The brief for this assignment was to produce an app which served my theoretical business model of providing a service to my users by fixing their programming bugs for free and creating features which my users have suggested for a price.
As I am now theoretically a fully-fledged full stack developer, I am capable of extinguishing several theoretical programming fires and producing several theoretical features to add to my website. Unicorn Attractor is the place where any new or experienced programmer can post and share any problems they are experiencing or whether they have any new, bright and innovative ideas for new features to be implemented on the site.
In addition to sharing issues and new feature ideas users also have a profile where they can upload their own photos as a profile picture and all the issues and ideas which they've posted will show up on their page.
This is also a social platform for users as they have the ability to comment on each other's issues or features for free.
The target audience for this app is directed at all developers, from users who have little or no experience to advanced developers or who generally have any software related questions.
This particular site would be useful for those who want to share their issues or search for problems already posted by users currently experiencing or having experienced similar issues already. Users can find effective solutions from either myself or other users commenting on their issue. However, if you don't have a solution or just want to get your ideas across, you can comment nonetheless.
In addition to posting bugs that need fixing, this app is also available for those who want to request new features to be developed by myself. Any user can request or post as many features as they please however, only the requests which receive the highest number of votes per month will be developed by myself.
I believe my project is one of the best ways a user can find or solve their issue as an author of an issue can display whether or not their issue has been fixed or their request has been developed by the touch of a button. You can also comment if you have any further questions or just want to chat.
- Navbar
- At screen width greater than 992px, Navbar will be visible in the top-right corner.
- At screen width below 992px, Navbar will be present by the click of a Hamburger button in the top left corner.
Subscribe - User can click subscribe button where modal pop up appears. If user wants to subscribe then they need to fill out an address form and card payment form.
Unsubscribe - Similarly if user is already subscribed and they wish to cancel , then they only need to reclick the button again.
Login - Anonymous user can login if they are already registered to Unicorn Attractor by filling out login form using username or email address and password.
Register - If they dont have an account already they can register via the register form where they need to include an email address, username and password.
- Forgotten password - If user forgets their password then can fill in a form and an email will be sent to their account where a link will be shown where they can reset their password.
Profile Picture - If user wishes, they can upload an image of their choice by filling in a form. This picture will be used if they create any tickets, requests or comments otherwise they will have a default grey image.
- User can either change their profile picture by filling out the same form.
- User can remove their image all togther by clicking 'Remove profile picture'.
User Issues and Features - If a user has posted any issues or feature requests they will appear on their page with the option to choose which will be visible by clicking on the buttons 'My issues' and 'My features'.
Screens greater than 992px width have pagination where they can switch pages by clicking 'next' or 'previous'
Screens less than 992px have no pagination.
All Issues - User can see all the issues by clicking 'Issues' button in navbar
- All issues are paginated every 9 issues displaying the title, votes, number of comments, icon showing if Issue has been sorted or not and 'View issue' button.
- User can view the particular issue by clicking either on the title or the 'View issue' button.
- If there are no comments on a particular issue, user can click 'Be the first to comment' where they will directed precisely to the 'Add comment' button on the viewissue.html page.
- User can create a ticket by clicking 'Create a Ticket' where they will need to fill out a form with a title of the issue and content of the issue and a tag.
- User can search for a specific issue by name using the search form on the all issues page. If the search returns nothing a message will pop up saying 'Unfortunately your search didn't find anything'.
View issue
- Any user can vote for the issue signalling that they have this issue too by clicking the chevron where the vote number will increase by 1 if toggled once and decreased by 1 if toggled again.
- The author of the user can display whether or not the issue has been fixed by clicking
- the 'Done' button which will produce a red tick signalling that the issue has been fixed, letting other users know that they have the same issue, they can find the solution here.
- Only the author of the issue can edit an issue. If they wish to do so then they can click 'Edit issue' where they will be redirected to a form similar to that of 'Create a Ticket'.
- Only the author can delete the issue if they wish by clicking 'Delete issue'.
- Any user can comment if they wish by clicking 'Add comment' by a which a modal will
appear where they would fill out a form with their comment content. This comment
will be displayed on the viewed issue page itself.
- If there are more than 3 comments on that page then a button named 'View comments' will appear whereby if clicked a modal will appear representing all the comments shown.
- All comments are in blockquote form where the user profile image is displayed next to their comment.
