This package is a ROS2 implementation of the A* algorithm for solving a maze in simulation using Gazebo. It is designed to work with the ROS2 Foxy distribution and can be used with any simulated overhead camera that is compatible with ROS2.
- ROS2 Foxy
- Gazebo
- A simulated overhead camera compatible with ROS2
- Clone this repository into your ROS2 workspace
cd <your_ros2_workspace>/src
git clone<your_username>/ros2_foxy_maze_solver.git
- Build the package
cd <your_ros2_workspace>
colcon build
- Configure the package to use your simulated overhead camera.
- Launch the maze_solver node and the gazebo simulation
ros2 launch ros2_foxy_maze_solver
- The node will start processing the images from the simulated camera and will publish the solution path to the /maze_solver/path topic.
Please report any issue or bug you encounter in the issue section.
Any contribution is welcome, feel free to fork the repo and open a pull request.
This package is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.