Web Development Resources that help you to become a Web Developer by working with Real-life projects and practices. Create your own challenges with InfoJobs Offers.
Introducing my web app inspired by devchallenges.io with an exciting twist! This app combines the beloved functionality and sleek web design of devchallenges.io with an innovative addition: the ability for users to create their own challenges using the powerful Infojobs API.
- Install dependencies:
pnpm install
- Create a .env.local file in the root folder and paste your variables:
cp -r .env.example .env
- Create the database password and paste it to
docker-compose up -d
- Click here to create new Github OAuth app
- Set the Application name. Example:
Dev Challenges development
- Set the Homepage URL to
- Set the Authorization callback URL to
- Go to "Client secrets" and generate new client secret
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret
- Go to
and paste the Client ID and Client Secret
Now you can run:
pnpm dev