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upcoming_events = [["Meet and Greet", "Meets every 2 weeks.\nCome meet other veterans\nin your area, and connect with industry professionals!\nAttend for as long as you wish.", "5:00PM-7:00PM", "SLO Health Center: 1495 Palm St,San Luis Obispo,\nCA 93401"], ["Sunday Breakfast", "Enjoy a hearty breakfast with other veterans!", "8:30AM-10:30AM", "Veteran's Hall\n801 Grand Ave, San Luis Obispo,\nCA 93401"]]

# for i in range(2):
#     c.execute("INSERT INTO events VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
#               (upcoming_events[i], descs[i], time[i], location[i]))
# conn.commit()
# data = []
# rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM events")

# for row in rows:
#     data.append(row)

return render_template('groupPage.html', titles=["Event Name", "Description", "Time", "Location", "Register"], info=upcoming_events)