I have become interested in playing around with the SAFE
Stack and have decided that it would be interesting to create an online “Card Game” using the stack. This card game should largely be similar to a simplified version of MTG or Pokemon TCG.
Created fold for project
mkdir SafeCardGame
cd SafeCardGame
Installed and created project from a template
dotnet new -i SAFE.Template
dotnet new SAFE
dotnet tool restore
dotnet fake build --target run
This should scaffold a basic todo app. Progress to here is located in the branch step-1-intial-from-temp
My idea would be that scoping out the rules for the game might be the best first step.
I think defining the domain models might be the best way to start documenting the rules. The domain model should correlate to the object defined in the shared path of the project (i.e. src/shared). For now, I am just defining the types in the existing Shared
module found in the Shared.fs.
The game starts with two players.
Each Player
will start with a name and an amount of health.
type PlayerId = string
type Player =
PlayerId: PlayerId
Name: string
RemainingLifePoints: int
Each player will have a board
which consists of a Deck of cards, a hand, a pile of discarded, an optional active creature, a list of in play but not active creatures (i.e. a bench), a total resource pool and an available resource pool.
type PlayerBoard =
PlayerId: PlayerId
Deck: Deck
Hand: Hand
ActiveCreature: Option<InPlayCreature>
Bench: Option<InPlayCreature list>
DiscardPile: Deck
TotalResourcePool: ResourcePool
AvailableResourcePool: ResourcePool
s are typed from a finite list, i.e.:
type Resource =
Grass | Fire |
Water | Lightning |
Psychic | Fighting |
A ResourcePool
is simply a list of the different types of resources along with a quantity value.
type ResourcePool = Map<Resource, int>
A Deck
and a Hand
are both lists of CardInstance
s, the main difference being that potentially a deck could have a number of cards exposed or visible.
type Hand =
Cards: CardInstance list
type Deck =
Cards: CardInstance list
TopCardsExposed: int
Each CardInstance
will contain a unique CardInstanceId and refers to a generic card referenced via a CardId. I am also placing the Card Type on the CardInstance, this seems pretty memory inefficient but probably doesn't matter due to the limited size of decks. For the moment it makes it much easier to manipulate the decks and pull information.
The Card
referenced by the CardId
will have:
- a name
- a resource cost (a
) - a Primary resource type for determining weaknesses
- a classification under one of three different types
- Also contains aResourcePool
and a bool forResourceAvailableOnFirstTurn
- Also contains aCreature
- a
for when the card enters and leaves the game- the
will consist of a function which takes an arguement of theGameState
and returns a new manipulatedGameState
- the
type CardInstanceId = string
type CardId = string
type GameStateSpecialEffect = delegate of GameState -> GameState
type CardInstance =
CardIntanceId : CardInstanceId
CardId: CardId
Card: Card
type Card =
CharacterCard of { CardId: CardId; Name: string; Creature: Creature; ResourceCost: ResourcePool; PrimaryResource: Resource; EnterSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; ExitSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect}
| EffectCard of { CardId: CardId; Name: string; ResourceCost: ResourcePool; PrimaryResource: Resource; EnterSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; ExitSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; }
| ResourceCard of { CardId: CardId; Name: string; ResourceCost: ResourcePool; PrimaryResource: Resource; EnterSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; ExitSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; ResourceAvailableOnFirstTurn: bool; ResourcesAdded: ResourcePool}
A Creature
will have integer health for total health associated with the card, a list of Resource
s the creature is weak to, and a list of Attacks. An
Attackwill have an integer for the damage it inflicts, a
ResourcePoolrepresenting the cost to use, and a
GameStateSpecialEffect` defining any additional effects which may be triggered by the attack.
type Creature =
Health: int
Weaknesses: Resource list
Attacks: Attack list
type Attack =
Damage: int
Cost: ResourcePool
SpecialEffect: GameStateSpecialEffect
An InPlayCreature
has an id, is associated with a CardInstance
, a current amount of damage, an optional list of SpecialCondition
s currently applied as well as attached and spent resource pools.
The InPlayCreatureId
is a string and available SpecialCondition
s are Asleep | Burned | Confused | Paralyzed | Poisoned
type SpecialCondition = Asleep | Burned | Confused | Paralyzed | Poisoned
type InPlayCreatureId = string
type InPlayCreature =
InPlayCharacterId: InPlayCharacterId
Card: Card
CurrentDamage: int
SpecialEffect: Option<SpecialCondition list>
AttachedEnergy: ResourcePool
SpentEnergy: ResourcePool
Lastly, the GameState
contains a:
- Map of
s toPlayer
s - Map of boards for each player, a map from
- A current turn which is an optional `PlayerId representing the player whose turn it currently is.
- A current step which is a
representing the current step the player is on in their turn. - Finally, it contains a turn number representing the number of turns that have passed since the beginning of the game.
