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Run multiple instances of SocialVPN in one VM with LXC

Pierre St Juste edited this page Oct 2, 2013 · 11 revisions

These instructions will explain how to run multiple versions of SocialVPN on one VM using LXC.

  1. Download our pre-made script
  2. Run the script and wait, the following command will create 5 containers (named container1, container2, ..., container5) each running an instance of socialvpn
    sudo sh -c 'sh username password host 1 5 30 svpn 1> out.log 2> err.log &'
  3. Check to see if containers are running
    ps aux | grep lxc-start
  4. Get console access to container1 (username : ubuntu, password : ubuntu)
    sudo lxc-console -n container1
  5. You can check to see if socialvpn is running with the following commands
    ps aux | grep svpn-jingle
    ps aux | grep
  6. You can exit out of a container with Ctrl-a,q then shutdown the container
    sudo lxc-shutdown -n container1
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