- Screens with width greater than 992px will have a 'Back' button displayed which will redirect them back to the all issues page.
- Requests behave in the exact same way as issue tracker except for a change depending
on whether the user is subscribed or has already paid.
- In order for a user to upvote a feature they must be subscribed. If user is not subscribed and they try and vote, then user will be redirected to a checkout form where they will fill out an address and card form with the price of £5.99.
- If user pays for this then they can vote for that particular feature but not any others.
- If user is subscribed they are able to vote for any feature.
- Include graphs and figures
- Representing the issues or features with the highest votes.
- Most common issues/feature ideas judging by similarity of titles.
- Perhaps in the future, in order to help my business model, represnt the speed it takes me to fix issues and develop features.
- Have the ability to add friends and share your own issues and feature ideas with them.
- This project uses HTML to provide the content.
- This project uses CSS to provide the styles.
- Bootstrap
- This project uses Bootstrap framework to simplify grid layout and provide a better UX.
- JQuery
- This project uses Jquery to simplify DOM manipulation and provide better UX.
- Python
- This project uses Python to handle POSTs and manipulate data presented from the user.
- Django
- This project uses Django framework to provide a useful and comprehensible toolkit to a build an effective web application.
- SQLite
- This project uses SQLite as database to use locally.
- PostgreSQL
- This project uses PostgreSQL as a database to use globally.
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- This project uses AWS (S3) as a means of storing media and static files.
- Stripe
- This project uses Stripe as a payment service for users and to ensure that all security checks are dealt with.
- Go to 'Login' page.
- Try to submit the empty form and verify that an error message about the required fields appears.
- Try to submit the form with an invalid username or email address and verify that a relevant error message appears.
- Try to submit the form with all inputs valid and verify you are redirected to the homepage where a success message appears.
- Go to 'Register' page.
- Try to submit the empty form and verify that an error message about the required fields appears.
- Try to submit the form with an email address already in use and verify that a relevant error message appears.
- Try to submit the form with username already in use and verify that a relevant error message appears.
- Try to submit the form with two different password and verify that a relevant error message appears.
- Try to submit the form with all inputs valid and verify you are redirected to the homepage where a success message appears.
- Click on the 'Subscribe' button.
- Try to submit the empty form and verify that an error message about the required fields appears.
- Try to submit the form without any address details except 'County' and verify that a relevant error message appears.
- Try to submit the form with all inputs valid and verify you are redirected to the homepage where a success message appears and subscribe button changes to 'Unsubscribe'.
- Click on either the image or 'Add a profile picture'.
- Try to submit the empty form and verify that an error message about the required fields appears.
- Try to submit the form with a valid image then image appears and options to change or remove image appear.
- Same testing applies when 'Change profile picture is clicked'.
- Click either 'My Issues' or 'My Features' and user's items appear.
- If user has no issues posted or feature requests posted a message appears with option to create one.
- Click 'Create Ticket'/'Create Request'/'Edit Issue'/'Edit Feature'.
- Try to submit the empty form and verify that an error message about the required fields appears.
- Try to submit the form with all inputs valid and verify you are redirected to item just created or edited with details just submitted from previous form.
- Type in the input
- If words match then it will return all issues and feature requests relative to the information given from the user.
- Try to submit an empty form and returns everything as normal.
- If search doesn't match with any items in the database then error message appears.
- Click 'Add comment'.
- Try to submit the empty form and verify that an error message about the required fields appears.
- Try to submit the form with all inputs valid and verify you are redirected to view issue/feature page where your comment appears with the user profile image.
- Click chevron icon to upvote feature.
- If user subscribed and chevron clicked number of votes increases by 1.
- If user is not subscribed they are redirected to Checkout page.
- Try to submit the empty form and verify that an error message about the required fields appears.
- Try to submit the form without any address details except 'County' and verify that a relevant error message appears.
- Try to submit the form with all inputs valid and verify you are redirected to the 'view issue' page where a success message appears
- Try to vote for same feature and vote number should increase by 1.
- Try to vote for different feature and verify you are redirected to 'checkout' page.
I have deployed this project to the hosting platform Heroku with a separate GitHub branch.
- A big thank you to Victor Miclovich my mentor who's been extremely helpful with the completion of this project.
- Another big thank you to all the Tutors at Code Institute for coping with my multitude of questions on a daily basis.