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Mannual deploying HA k8s cluster. Base configes and process.

Current supported k8s version: v1.11.6

Components to be deployed:

  • k8s suite
    • kube-apiserver-amd64:v1.11.6
    • kube-controller-manager-amd64:v1.11.6
    • kube-scheduler-amd64:v1.11.6
    • kube-proxy-amd64:v1.11.6
    • etcd-amd64:3.2.18
    • pause-amd64:3.1
    • k8s-dns-sidecar-amd64:1.14.10 (removed)
    • k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64:1.14.10 (removed)
    • k8s-dns-dnsmasq-nanny-amd64:1.14.10 (removed)
    • kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.10.1
    • cluster-autoscaler:v1.3.3
  • network
    • pdns
    • lvs + keepalived
    • coredns:1.5.2 (replacing k8s-dns)
    • flannel/traefik
    • ingress-nginx:0.25.0
    • metallb
    • external-dns
  • storage
    • nfs-client
    • postgresql
    • mariadb/mysql
  • security
    • OpenLDAP
    • cert-manager
    • kubeseal
    • keycloak
  • metrics
    • heapster
    • metrics-server
    • fluentd-es
    • prometheus
    • grafana
    • efk stack
  • service mesh
    • istio:v1.2.2
    • conduit:v0.5.0 (removed)
  • devops infra
    • habor + dragonfly
    • nexus
    • jenkins/gocd/drone
    • gogs/gitea/drone
    • helm + draft
    • kubeapps
    • chartmuseum
    • sonarqube
    • spinnaker
  • service catalog
    • svc-cat
    • automation-broker
  • other tools
    • netflix suite

Deploy process and steps:


Always, it's a good idea that make a whole planning before doing something.


  1. Prepare server's os, here the oses based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. And define server's IP, DNS, other os configs could be modified by shells as later setps.
  2. Setup a http-server to locate files such as config, certs, docker images, debs and some bins like cfssl etc.
  3. Pre download debs, kube-* bins, docker images, configs, tar/modify them and upload them to the http-server. Pre make certs and upload them too.

Base deploy

  1. Define some
HTTP_SERVER=<HTTP_SERVER>   # the http-server's IP address or FQDN 
KUBE_VIP=<KUBE_VIP>         # the vip address of k8s masters
  1. Setup environment for master/nodes.
curl -L http://$HTTP_SERVER/shell/ | bash -s env

This step will install needed tools like ssh, curl, ntp, docker runtime, kubelet/kubeadm/kubectl, and upgrade the os to newest stable. Also modify the server's configs like swap, network protocal, ntp configs. Check if all correct.

  1. Deploy external etcd cluster Suggest deploy etcd cluster on the same master servers. On all masters:
curl -L http://$HTTP_SERVER/shell/ | bash -s etcd \
    --api-advertise-addresses=$KUBE_VIP \

Wait etcd service active on all masters, etcd cluster could be ready.

  1. Deploy the first master On the first master:
curl -L http://$HTTP_SERVER/shell/ | bash -s master \
    --api-advertise-addresses=$KUBE_VIP \

When ready, record the token sha256 from deploy log.

  1. Deploy other masters On other masters:
curl -L http://$HTTP_SERVER/shell/ | bash -s reploca \
    --api-advertise-addresses=$KUBE_VIP \

When all masters ready, the HA is okay.

  1. Deploy nodes On all nodes:
curl -L http://$HTTP_SERVER/shell/ | bash -s node \
    --api-advertise-addresses=$KUBE_VIP \
    --token <token> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<sha256>

Replace the token sha256 recorded at setp 3.

  1. Check cluster
  • view k8s cluster info
kubectl cluster-info 
  • check k8s pods, services, etc.
kubectl get pods,svc --all-namespaces
  • check k8s netwoking
route -n

Deploy other k8s apps

  1. Setup netwoks

  2. Setup storage

  3. Setup secrurity

  4. Setup metrics

  5. Setup devops infra

  6. Setup service mesh

  7. Setup other tools

Future planning

It's a better solution if using Ansible playbook to reduce manual operation.

And it would be the goal that building the deploy process as a service.


Manually deploy HA K8s cluster.








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