SwiftFlix is a Netflix native iOS app clone.
- Show movie list based on Trending Movies, Trending TV, Popular Movies, Top Rated TV, Upcoming Movies
- Search movies
- Download movies and save to coredata
- Show movie trailer
- UIKit
- Programmatic UI
- Coredata
- WebKit
- MVC architecture pattern
Swift Package Manager is used as a dependency manager. List of dependecies:
- To run this app properly, you will need an API key from TMDB API and YouTube API.
- After obtaining the API key, follow these steps:
- Create a Swift file named "APIKey.swift" in the "Managers" folder.
- Add the following code and replace "YOUR_TMDB_API_KEY" and "YOUR_YOUTUBE_API_KEY" with your respective API keys:
struct APIKey { static let tmdbAPIKey = "YOUR_TMDB_API_KEY" static let youtubeAPIKey = "YOUR_YOUTUBE_API_KEY" }
- The app is now ready to be run.