This macro creates a map of the activeworkbook in the activesheet. This map is made of one box for each tab. Arrows between boxes indicate relationships between tabs (eg: for each worksheet, the width of the arrow from any other worksheet depends on the number of cells of the first worksheet making use or calling the second one). Example:
- Import "Workbook_map.bas" to your workbook
- Activate the tab where you want the workbook map to be created. Add a new tab if necesary.
- Run "create_wb_map"
- "add_dependency_arrows_to_boxes" macro can take several minutes, depending on the workbook's complexity.
- Additional auxiliary tools are included:
- "AUX_clean_shapes": deletes all shapes
- "AUX_clean_dependecy_arrows": deletes all connectors
- "AUX_change_dependecy_arrows": modify existing connectors
Use at yout own risk! The author doesn't accept any responisbility over and is not liable for any damage caused by execution of this code and/or any modified version of it.