Live Demo at:
Youtube Video Demo at:
- Built using React/Redux and Elixir/Phoenix
- Hosted on AWS on a EC2 instance with a RDS instance hosting Postgres
- S3 and Cloudfront asset hosting.
- LetsEncrypt Cert on Nginx
Supports websockets and long polling
Responsive styling for desktop browsers (IE11, IE Edge, Chrome, Firefox)
Didn't have access to a Mac so Safari on OS X and iOS has not been tested.
Didn't have access to an Android device, so mobile chrome has not been tested
Includes session auth via facebook OAuth
Session and websocket Auth via jwt token
React/Redux, Webpack, NodeJS, SASS, HTML5/CSS3, Websockets, Babel, ecmascript 2016
Used industry suggested HTTP Security headers, encrypted/signed session cookie store, and CSRF protection for XSS
In the process of building this demo I made a few small open source contributions to some of the elixir packages I used.