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ishan dutta edited this page Oct 24, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Top-AI-repos wiki!


# Repo Repo_Stars_______ User_Stars________ Language______ Description__________________________________________
1 Auto-GPT total stars total stars Python
2 Hugging Face Transformers total stars total stars Python A library of state-of-the-art pre-trained models for natural language processing (NLP).
3 Stable Diffusion web UI total stars total stars Python A browser interface based on the Gradio library for Stable Diffusion.
4 PyTorch total stars total stars Python/C++
5 Stable Diffusion total stars total stars Python(Jupyter Notebook) A Python library for diffusion modeling, a type of generative model that can be used to create images, text, and other types of data.
6 Keras total stars total stars Python
7 Scikit-learn total stars total stars Python
8 Deepfacelab total stars total stars Python
9 privateGPT total stars total stars Python Ask questions about your documents without an internet connection using the power of LLMs. 100% private; no data leaves your execution environment at any point. You can ingest documents and ask questions without an internet connection
16 Open Assistant total stars total stars Python
29 Caffe total stars total stars C++
11 spaCy total stars total stars Python/MDX An open-source library for natural language processing (NLP) in Python.
13 Detectron2 total stars total stars Python A modular, scalable, and extensible object detection and segmentation framework.
12 PyTorch Lightning total stars total stars Python A lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research and production.
15 Fastai total stars total stars Python(Jupyter Notebook)
14 Apache Mxnet total stars total stars C++/Python
31 ChatGPT-Retrieval total stars total stars Python
17 Mindsdb total stars total stars Python
33 BabyAGI total stars total stars Python
18 Dall E Mini total stars total stars Python
22 Fauxpilot total stars total stars Python
34 Evals total stars total stars Python
10 Local AI total stars total stars Go/Python LocalAI is a drop-in replacement REST API compatible with OpenAI API specifications for local inferencing. It allows to run models locally or on-prem with consumer-grade hardware, supporting multiple models families compatible
27 SciPy total stars total stars Python/C
21 Yolo7 total stars total stars Python(Jupyter Notebook)
23 Paddlenlp total stars total stars Python
19 Theano total stars total stars Python
20 Tflearn total stars total stars Python
28 Theano total stars total stars Python
32 Triton total stars total stars Python
26 CatBoost total stars total stars Python/C
24 Deeppavlov total stars total stars Python
30 R-TensorFlow total stars total stars R
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