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Running GroupVPN on OpenWRT Emulator

younajung edited this page Jul 18, 2014 · 16 revisions

These instructions are for Ubuntu 12.04 or Debian Wheezy

This uses Qemu mipsel to run OpenWRT malta (designed specifically for Qemu)

Run OpenWRT on Qemu

  1. Install qemu and necessary utils

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install qemu-system qemu-user qemu-utils
  2. Download OpenWRT malta kernel image

  3. Run OpenWRT image on Qemu (make sure you use ```-nographic`` flag)

    qemu-system-mipsel -kernel openwrt-malta-le-vmlinux.elf -m 256 -nographic

Configuring OpenWRT for GroupVPN

  1. Run DHCP on bridge interface br-lan to get internet connectivity and set up DNS server

    udhcpc -i br-lan
    echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
  2. Update packages list and install dependencies

    sed -i 's/le/generic/g' /etc/opkg.conf 
    sed -i 's/\/overlay/\/tmp/g' /etc/opkg.conf
    opkg update; opkg install python-mini librt libstdcpp kmod-tun kmod-ipv6 libpthread wget

Download and configure GroupVPN

  1. Download GroupVPN and extract for OpenWRT

    wget -O ipop-openwrt-malta_14.01.tgz
    tar xvzf ipop-openwrt-malta_14.01.tgz
    cd ipop-openwrt-malta_14.01
  2. Update config.json. It is important to include the following configurations in your config.json file, you have to enable router_mode, along with router_ip4_mask, router_ip6_mask, subnet_mask, and router_ip. It should looks as the following:

        "ip4": "",
        "xmpp_username": "",
        "xmpp_host": "",
        "xmpp_password": "password",
        "router_mode": true,
        "router_ip": "",
        "router_ip4_mask": 16,
        "router_ip6_mask": 64,
        "subnet_mask": 24
    • ip4: should be set to the subnet of the local LAN, you can find that information under ect/config/dhcp
    • router_mode: should be set to true
    • router_ip: should be the network that IPOP will handle
    • router_ip4_mask: IPv4 network mask
    • router_ip6_mask: IPv6 network mask
    • subnet_mask: network mask for the router
  3. Configure your OpenWRT system by adding the GroupVPN interface (ipop) to the network file, this network is configured for therefore any packet destined for that subnet will be sent to ipop interface.

    cat <<EOF >> /etc/config/network
    config interface ipop
            option ifname   ipop
            option proto    static
            option ipaddr
            option netmask
    cat <<EOF >> /etc/config/firewall
    config zone
            option name             ipop
            option network          'ipop'
            option input            ACCEPT
            option output           ACCEPT
            option forward          ACCEPT
    config forwarding
            option src              ipop
            option dest             lan

Running GroupVPN

  1. Launch ipop-tincan (-nt flag is really important for this setup to disable translation)

    ./ipop-tincan -nt 1> out.log 2> err.log &
  2. Start the appropriate controller

    ./ -c config.json &> log.txt &
  3. Check on the current status of your network using netcat

echo -e '\x02\x01{"m":"get_state"}' | netcat -q 1 -u 5800 ```

  1. Check the network devices and ip address for your device

    /sbin/ifconfig ipop

Run GroupVPN on another machine using same credentials and they will connect with each other.

Closing GroupVPN

  1. Kill GroupVPN

    kill <process-id-of-ipop-tincan>
    kill <>

Running GroupVPN in Watchdog mode

It is common practice to use a watchdog process to monitor and respawn long running processes. We have designed a simple watchdog process that spawns ipop-tincan and respawns it up to three times if necessary.

Our watchdog process automatically starts the ipop-tincan, so that you do not have to run it separately. (the path of the binary should be specified in configuration file). If the ipop-tincan crashes or is not responding, the watchdog process terminates the ipop-tincan process and starts it as a new process.

sudo ./ -c config.json
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