This was written as a companion to kenton:accounts-sandstorm
It does two things for you:
Inserts fake Sandstorm user headers when the meteor app is running in dev mode, so you can develop your app outside of Sandstorm
Provides a handful of helper functions mainly for use in client integration tests to stub out the current user permissions
The package uses the debugOnly
flag to prevent it from being included in the production deployment. This means that if you want the fake headers to be added when deployed to (say for a quick demo or CI environment) you'll need to run meteor deploy
with --debug
You can control the values with environment variables, but defaults are also defined:
Note: If you already had the browser open, clear your browser's local storage. Hard refreshing is not sufficient.
The helper functions are:
// Run with x-sandstorm-permissions = 'permissions,go,here'
withPermissions(['permissions', 'go', 'here'], function() { ... });
// Run with x-sandstorm-permissions = 'owner'
withOwner(function() { ... });
// Run with x-sandstorm-permissions = ''
withNoPermissions(function { ...});
For an example test, check out tests/jasmine/client/integration/StubUserPermissionsSpec.js