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👽 PHP web application using Inphinit framework, for PHP 5.4 to PHP 8


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Inphinit 2.0

Decisions and what's next

The objective of this framework has always been to be as efficient as possible, however something that always worried me were debugging problems, despite there being several tools, I always aimed for something simple, but of course even those who are working for the first time see the error, So this past year I made the following decisions:

  • In development mode you should work strictly, checking any detail
  • Change the way routes work, to make them faster and also be able to predict failures, when used in development
  • Some typing errors can make certain PHP features not respond in a timely manner, such as autoload, so developer mode will preload everything you need before any script disrupts the process, allowing debugging to locate and display exactly which line the error is on.

All of these decisions are embedded in the framework, some of which have already been added to version 0.6, to make it easier to port the project to the future version of the framework.

All of the routes and basic application are already established, but other internal APIs, for other uses, are still under development, so we are entering this phase, and within 4 weeks at most the first beta will be released, where I will not include any more new functionality, it will be a series of corrections and regressions.

What we have already achieved

I have always valued performance and simplicity, part of what was implemented in Inphinit 2.0 has already been ported to 0.6, which provided a great improvement in these versions before the release of 2.0, and even though version 0.5 is very efficient, the leap in performance It was incredible from version 0.6 onwards. In version 2.0 it is a little better, so here is an example of the tests, with development mode turned off:

Description v0.5.19 v0.6 v2.0
Time taken for tests 0.528 seconds 0.429 seconds 0.391 seconds
Requests per second (mean) 1892.46 [#/sec] 2330.74 [#/sec] 2557.07 [#/sec]
Time per request (mean) 5.284 [ms] 4.290 [ms] 3.911 [ms]
Time per request (mean, across all concurrent requests) 0.528 [ms] 0.429 [ms] 0.391 [ms]
Transfer rate 373.32 [Kbytes/sec] received 459.77 [Kbytes/sec] received 504.42 [Kbytes/sec] received

In addition to the improved execution time, it is noted that version 2.0 was able to process an average of 220 more requests per second than version 0.6, and compared to 0.5.x, it was able to process 600 more requests per second.

About documentation

Something I will change is the documentation, the Github Wiki worked for a while but I noticed some issues:

  • The menu generated on the github wiki is not that intuitive and I noticed that even some experienced programmers were unable to navigate there
  • Organizing the content was not as easy as I wanted, many things are manual, which took a lot of time to edit a few things
  • Github Desktop conflicts with wiki-type repositories, it's an old bug

So I made the decision to migrate to another platform, or maybe create something of your own, with the aim of being able to document quickly and at the same time provide a friendly interface to readers, thus saving time to focus on translating the documentation into at least 3 languages (en, es, pt). The documentation will be open-source, so any collaborator can send corrections or add something missing.


Note: To install version 0.6 go to:

Note that we are still in the development phase, and in 2 weeks we intend to launch the first beta, which will be available via composer, version 2.0 is not yet recommended for production, so prefer to use it only for testing or criticism that you wish to do during this step.

To install it you must have at least PHP 5.4, but it is recommended that you use PHP 8 due to PHP support issues, read:

After install PHP, you need to have Git on your machine, so run the following commands:

git clone --recurse-submodules my-application
cd my-application


After navigating to the folder you must execute the following command, if you want to use PHP built-in web server:

php -S localhost:5000 -t public index.php

And access in your browser http://localhost:5000/


If you want to experiment with a web server such as NGINX, you can use the following example to configure your nginx.conf:

location / {
    root /home/foo/bar/my-application;

    # Redirect page errors to route system
    error_page 403 /index.php/RESERVED.INPHINIT-403.html;
    error_page 500 /index.php/RESERVED.INPHINIT-500.html;
    error_page 501 /index.php/RESERVED.INPHINIT-501.html;

    try_files /public$uri /index.php?$query_string;

    location = / {
        try_files $uri /index.php?$query_string;

    location ~ /\. {
        try_files /index.php$uri /index.php?$query_string;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        # Replace by your FPM or FastCGI

        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;

        set $teeny_suffix "";

        if ($uri != "/index.php") {
            set $teeny_suffix "/public";

        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $realpath_root$teeny_suffix$fastcgi_script_name;

Note: For FPM use fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php<version>-fpm.sock (replace <version> by PHP version in your server)

Folder structure

├───.htaccess        # Apache web server configuration
├───index.php        # Only change the values of the constants, and only if necessary
├───server           # Shortcut to start the built-in web server on Linux and macOS
├───server.bat       # Shortcut to start the built-in web server on Windows
├───web.config       # IIS web server configuration
├───public/          # In this folder you can place static files or PHP scripts that will be independent
└───system/          # Folder containing your application
    ├───boot/        # Contain settings for inphinit_autoload, similar to composer_autoload
    ├───configs/     # Contain varied configuration files, it is recommended that you do not version this folder
    │   └───app.php  # Don't add new keys, just change the values of existing ones if necessary
    ├───controllers/ # Must contain the classes that will be controllers used in the routes
    ├───vendor/      # Contain third-party packages and the framework
    ├───views/       # Should contain your views
    ├───dev.php      # It has the same purpose as the "main.php" script, but it will only work in development mode
    ├───errors.php   # It should contain error page settings, such as when a 404 or 405 error occurs, you can call static files or use views
    └───main.php     # This is the main file for routes and events, it will be available in development mode and production mode

