden results to see if the metrics have changed too much (where "too much" is set by the hdat suite).

If the automated comparison fails, it may not mean that the algorithm has actually errored. It may simply mean that a change in the algorithm has resulted in the metrics sufficiently changing so as to require the full-output to be re-verified by a human.

The metrics alone are insufficient to make a manual verification, thus the run method should also record the full dimensional output (and possibly intermediate output) that can help a human manually verify that the result is in fact correct. This additional information is called the "context".

Thus, the run method of the suite must return two items:

  1. Metrics - Reduced, low-dimensional numbers that can be used to automatically verify if the algorithm is still running as expected, but are sensitive enough to change if the algorithm has changed substantially
  2. Context - High dimensional output of the algorithm, as well as any other intermediate output that can be used by a human to verify a result.

Comparing the result

A suite is also responsible for comparing two result of running the algorithm. Typically this method will be used to compare the result of running a new version of the algorithm against the last human-verified result of running the algorithm for a given test case.

This method will be given the metrics from a previous, verified run (the golden metrics), as well as the metrics from a new run. It must return a boolean indicating whether it must be re-verified by a human, and a string with any comments about the failure.

Visualizing the result

A suite must also make it easy for humans to verify the results of running its test cases. The show method is given a full result (including the metrics and the context), and it must display these results in an easy to view manner.


Unlike many test runners that treat previous results as being transient items that lose their interest quickly, the nature of hdat requires that historical test results be given a little more respect! After all, the historical results are being depended on to avoid requiring all of the high-dimensional algorithm outputs from being inspected manually after each test run.

Test results are stored in a Store. A store is a class that implements a few methods.

When running the hdat CLI, there are always two stores involved:

  1. The golden store - the current "gold standard" metrics for each test case
  2. The save store - where all historical runs are stored for easy comparison

The requirements of each of these stores are different.

The golden store should be saved inside the git repository, so that if two developers are working on an algorithm at once, they will know if there is a merge conflict. Because the golden store must be stored in the repository, it must also be small; we do not want it to save the result context, but just the result metrics. Finally, we want the golden store to only retain a single result per test case.

The save store, on the other hand, should keep all historical results, and should keep the full context of the results so that they can be visually compared. It should also not be kept inside the git repository.


HDAT has the following abstractions:

  • A test suite runs tests against a particular algorithm
  • A test case is a particular "scenario" that a test suite runs
  • A test result is the result of running a test case

Test results contain three pieces of information:

  • metrics
  • context
  • meta data

Metrics are low-dimensional and easily comparable pieces of data that have been derived from the algorithm's raw high dimensional output. The metrics are used by the test suite to automatically verify new test results against older human-verified test results.

The context includes the high-dimensional output of the algorithm, along with any relevant intermediate data. The context is used when a human verifies a test run.

Meta data about the test result includes the current git commit, the date and time of the run, etc.

Test results are kept in stores. There are two stores that the command line tool interacts with--the golden store and the . There is the golden store, which contains all of the most up-to-date, human-verified test results. Then there is the *save store

Design Goals

  • A conceptually simple API
  • Be picky and abort easily at the start of a run, but after the run begins, try to catch any errors and continue.


A casespec is a string that selects one or more test cases. A casespec may specify a single test case, or it may specify many test cases.

Here are several casespecs along with the test cases they would select:

  • `` Selects all test cases in all suites.
  • a Selects all cases in the test suite with id "a".
  • a/b Selects test case with id "b" in the suite with id "b".


A resultspec is a string that selects one or more test results. A result spec may specify a single result, or many results. Every casespec can also act as a resultspec; , because there are typically many more results that need to be selected among.

Here are several resultspec along with the test cases they would select:

  • `` Selects the most recent result for every test case in every test suite.
  • a Selects the most recent results for every test case in the test suite with id "a".
  • a/b Selects the most recent result for the test case with id "b" in the test suite with id "a".
  • a/b/c Selects the test result with id "c" for the test case with id "b" in the test suite with id "a".
  • a/b/~0 Selects the most recent result for the test case with id "b" in the test suite with id "a".
  • a/b/~1 Selects the previous result for the test case with id "b" in the test suite with id "a".
  • a/b/~4 Selects the 4 test older than the previous result for the test case with id "b" in the test suite with id "a".