A modernized wrapper for WebRTC data channels.
- Simple API for creating WebRTC data channel.
- Works in Chrome & Firefox, some workarounds are required for Safari support (Due to buggy data channel implementation in Safari 12).
- Binary & text data.
- RxJs-based messaging interface.
- Native TypeScript support.
- Use vanilla ICE for signalling.
- Native Promise-based interface.
npm install rtcdc --save
You might need a web bundler (e.g. Rollup, Webpack, Browserify) for it to work.
import { Offerer, Answerer } from 'rtcdc';
async function main() {
const offerer = new Offerer();
const offer = await Offerer.createOffer(); // Create WebRTC offer.
// Now send your offer to another peer (answerer).
const answerer = new Answerer();
const answer = await answerer.createAnswer(offer); // Get WebRTC answer based on the offer we got.
// Send answer back to the offerer.
await offerer.setAnswer(answer);
// Get data channels.
const answererDataChannel = await answerer.getDataChannel();
const offererDataChannel = await offerer.getDataChannel();
// Test the data channel.
answererDataChannel.messages.subscribe((message) => console.log(`Answerer got: ${message}.`))
offererDataChannel.messages.subscribe((message) => console.log(`Offerer got: ${message}.`))
await answererDataChannel.send('ping'); // Offerer got: ping.
await offererDataChannel.send('pong'); // Answerer got: pong.
You can also override the configuration to suit your needs, e.g. you will need to configure TURN server to connect peers behind symmetric NAT. Reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCConfiguration
const config = {
iceServers: [{
urls: "stun:stun.services.mozilla.com",
username: "louis@mozilla.com",
credential: "webrtcdemo"
}, {
urls: ["stun:stun.example.com", "stun:stun-1.example.com"]
const offerer = new Offerer(config);