Welcome to is-not.tech, a service that allows developers to acquire unique .is-not.tech subdomains for their personal websites.
To register your .is-not.tech subdomain, follow these steps:
- Visit the is-not.tech registration repository. (You're already here :D)
- Go to the directory ./domains/example.json.
- Follow the provided template in the example.json txt file.
- Commit your changes with subdomain.txt, specifying your desired subdomain following the exact template.
- Fork this repository and create a pull request.
Please note: We do not have an API for registration. Our team manually adds approved subdomains to our DNS. Ensure you adhere to the provided template for your subdomain to be accepted.
Once your subdomain is listed in the repository, your subdomain will be created.
If you come across any misuse of subdomains, please contact us at admin@is-not.tech.
This project is currently a concept. For inquiries about supporting this idea, feel free to reach out to admin@is-not.tech.