Real time face detection using Yolov5 deployed on android
You can get dataset from kaggle competition Face Mask Detection. This dataset contains Images and Annotation folder, which we convert to YOLOV5 required form.
The format of annotation required is:
<class> <x> <y> <width> <height>
ex 0 2.0 12.0 240 320
We convert xml files to text files. Then we can split the dataset into Train, Test, Val
Create Folders as shown below
├── Train
├── Test
└── Val
├── Train
├── Test
└── Val
Then change the directories path in pre proess and run the file.
Lets start by cloning yolov5 and installing requirements
$git clone
$pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a data.yaml file and change the path, nc (number of classes) and names
Organize Directories as shown below
├── yolov5
├── Train
├── images
├── labels
├── Test
├── images
├── labels
├── Val
├── images
├── labels
├── mask_yolovs.yaml
└── data.yaml
Run the command
# Train yolov5 on our dataset
$python yolov5/ --batch 16 --epoch 5 --data data.yaml --cfg mask_yolov5s.yaml --weights --name masks_yolov5_result
Test the model on single image
$cd yolov5
$python --source test.png --weights runs/train/mask_yolov5_result/weights/
Export ptl file for android app run
Before running the code edit line 80 '' to '.torchscript.ptl
$python --weights runs/train/mask_yolov5_result/weights/ --batch 1
Create a classes.txt file and write down the class name in newline
Go to this directory
Add your .ptl and txt files and build the app in android studio