For high level RelayIR, EOP can construct computation graph (in deprecated/relayIR/ and calculate each op's execution time consumption separately (in deprecated/relayIR/ Detailed data are stored in csv format.
Yuanjia Xu, Heng Wu, Wenbo Zhang, and Yi Hu. 2022. EOP: Efficient Operator Partition for Deep Learning Inference over Edge Servers. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE ’22), March 1, 2022, Virtual, Switzerland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.
This work was partially supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFB1402803) and Provincial Key Research and Development Program of Shandong, China (2021CXGC010101).
llvm 10.0
cuda 11.0 (or 10.2)
nvidia drive 450.51.05
pytorch 1.7.1
torchvision 0.8.2+cu110
torchaudio 0.7.2
huggingFace (Transformer) needRecheck
darkNet needRecheck
OnnX needRecheck
MxNet needRecheck
- set proper path:
export TVM_HOME=/root/github/tvm
export PYTHONPATH=/root/github/TVMProfiler/memory_profiler:/root/github/TVMProfiler/relayIR:$TVM_HOME/python:${PYTHONPATH}
- demo (profile CPU/GPU time, memory and CUDA memory)
from std_memory_profiler import operation_memory_profile, operation_time_profile,operation_cuda_memory_profile, profile
def create_data(ra):
ret = []
for n in range(ra):
ret.append(np.random.randn(1, 70, 71, 72))
return ret
dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'b': '3'}
@operation_cuda_memory_profile(stream = sys.stdout,operation_meta=dict)
def process_data(data):
data = np.concatenate(data)
detrended = scipy.signal.detrend(data, axis=0)
return detrended
- support static ananlysis and get necessary input/out put informaction (provide both python and C++ debug modes).
- support catogerized compile optimization mechanisms.
- support operator optimizations on heterogeneous resources with reduced cost.
resnet-, resnet3d-, mobilenet, squeezenet_v1.1, inception_v3, InceptionV1, vgg-,densenet-
yolov2, yolov3 or yolov3-tiny
LSTM,GRU,transformers(e.g., Bert)
- codelldb (for C++/C): (may manually download the vsix file)
- ff-navigator (for python): (may encounter some issues sovlved in tqchen/ffi-navigator#45)
all are from te.compute with dynamic shape, calculation process, tag and name.
te.reduce_axis: values on related axises are reduced to sum/avg.
condition expression and true value testing: to do some calculation like any and some.
index and shape expression: may denote dynamic shapes and expressions.
data types: from int8 to float32.
basic topi operators can be used as meta-operators.
Profile data are stored in /data.