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Development workflow

Renato Figueiredo edited this page Dec 19, 2013 · 8 revisions

For code contributors, the process of developing and committing code to IPOP is outlined below.

Handy reference for Git commands

  1. Fork the repo.

  2. Clone your newly-forked repo to your local machine (use the clone URL from the repository page on GitHub):

    $ git clone<username>/ipop-tincan.git
    $ cd ipop-tincan

    Git will refer to this repository (your fork) as origin.

  3. Configure the upstream remote (use the clone URL from the page for the corresponding ipop-project repository):

    $ git remote add upstream

    Git will refer to this repository as upstream.

  4. Create a branch for the feature you will work on:

    $ git checkout -b my-feature
  5. Develop on the my-feature branch. Commit changes to my-feature branch:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "commit message"

    Always keep the first line of the commit message shorter than 55 characters. If you need to write a longer commit message, use just git commit (no -m flag) which will open your $EDITOR for you to write the commit message. Make sure to use a blank line to separate the first line from the rest of the commit message.

  6. Push your branch to GitHub periodically.

    $ git push origin my-feature

    Caution: Don't pull or merge from upstream. Doing so creates weird-looking merge commits and makes the history messy. Instead, when you want to incorporate upstream commits into your branch, you should rebase, as described below.

  7. Fetch upstream changes that were done by other contributors:

    $ git fetch upstream
  8. If you need to incorporate new upstream changes into your branch, rebase your branch on top of the upstream master:

    $ git rebase upstream/master

    In the process of the rebase, Git may discover conflicts. In that case it will stop and allow you to fix the conflicts. After fixing conflicts, use git add . to update the index with those contents, and then run:

    $ git rebase --continue

    Run git status liberally during a rebase if you are confused. It will tell you what you need to do to continue.

  9. Push your branch to GitHub.

    $ git push origin my-feature

    If you rebased earlier, your commits will have been re-written and GitHub may deny your push because it would involve overwriting commits you pushed earlier. In that case you will have to use the --force flag. Never --force to a branch that other people are using! (In that scenario, you should just create a new branch and push it.)

    $ git push origin my-feature --force
  10. When ready, send a pull request.

For more information on Git workflows and commands, see the resources here:

This document is based on,-Branching,-Commits,-and-Pull-Request.

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