Environment setup instruction for ACCU2017 "The Art of Writing Reasonable Concurrent Code"
Please clone this repository.
The following assumes a Debian based Linux (I hope the other distributions work similarly)
- Have cmake installed, e.g. sudo apt-get install cmake
- Have gcc 6 or later installed, e.g. sudo apt-get install gcc-6 (the latest clang compiler currently does not work together with the nana library)
- Have the libraries libx11-dev and libxft-dev installed, e.g. sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxft-dev
- Have boost version 1.60.0 or later installed (http://boost.org) It is not necessary to compile any libraries, because only headers are needed
- Further it is assumed that the repository was cloned into ~/accu2017setup
- Create a build folder "mkdir accu2017setup_build"
- Change into the folder "cd accu2017setup_build"
- Create the makefiles with "cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-6 -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-6 ../accu2017setup"
- Run make
- Run both ./SetupNanaTest/SetupNanaTest and ./SetupStlabTest/SetupStlabTest. The first should display a small window and the second should output 42.
- Have homebrew installed (https://brew.sh/)
- Have cmake installed (http://cmake)
- Have gcc6 installed, e.g. "brew install gcc-6" (clang and mac's own compiler currently do not work together with the nana library)
- Have the freetype library installed, e.g. "brew install freetype"
- Have xQuarz installed (https://www.xquartz.org/)
- Have boost version 1.60.0 or later installed (http://boost.org) It is not necessary to compile any libraries, because only headers are needed
- Further it is assumed that the repository was cloned into ~/accu2017setup
- Create a build folder "mkdir accu2017setup_build"
- Change into the folder "cd accu2017setup_build"
- Create the makefiles with "cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-6 -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-6 ../accu2017setup"
- Run make
- Run both ./SetupNanaTest/SetupNanaTest and ./SetupStlabTest/SetupStlabTest. The first should display a small window and the second should output 42.
- Have Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or Visual Studio 2017 installed (previous versions will not work, because of lack of C++14 features)
- Have a recent cmake installed (http://cmake.org) (VS 2017 requires the very latest version)
- Have the boost 1.60.0 or newer library installed (http://boost.org) It is not necessary to compile any libraries, because only headers are needed
- Further it is assumed that the repository was cloned into d:\accu2017setup and boost was installed into d:\boost
- Open a "VS 2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt"
- Change to D:\
- Create a build folder "md accu2017setup_build"
- Change into the folder "cd accu2017setup_build"
- Create the Visual Studio Solution with "cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DBOOST_ROOT=d:\boost d:\accu2017setup" for VS 2015 or "cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" -DBOOST_ROOT=d:\boost d:\accu2017setup" for VS 2017
- Open the created solution "devenv accu2017setup.sln" and build all
- Run both SetupNanaTest and SetupStlabTest. The first should display a small window and the second should output 42.