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Integrating Ganglia monitoring with IPOP

Saumitra Aditya edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 11 revisions


Ganglia is a open source monitoring tool that can be used to collect system statistics in a distributed systems environment eg- collecting information from all compute nodes in a cluster, more details can be found by following the below link-

Ganglia home page

To leverage features provided by ganglia, we have written a python ganglia module that could be used to report IPOP specific statistics to a master monitoring node. As of now this module reports back the following stats.

  1. Number of active links.
  2. Incoming traffic/link. (bytes/sec)
  3. Outgoing traffic/link. (bytes/sec)
  4. Link status ON/OFF
  5. Age per link (secs)
  6. Peer XMPP time (secs)
    The module is extensible and can be modified to report additional statistics.


The below instructions assume that the reader is already familiar with ganglia setup,if not below link might help.
Ganglia on Ubuntu 14.04
There are two components to any python ganglia module, for ours we have --

  1. The python module itself--
  2. Configuration file for the module-- ipop_ganglia.pyconf

Before we install the module we will have to setup the path from which the module will be reading the statistics, to do this we will have to set "net_stats_file" variable in the module source code, this should match with the path specified in the controller while enabling ganglia monitoring.

# Where to get the stats from
net_stats_file = "/home/user/ipop-14.07.01_ubuntu14/"

rest of the process is generic and can be found in the below links, note we can set the environment to run on top of IPOP-overlay network-- just use IPOP IP's when configuring monitoring and master nodes.

python ganglia modules
Blog- setting up python ganglia modules

To enable ganglia monitoring in the controller, enable monitoring and mention path where IPOP statistics will be dumped (You might have to set up the path with appropriate access permissions) in config.json

    "xmpp_password": "password",
    "xmpp_host": "",
    "ip4": "",
    "ip4_mask": 24,
    "controller_logging": "INFO",
    "tincan_logging": 1,
    "stat_report": "True",

Important Note: You need to set up a task to restart ganglia monitoring service at periodic intervals suitable for your setup, to enable the monitoring daemon to update its "METRICS" list. A limitation of ganglia python module setup prevents us from updating METRICS during runtime -- "METRIC's" here refer to statistics for every link, for example if there were only 5 IPOP links when the monitoring daemon was started, data for only those 5 will be captured and reported, if new links come up after the daemon started running we need to restart the monitoring service to reinitialize itself to account for these new metrics.

Internal Flow

The below picture briefly captures the working of this data collection setup-

  1. Controller gets peer information from tincan and writes it to the respective file, a new file is created/used for every peer.
  2. Ganglia monitoring daemon executes the python module, which reads these files, updates the current statistics.
  3. Monitoring daemon than pushes this data to the configured master node.
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