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Serve html-templates from github in a controlled manner

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Serve html-templates from github in a controlled manner.


The problem

We develop flat html-templates commonly as part of building a web application. These html templates are used for everyone involved in the project to see what a finished page ought to look like.

In addition the html within these is chopped up and used in the actual application templates.

Seeing the templates generally requires you to clone the github repository locally, and then to point a web browser at them. This is trivial for the developers, but other stakeholders (particularly the customer) do not find this so easy.

The solution

htmlhub uses the github API to proxy the contents of the html-templates directory directly from github into your browser. By crafting the correct URL you can serve these pages as if they were coming from a local checkout.


The github API user should only have read-only access to your repositories, and should have repository access added on an individual basis.

An htmlhub server will only serve files from within a directory called html-templates at the root of a branch. The only exception to this is if the html-templates directory contains symbolic links pointing to other locations.

It will only serve files from html-templates directories that contain a file called passwd.

It also provides authentication. The passwd file is parsed like an apache htpasswd format file, requiring authentication before showing the templates. The username and password should match a row in the password file.

The password file itself is hashed. Write access to the password file is determined by having write access to the repository itself.

Using htmlhub

Setting up github

  1. create a new user in your organisation's github account.
  2. create a new team in your organisation and give it read-only access.
  3. put the new user in the new team.
  4. add the repositories you wish to view to the team.
  5. log in as the new user and generate a "Personal access token" from the settings page.

Create the configuration file

This should be placed in <sys.prefix>/etc/htmlhub.conf by default (sys.prefix is the root of your python virtualenv) and look like:

username = <github user username>
password = <personal access token>

expiry = 30

The expiry is how long content is cached in memory in the htmlhub server. If data is never cached then pages will take longer to load, because every item is fetched every single time from github, which can be slow for furniture elements. 30 seconds seems to work well.

Now run your server.

Accessing templates

To make a repository work with htmlhub:

  1. make sure there is an html-templates directory with something in it
  2. create a password file with some credentials in it (See below)
  3. make sure the repository is in the team access list for your htmlhub user in github

Then you can navigate to a file in the html-templates directory on any branch by constructing a url like:


For example for:

  • organization: isotoma
  • repository: example
  • branch: master
  • filename: index.html

You would put:


If your pages link relatively to each other then this should be sufficient.

Creating and maintaining the password file

Check out the repository and change into the html-templates directory, then:

htpasswd -bc passwd <username> <password>

Will create a password file called passwd with that user in it. The -c option creates a new file and -b means the password is specified on the command line. Omit -c to append a value to the password file.

Then add the file to the repository and push it.

MIME Types

htmlhub guesses the mime types of files based on the contents of the file /etc/mime.types. This means it works pretty much like Apache in terms of what it can serve, and how it serves those files.



docker build -t htmlhub .
docker run --rm -it -p 4000:80 htmlhub

Set up a virtual environment:

virtualenv -p python2.7 --no-site-packages .

Install the dev requirements from requirements-dev.txt:

bin/pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -e .

Update the change log before you submit a pull request.

Running the server


Running the tests

bin/nose htmlhub

Making a release



Serve html-templates from github in a controlled manner






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