Generated administration for RESTful api.
You define list of entities that should be displayed. These are mapped to api endpoints.
title: admin-as-service example
url: <base api url>
oauth: <oauth configuration>
companies: # key associated to entity (also mapped to endpoint /{key})
identifier: id # the field to be used as identifier
readonly: false # read-only entity doesn't allow mutations
endpoint: "api/companies" # endpoint for all views of this entity
hidden: false # doesn't diplay entity in left menu
listActions: # list of buttons for edit
- edit # predefined button, redirect to edit form
- delete # predefined button, delete record
- title: test # custom created button with redirect action
icon: new-window
action: redirect
url: '{{}}'
target: blank
actions: # actions visible in page header (in list, edit, create screens)
- create
- export
- filter
name: Company # entity name displayed in menu item/titles
fields: # default list of fields
- <field configuration>
list: # configuration of list page
title: This is list page
- <filter configuration>
fields: # fields for list page only
- <field configuration>
create: # configuration of create page
title: Create new item
fields: # fields for create page only
- <field configuration>
edit: # configuration of edit page
title: Edit existing item
fields: # fields for edit page only
- <field configuration>
Each field is described by object with following structure:
attribute: <columnName>
type: string # type of field (string, text, date, select, reference)
label: <label> # human friendly name of field (default: attribute value)
format: $0,0.00 # formatted number for numeric fields
readonly: false
required: false
minlength: 0
maxlength: 250
pattern: '[a-z]+'
... deprecated, use choice/choices
attribute: state
type: choice # choice/choices, select is deprecated
- { value: US, label: USA }
- { value: FR, label: France }
attribute: user_id
type: reference
toMany: false
entity: <entity key> # eg. companies
targetField: name # field to be displayed in displayed reference (
For list you can configure filtering as list of filters:
q: # query string attribute that will be mapped ?q={value}
label: Search
pinned: true # specify if the search is always displayed
placeholder: search text
searchColumns: title # specify on which columns the filter should be applied
where[user_id]: # query string attribute that will be mapped ?where[user_id]={value}
label: User
type: reference
entity: users
targetField: firstname
For every page you can configure buttons displayed in header.
- title: test
icon: new-window
action: redirect
url: '{{}}&token={{access_token}}' # you can extract data from entity
target: blank
- delete
The same way you specify page action, you can also specify list actions (buttons in table).
- title: test
icon: new-window
action: redirect
url: '{{}}' # you can extract data from entity
target: blank
- filter
- edit
- delete
flow: resourceOwnerPasswordCredentials
You can also use application in fullscreen mode (only content is display, navigation bar and side menu is hidden).
Application switch to this mode when fullscreen=true
substring is detected in URL.