Get your harvest data seamlessly from Google.
First you need to configure your environment:
cp env.example .env
Edit .env and set the values you need to run the project locally. Foreman will take care of loading these values into the environment when you execute a command.
Next, create a Python 3 virtual environment and install the requirements:
pipenv install --dev --python 3.7
pipenv shell
Create the database specified in .env, run the initial model migration, and create a super user:
createdb harvestreaper
foreman run python migrate
foreman run python createsuperuser
Use nvm to install the correct version of Node.js and install the front-end dependencies:
nvm install
npm install
Do an initial build of assets:
npm run build
First load the virtualenv:
pipenv shell
Then use foreman to run the development processes:
foreman start -f defines the following processes:
- web: the Django development server
- rqworker: the RQ worker process (high, low, and default) - Not used yet
foreman start -f
will start all of the processes at once. If you
want to run a specific process, you can specify it directly:
foreman start -f web
After deploying you will need to update both your Site's objects in the Admin to include the correct domain and add the Google SocialApplication for authentication.