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Running SocialVPN on Android

Heungsik Eom edited this page Jul 18, 2014 · 15 revisions

These instructions are for Ubuntu 12.04.

If you use Android Virtual Device(AVD), your VM should have 1GB RAM or more. You can create such a VM on FutureGrid.

If you use real Android devices, your devices must be rooted to run SocialVPN. These instructions are tested for Android 3.0(Honeycomb) and 4.4.2(KitKat).


Install necessary packages

  1. Update Debian/Ubuntu repo

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
  2. Download and extract Android SDK

    tar xzvf android-sdk_r22.0.1-linux.tgz
    cd android-sdk-linux
  3. Download platform-tools and Android 4.1.2 qemu images (this takes a while)

    tools/android update sdk -u -t platform-tools,android-16,sysimg-16

Download SocialVPN and dependencies

  1. Download SocialVPN and Python 2.7 for android

    wget -O ipop-14.07.0-android.tar.gz
    tar xzvf python27.tgz; tar xzvf ipop-14.07.0-android.tar.gz
  2. Update the config.json file with proper credentials. For SocialVPN, you do not have to change the ip4 address.

    cd ipop-14.07.0-arm_android
    cat config.json
        "xmpp_username": "",
        "xmpp_password": "enter-password-here",
        "xmpp_host": "",
        "ip4": "",
        "ip4_mask": 24,
        "tincan_logging": 0,
        "controller_logging": "DEBUG"

I. Running SocialVPN on Android Emulator

Instantiate Android Virtual Device

  1. Define and create Android Virtual Device (AVD) (this also takes a while)

    tools/android create avd -n svpn-android-4.1 -t android-16 -c 1024M --abi armeabi-v7a
  2. Launch the newly created AVD

    tools/emulator64-arm -avd svpn-android-4.1 -no-window -no-audio -no-skin &> log.txt &
  3. Wait about one minute and test emulator is running with following command (a list of network devices along with ip addresses should appear)

    platform-tools/adb shell netcfg

Prepare directories and SocialVPN files

  1. Create directories for SocialVPN files. Android Emulator automatically gives you root access from adb shell.

    platform-tools/adb shell
    mkdir /data/ipop; chmod 777 /data/ipop
    platform-tools/adb shell mkdir data/ipop/python27
  2. Use adb push to copy downloaded files to AVD

    platform-tools/adb push ipop-14.07.0-android /data/ipop
    platform-tools/adb push python27 /data/ipop/python27

Run SocialVPN

  1. Access the AVD shell and go to SocialVPN directory

    platform-tools/adb shell
    cd /data/ipop
  2. Launch SocialVPN

    chmod 755 ipop-tincan
    ./ipop-tincan 1> out.log 2> err.log &
  3. Log into XMPP (Google Chat or using credentials

    sh -c config.json &> log.txt &
  4. Check the network devices and ip address for your device


By default, addresses are assigned dynamically on a round-robin fashion. Alternatively, you can assign addresses for your peers yourself through an additional configuration file. Please refer to our FAQs for details.

Close SocialVPN

  1. Kill SocialVPN process and terminate the AVD

    It is important to kill svpn-jingle-android process in order to exit shell.

    kill %1 %2 # or the appropriate job number
    platform-tools/adb shell emu kill

II. Running SocialVPN on Android Device

Prepare directories and SocialVPN files

  1. Create directories for SocialVPN files. Main difference with running SocialVPN on Android Emulator is that most commands in this instruction must run as root. You are able to get root access per a terminal by typing su.
  platform-tools/adb shell
  mkdir /data/ipop
  cd /data/ipop
  mkdir data/ipop/python27

2.  Create directories for copying downloaded files. First difference is that every file copy into the device must be through `/sdcard`


  cd ../../sdcard
  mkdir ipop
  mkdir python

3.  Use `adb push` to copy downloaded files to the device. First, copy SocialVPN files to `sdcard/ipop` and `sdcard/python27`.

  platform-tools/adb push ipop-14.07.0-android /sdcard/ipop
  platform-tools/adb push python27 /sdcard/python27

4. Change the binary file's mode as executable

  cd sdcard
  chmod 755 ipop/ipop-tincan
  chmod 755 python27/files/python/bin/python

5. Move downloaded files from `sdcard` to `data`

  cp -R python27 /data/ipop/python27
  cp -R ipop /data/ipop

### Run SocialVPN
 Running SocialVPN on Android devices is same as the case of Android Virtual Device.

1.  Launch SocialVPN

  cd /data/ipop
  ./ipop-tincan 1> out.log 2> err.log &

2.  Log into XMPP (Google Chat or using credentials

  sh -c config.json &> log.txt &

3.  Check the network devices and ip address for your device

**Run SocialVPN on another machine using same credentials and they will connect
with each other.**

### Close SocialVPN

1.  Find SocialVPN process id and kill it

  ps | grep ipop-tincan
  kill [SocialVPN pid]
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