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Building the code for Android

Heungsik Eom edited this page Jul 18, 2014 · 15 revisions

Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian 7.

Go on the Building the code for Linux page and follow the instructions in the first two sections:

  • Download dependencies
  • Download source code

Download Android dependencies

  1. Return to libjingle root directory, update .gclient file to download Android dependencies

    cd ../../../
    echo "target_os = ['android', 'unix']" >> .gclient
    gclient sync --force
  2. Set up android environmental variables (ignore message asking for Oracle Java)

    cd trunk
    source build/android/

Build ipop-tincan for Android

  1. Create ninja build files

    gclient runhooks --force
  2. Build tincan for android (binary located at out/Release/ipop-tincan)

    ninja -C out/Release ipop-tincan
  3. To build debug version with gdb symbols (but creates 25 MB binary)

    ninja -C out/Debug ipop-tincan
  4. The generated binary is located at out/Release/ipop-tincan or out/Debug/ipop-tincan

Download controllers

  1. Download SocialVPN and GroupVPN controllers

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