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This project is used in order to test automatically most of the Plutus Playground UI functional scenarios. Technologies used: Java, TestNG, Selenium, Maven, Log4j.


  • Set Up:

    • In order to have the framework work on your windows machine, follow the below steps:
      • install Java JDK (v. 10)
      • install Maven
      • create a new project using the current git repository
  • General considerations:

    • All the screenshots for the last run can be found in "screenshots" directory. Screenshots are taken for all failed Tests.
    • There is also a more visual HTML report that can be found inside "ExtentReports" directory.
    • All the script logs for the last run can be found in "logs" directory.
  • Running Scripts using MAVEN

    • install Chrome/Firefox on local PC
    • run the scripts using Maven commands:
      • frontend scripts parameters:
        • runner - supported values: LOCALHOST (using local browser), REMOTE (using selenium grid)
        • gridAddress - location of the selenium grid hub (when 'runner' = REMOTE)
        • browserType - supported values: CHROME, FIREFOX
        • env - supported values: Enums.Environment (src/main/utils/Enums)
        • loopCount - number of times a test will be run (you can find more details below)
        • headless - supported values: true, false (you can find more details below)
      • run single script:
        mvn clean test -Dtest=SCRIPT_NAME -Drunner=BROWSER_LOCATION -DgridAddress=GRID_LOCATION -DbrowserType=BROWSER_NAME -Denv=ENVIRONMENT
      • run multiple scripts:
        • run all scripts:
          mvn clean test -Drunner=REMOTE -DgridAddress=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
        • run specific test suite:
          mvn clean test -Drunner=LOCALHOST -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=./src/test/resources/testSuites/frontEnd/basicRegression.xml
      • run the same Test in a loop (ex: run the Transactions test inside the SendMultipleTransactionsTest in a loop)
        • DloopCount tells how many times to execute all the configured transactions in a loop
        • Note: twoAccountsMultipleTransactions class has 2 annotations:
          • @Test - this is a TestNg test
          • @CanRunMultipleTimes - this Test will be run multiple times (loopCount times; default loopCount = 1)
          • loopCount value will be considered only when running a testsuite
        mvn clean test -Drunner=REMOTE -DgridAddress=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=./src/test/resources/testSuites/frontEnd/sanity.xml -DbrowserType=CHROME -Denv=PROD -DloopCount=10
      • run scripts locally using Chrome Headless browser (runner = LOCALHOST AND browserType = CHROME AND headless=true)
        mvn clean test -Denv=PROD -Drunner=LOCALHOST -DbrowserType=CHROME -Dheadless=true -Dtest=HeaderLinksTest
    • debug failures (smile)
      • for each failed frontend script there will be a screenshot in 'screenshots' folder
        • this folder is cleaned before each run
      • each script will have a log file inside the 'logs' folder
  • Running Scripts from IDE

    • create a new project using the git repository
    • install Chrome/Firefox on local PC
    • frontend scripts:
      • select where the browser is located (default values are set here: src/test/java/io.iohk/uiTests/BaseTest/@BeforeClass - @Optional parameters)
        • Option 1 - using local browser (runner = LOCALHOST)
        • Option 2 - using local Docker environment configured with Selenium Grid (runner = REMOTE, gridAddress=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub)
      • select if you want the browser to be in headless mode or not
        • in order to use the browser in headless mode, you need to set:
          • runner = LOCALHOST
          • browserType = CHROME
          • set the (@optional) parameter headless = true in BaseTest / public void beforeClass
      • run tests using the 'run' right click option on: single test, folder, testsuite
        • some @Tests have the option to run the configured transactions in a loop
          • 'invocationCount' parameter sets how many times that test will be run
        • modify the value of the 'invocationCount' parameter as you want
        • default values for 'environment' and 'browserType' are taken from src/test/java/io/iohk/frontendTests/BaseTest
          • 'public static void beforeClass(@Optional("PROD") String env, @Optional("CHROME") String browser)' "# plutus-qa-automation"


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