Parsing Java's pom.xml
file and properly returning the JSON object, including all it's attributes and values.
- Your enterprise decided to move production code written in Java to Node.js
- Your enterprise uses a centralized Nexus repository where your Java project uses pom.xml to manage app packaging
- Your enterprise still plans to use Nexus repository to package Node.js applications
- Your enterprise engineers want an API to retrieve information from the pom.xml file from those Node.js apps
- Reads any
- All XML elements are placed into properties
- All XML element attributes are merged into the parent element
- Both the XML string and the parsed object are returned
- You can provide parsing options
Pull requests are welcome!
- See if an issue is already open, if not open
- Discuss with team to prevent duplicate effort
- Work up the PR and add/update unit tests
- Raise PR against the
branch for the next release - Ensure all the Github Actions/checks are passing
$ npm install --save node-pom-parser
$ yarn add node-pom-parser
- Printing the object
import parse from './lib/index.js';
import { dirname } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
//var pomParser = require("./lib/index");
// The required options, including the filePath.
// Other parsing options from
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
var opts = {
filePath: __dirname + "/test/fixture/pom.xml", // The path to a pom file
// Parse the pom based on a path
parse(opts, function(err, pomResponse) {
if (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + err);
// The original pom xml that was loaded is provided.
console.log("XML: " + pomResponse.pomXml);
// The parsed pom pbject.
console.log("OBJECT: " + JSON.stringify(pomResponse.pomObject));
It should print the follow object with the following properties:
- '_' represents the text value of an element with attributes and text values.
"project": {
"xmlns": "",
"xmlns:xsi": "",
"xsi:schemaLocation": "",
"parent": {
"artifactid": "tynamo-parent",
"groupid": "org.tynamo",
"version": "0.0.9"
"modelversion": {
"_": "4.0.0",
"parallel": "now"
"groupid": "org.tynamo.examples",
"artifactid": "tynamo-example-federatedaccounts",
"version": "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT",
"packaging": "war",
"name": "Tynamo Example - Federated Accounts",
"properties": {
"tapestry-release-version": "5.3.1",
"gae.version": "1.3.0",
"gae.home": "${settings.localRepository}/com/google/appengine/appengine-api-1.0-sdk/${gae.version}/appengine-java-sdk-${gae.version}",
"gae.application.version": "0"
"build": {
"finalname": "federatedaccounts",
"resources": {
"resource": [
"directory": "src/main/resources"
"directory": "src/main/filtered-resources",
"filtering": "true"
"plugins": {
"plugin": [
"groupid": "org.apache.maven.plugins",
"artifactid": "maven-compiler-plugin",
"configuration": {
"source": "1.6",
"target": "1.6",
"optimize": "true"
"groupid": "net.kindleit",
"artifactid": "maven-gae-plugin",
"version": "0.8.0",
"configuration": {
"serverid": "tynamo-example-federatedaccounts"
"groupid": "org.apache.maven.plugins",
"artifactid": "maven-war-plugin",
"configuration": {
"webresources": {
"resource": {
"directory": "src/main/webapp",
"filtering": "true",
"includes": {
"include": "**/appengine-web.xml"
"reporting": {
"plugins": {
"plugin": {
"groupid": "org.apache.tapestry",
"artifactid": "tapestry-component-report",
"version": "${tapestry-release-version}",
"configuration": {
"rootpackage": "org.tynamo"
"dependencies": {
"dependency": [
"groupid": "",
"artifactid": "appengine-api-1.0-sdk",
"version": "${gae.version}"
"groupid": "com.h2database",
"artifactid": "h2"
"groupid": "org.apache.tapestry",
"artifactid": "tapestry-core",
"version": "${tapestry-release-version}"
"groupid": "javax.servlet",
"artifactid": "servlet-api",
"version": "2.5",
"type": "jar",
"scope": "provided"
"profiles": {
"profile": {
"id": "repositories",
"repositories": {
"repository": {
"id": "maven-gae-plugin-repo",
"name": "maven-gae-plugin repository",
"url": ""
"pluginrepositories": {
"pluginrepository": {
"id": "maven-gae-plugin-repo",
"name": "maven-gae-plugin repository",
"url": ""
is provided under the MIT license.