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Weekly Assignments 3

To be submitted: -----

Note that some tasks may deliberately ask you to look at concepts or libraries that we have not yet discussed in detail. But if you are in doubt about the scope of a task, by all means, ask.

Please try to write high-quality code at all times! This means in particular that you should add comments to all parts that are not immediately obvious. Please also pay attention to stylistic issues. The goal is always to submit code that does not just correctly do what was asked for, but also could be committed without further changes to an imaginary company codebase.

W3.1 A simple stack language

Cryptocurrencies typically come with scripting languages. These scripting languages vary in power quite a bit. Ethereum and Cardano have a Turing complete and complicated scripting language that is supposed to enable sophisticated smart contracts. Bitcoin still has a scripting language, but it is much more restricted. Bitcoin's language is actually a stack-based language. In this exercise, we are going to implement an extremely simple stack-based language and an evaluator for that language.

The abstract syntax of the language is given by

data Instructions =
    Push Int Instructions
  | Add Instructions
  | Mul Instructions
  | Dup Instructions
  | Swap Instructions
  | Neg Instructions
  | Pop Instructions
  | Over Instructions
  | IfZero Instructions Instructions
  | Loop (Instructions -> Instructions)
  | Halt

The description of each of the instructions is as follows:

  • Push pushes the given integer on the top of the stack,
  • Add removes the top two elements from the stack and pushes their sum,
  • Mul removes the top two elements from the stack and pushes their product,
  • Dup duplicates the top element of the stack,
  • Swap swaps the top two elements of the stack,
  • Neg negates the top element of the stack,
  • Pop removes the top element from the stack,
  • Over pushes a copy of the element just beyond the top on top of the stack (e.g., if the top element is 1 and the next element is 2, then the new stack has top element 2, followed by 1 and 2)
  • IfZero removes the top element of the stack, and if that element is 0, executes the first set of instructions, otherwise it executes the second set of instructions,
  • Loop executes the function, passing itself as an argument
  • Halt stops execution.

The goal is to implement a function

run :: Instructions -> Maybe [Int]

that runs a set of instructions on an initially empty stack and returns the final stack. It should return Nothing if at any point in time, there are not sufficiently many elements on the stack.

You may want to use a suitable monad, but this is not a requirement.

Here is the factorial function as an example program:

fact5 :: Instructions
fact5 =
  Push 5 $
  Push 1 $
  Swap $
  Loop $ \ loop ->
  Dup $
  IfZero (Pop $ Halt) $
  Swap $
  Over $
  Mul $
  Swap $
  Push 1 $
  Neg $
  Add $

The very first Push is the argument. So this program should evaluate to the stack containing just 120.

W3.2 A parser for stack programs

Define a Megaparsec parser so that you have a concrete syntax for the abstract syntax given in exercise W3.1.

The goal is to be able to write the example program as follows:

  push 5;
  push 1;
  loop {
    ifzero {
    } {
      push 1;

The grammar is

block  -> "{" instrs "}"
instrs -> simple ";" instrs | ctrl
simple -> "push " int | "add" | "mul" | "dup" | "swap" | "neg"|
          "pop" | "over"
ctrl   -> "ifzero" block block | "loop" block | "halt" | "ret"
int denotes an optionally signed integer number

A ret indicates that we want to return to the beginning of the loop. If a ret occurs outside of a loop, it is interpreted as halt.

Layout is not important. Arbitrary whitespace is allowed between any two tokens. As tokens, we consider all the literal strings that occur in the grammar, i.e. "{", "}", ";", "push", "add",..., "ret", as well as int's.

Try to find a disciplined handling of whitespace (i.e., either write a separate lexer, or find a way to isolate whitespace handling so that it does not occur all over the place).

Write a function that reads a source file from disk, parses it, and if parsing is successful, runs it through the stack evaluator from the previous assignment.

W3.3 Testing binary trees

In this task, we want to practice writing QuickCheck generators at the example of our standard binary tree type

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

If we are not careful, the randomly generated trees will be far too large, so we have to make sensible use of the sized function.

Subtask 3.3.1

Write a function

genTree :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen (Tree a)

that generates trees whose number of leaves equals the given argument. There are no trees with less than one leaf, so it is okay if your function crashes for non-positive arguments.

Subtask 3.3.2

Use genTree from 3.4.1 to implement

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where

with the help of sized: For a given size, generate a tree with at most as many leaves as the size indicates.

Do not forget to implement shrink!

Subtask 3.3.3

Write a QuickCheck property

propFunctor :: ((Int -> Int) -> Tree Int -> Tree Int)
            -> Tree Int
            -> Property

that takes an "fmap-like" function and checks the first functor law for it. Make sure quickCheck $ propFunctor fmap passes all tests!

Subtasj 3.3.4

Implement a non-looping and non-crashing function

fmap' :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b

that is not fmap.

Use QuickCheck and 3.3.3 to prove that fmap' does not obey the first functor law, and give the minimal counter example that is found. It should be a tree with one node and two leaves. If QuickCheck falsifies the property, but fails to report such a nice and small counter example, you should reconsider your implementation of shrink!

W3.4 Number of distinguishable values of datatypes

In the presence of laziness, datatypes contain more distinguishable values than one might expect.

Intuitively, values a1 and a2 of type A are distinguishable if there is a context in which a1 and a2 behave differently. For the purposes, of this exercise, we are going to consider functions

f :: A -> Int

and say a1 and a2 are distinguishable if f a1 and f a2 have different results. Note furthermore that for the purposes of this exercise, we treat all forms of nontermination and crashing as equivalent.

How many dinstinguishable Haskell values are there of the following types:

  • Bool
  • Either Bool Bool
  • (Bool, Bool)
  • Maybe Bool
  • Bool -> Bool

For (Bool, Bool) only, write functions that distinguish all of the different values.


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