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Running GVPN Switchmode on Openwrt routers

Saumitra Aditya edited this page Feb 4, 2016 · 10 revisions

This documentation applies to generic Openwrt based routers, has been tested on AR71XX, X86 and CNS3XX based platforms. For a high level view of switch mode refer to the following link--

Get dependency packages

 opkg update; opkg install python-mini librt libstdcpp kmod-tun kmod-ipv6 libpthread wget  

If you have enough storage, one way is to have extFS on uSD card or USB drive, i would suggest installing the full python package. Also some times a reboot is required to bring kernel modules online.

Getting things started

See building code section on wiki page to build the code for your platform, and download the latest controllers, if you have not done it yet.
Once you have the binary and controllers we can start with configuration,to begin with one has to ensure that the subnet in which router allocates addresses to the client and the IPOP subnet and address are in the same range. Also ensure that addresses allocated to clients do not conflict with others in the IPOP network.Below is a sample config file. Note that you need to specify "switchmode" and includes your bridge interface name(on which your clients attached) in "network_ignore_list".

root@OpenWrt:/etc/controllers/controller/modules# cat gvpn-config.json 
    "CFx": {
        "xmpp_username": "",
        "xmpp_password": "xxxxx",
        "xmpp_host": "",
        "tincan_logging": 1,
        "vpn_type": "GroupVPN",
        "ip4_mask": 24,
        "stat_report": false
        "Logger": {
        "controller_logging": "DEBUG"
        "TincanSender": {
        "switchmode": 1,
        "dependencies": ["Logger"]
        "BaseTopologyManager": {
        "ip4": "",
        "sec": true,
        "multihop": false,
        "num_successors": 20,
        "num_chords": 0,
        "num_on_demand": 20,
        "num_inbound": 20,
        "ttl_link_initial": 60,
        "ttl_link_pulse": 30,
        "ttl_chord": 180,
        "ttl_on_demand": 60,
        "threshold_on_demand": 128,
        "timer_interval": 1,
        "interval_management": 15,
        "interval_central_visualizer": 5,
        "dependencies": ["Logger", "CentralVisualizer"]
        "LinkManager": {
        "dependencies": ["Logger"]
        "TincanDispatcher": {
        "dependencies": ["Logger"]
        "TincanListener" : {
        "socket_read_wait_time": 15,
        "dependencies": ["Logger", "TincanDispatcher"]
        "StatReport": {
        "stat_report": false,
        "stat_server": "",
        "stat_server_port": 5000,
        "timer_interval": 200
        "CentralVisualizer": {
        "central_visualizer": false,
        "central_visualizer_addr": "",
        "central_visualizer_port": 51234,
        "dependencies": ["Logger"]

Go back to the "controllers" directory and start tin-can and controller.

  root@OpenWrt:/etc/controllers# pwd
  root@OpenWrt:/etc/controllers# ipop-tincan &> tin.log &
  root@OpenWrt:/etc/controllers# python -m controller.Controller -c controller/modules/gvpn-config.json &> log.txt &

Now you should be able to see the below interface up, in a few seconds--

ipop      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 86:0B:CB:E6:04:0F  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::840b:cbff:fee6:40f/64 Scope:Link
          inet6 addr: fd50:dbc:41f2:4a3c:a0db:c314:a0f1:6d19/64 Scope:Global
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:500 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:698 (698.0 B)

Attach it to the bridged interface on your router.

root@OpenWrt:/etc/controllers/src# brctl show
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
br-lan		7fff.00d01283f0dd	no		eth0
root@OpenWrt:/etc/controllers/src# brctl addif br-lan ipop
root@OpenWrt:/etc/controllers/src# brctl show
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
br-lan		7fff.00d01283f0dd	no		eth0

Now your connections should be up and running in a few seconds.

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