In development mode, the system/dev.php script will always be executed first, then system/main.php will be executed, and if an error occurs, such as 404 or 405, the last script to be executed will be system /erros.php

Creating routes

To create a new route, edit the system/main.php file, if you want the route to only be available in development mode, then edit the system/dev.php file.

The route system supports controllers, callables and anonymous functions, examples:


// anonymous functions
$app->action('GET', '/closure', function () {
    return 'Hello "closure"!';

function foobar() {
    return 'Hello "function"!';

// callable function
$app->action('GET', '/function', 'foobar');

// callable class static method (Note: autoload will include the file)
$app->action('GET', '/class-static-method', ['MyNameSpace\Foo\Bar', 'hello']);

// callable class method
$foo = new Sample;
$app->action('GET', '/class-method', [$foo, 'hello']);

// do not add the Controller prefix, the framework itself will add
$app->action('GET', '/controller', 'Boo\Bar::xyz');

 * Controller from `./system/controllers/Boo/Bar.php`:
 * <?php
 * namespace Controller\Boo;
 * class Bar {
 *    public function xyz() {
 *        ...
 *    }
 * }

Grouping routes

The route grouping system is now much simpler, it is based on the complete URL, and you can use the * wildcard character and also the same patterns available for routes, examples:


 * Routes will only be added if the path starts with /blog/
 * Samples:
 * http://localhost:5000/blog/
 * http://localhost:5000/blog/post
 * http://localhost:5000/blog/search
$app->scope('*://*/blog/', function ($app, $params) {
    $app->action('GET', '/', function () { ... });
    $app->action('POST', '/post', function () { ... });
    $app->action('GET', '/search', function () { ... });

// Routes will only be added if you are accessing via HTTPS
$app->scope('https://*', function ($app, $params) {

// Routes will only be added if you are accessing via HTTP
$app->scope('http://*', function ($app, $params) {

// Routes will only be added if you are accessing host
$app->scope('*://', function ($app, $params) {

// Routes will only be added if you are accessing a subdomain from, like:
$app->scope('*://*', function ($app, $params) {

// Using pattern to get the subdomain:
$app->scope('*://<subdomain>', function ($app, $params) {
    $subdomain = $params['subdomain'];

// Using pattern to get path:
$app->scope('*://*/users/<id:num>/<user>', function ($app, $params) {
    $id = $params['id'];
    $username = $params['user'];

See more examples in the system/dev.php file

Route and URL patterns

Type Example Description
alnum $app->action('GET', '/baz/<video:alnum>', ...); Only accepts parameters with alpha-numeric format and $params returns ['video' => ...]
alpha $app->action('GET', '/foo/bar/<name:alpha>', ...); Only accepts parameters with alpha format and $params returns ['name' => ...]
decimal $app->action('GET', '/baz/<price:decimal>', ...); Only accepts parameters with decimal format and $params returns ['price' => ...]
num $app->action('GET', '/foo/<id:num>', ...); Only accepts parameters with integer format and $params returns ['id' => ...]
nospace $app->action('GET', '/foo/<nospace:nospace>', ...); Accepts any characters expcet spaces, like white-spaces (%20), tabs (%0A) and others (see about \S in regex)
uuid $app->action('GET', '/bar/<barcode:alnum>', ...); Only accepts parameters with uuid format and $params returns ['barcode' => ...]
version $app->action('GET', '/baz/<api:version>', ...); Only accepts parameters with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (semversion) format and $params returns ['api' => ...]

It is possible to add or modify existing patterns using the $app->setPattern(name, regex) method. Creating a new pattern:

use Inphinit\Viewing\View;

$app->action('GET', '/about/<lang:locale>', function ($params) {
    $lang = $params['lang'];

$app->action('GET', '/product/<id:id>', function ($params) {
    $lang = $params['id'];

$app->setPattern('locale', '[a-z]{1,8}(\-[A-Z\d]{1,8})?'); // examples: en, en-US, en-GB, pt-BR, pt
$app->setPattern('id', '[A-Z]\d+'); // examples: A0001, B002, J007

Modifying an existing pattern:


// Replace semversion by <major>.<minor>.<revision>.<build>
$app->setPattern('version', '\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+');

// Replace semversion by <major>.<minor> (maybe it's interesting for web APIs)
$app->setPattern('version', '\d+\.\d+');