The GameStep is just an enum represented by NotCurrentlyPlaying | Draw | Play | Attack | Reconcile
type GameStep =
NotCurrentlyPlaying | Draw | Play | Attack | Reconcile
type GameState =
Players: Map<PlayerId, Player>
Boards: Map<PlayerId, PlayerBoard>
CurrentTurn: Option<PlayerId>
TurnNumber: int
If you look at the current Shared.fs file you can see that many of the type
declarations have been transformed into and
s this is because F# cares about the order in which things are declared. The type
declares a thing in a subsequent order and the and
keyword forces the items to be declared at the same time.
Running dotnet fake build --target run
the application FAILED to Build with an error message of
Restored C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fsproj (in 197 ms).
C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fs(51,21): error FS0035: This construct is deprecated: Consider using a separate record type instead [C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fsproj]
C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fs(52,20): error FS0035: This construct is deprecated: Consider using a separate record type instead [C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fsproj]
C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fs(53,22): error FS0035: This construct is deprecated: Consider using a separate record type instead [C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fsproj]
C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fs(51,21): error FS0035: This construct is deprecated: Consider using a separate record type instead [C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fsproj]
C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fs(52,20): error FS0035: This construct is deprecated: Consider using a separate record type instead [C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fsproj]
C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fs(53,22): error FS0035: This construct is deprecated: Consider using a separate record type instead [C:\tests\SafeCardGame\src\Shared\Shared.fsproj]
0 Warning(s)
3 Error(s)
It appears that newer versions of F# no longer allow anonymous types in discriminated unions so I had to break out those types like:
type Card =
CharacterCard of CharacterCard
| EffectCard of EffectCard
| ResourceCard of ResourceCard
and CharacterCard
= { CardId: CardId; Name: string; Creature: Creature; ResourceCost: ResourcePool; PrimaryResource: Resource; EnterSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; ExitSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect}
and EffectCard
= { CardId: CardId; Name: string; ResourceCost: ResourcePool; PrimaryResource: Resource; EnterSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; ExitSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; }
and ResourceCard
= { CardId: CardId; Name: string; ResourceCost: ResourcePool; PrimaryResource: Resource; EnterSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; ExitSpecialEffects: GameStateSpecialEffect; ResourceAvailableOnFirstTurn: bool; ResourcesAdded: ResourcePool}
Now running dotnet fake build --target run
My idea for the next step is to lay out the general game board. This serves a great base to force me to actually think out the domain, show visible progress and have a base to actually plug future developments into and visualize.
I first made a sketch of what I was thinking about for the board.
I used shuffle.dev to scaffold a basic ui using Bulma (editor avail here). Fulma, a F# strongly typed wrapper for Bulma is baked into the Safe Stack which will be utilized later on.
From my initial sketch, I scaffolded out some stuff using shuffle, downloaded the HTML, and modified the HTML to create a basic template based on my sketch.
(Bulma template for the board)
I moved things around a number of times, I was unable to make it all fit on one page (the goal) but I think I was able to improve it somewhat.
(Bulma template for the board v2)
I am going to move forward with this layout. In the future, I am thinking the user could toggle something to transform the cards into tables or something along those lines.
This is the final commit in the step-3-build-the-game-board-basic-layout
I feel like the next logical step is to bring the layout I just developed to the client.
First I updated the index.html file in the src/client to reference the bulmaswatch layout "darkly" like the template.
I then googled around and found an online tool to convert html to the format used by elmish to define html. This is usable and somewhat close to the Fulma format we would like to eventually support. ([HTML to Elmish Site] (https://mangelmaxime.github.io/html-to-elmish/))
Whatever we convert is going to be plugged into the
in the index.html so I needed to extract the content of the body of the layout from the body. I saved it separately: (template to convert)This failed with no error message on the site so I am assuming it doesn't like the html somewhere.
In order to move forward, I began breaking down the html page into pieces and converting the page part by part (which is something that would eventually have to be done anyway).
This will require future refinement but I initially broke out the page into parts for the
With a general arangement of
<div class="container is-fluid">
<br /><br />
<section class="section">
<div class="container py-r">
Going in order I dropped each of these parts into the converter. When I reached playerControlCenter
the converter stopped working. After playing around with the html for a while (no error message was returned) I was able to discover that the converter did not like the disabled
on the buttons.
i.e. the blocks like:
<button class="button is-primary" disabled>
needed to be changed to
<button class="button is-primary" disabled="true">
I don't think this is needed from an html standpoint? It is probably just a feature of the converter.
I was eventually able to convert all the html subsections defining each as a variable (will eventually be converted to a function).
i.e. like:
let footerBand =
footer [ Class "footer" ]
[ div [ Class "container" ]
[ div [ Class "level" ]
I then manually created the mainLayout as
let mainLayout =
div [ Class "container is-fluid" ]
[ topNavigation
br [ ]
br [ ]
section [ Class "section" ]
[ div [ Class "container py-r" ]
playerCreatures ] ]
The results of this process ae located in (the documentation > html > ElmishElements.fs)
I then added a PageLayoutElements.fs
to the src/client and added the file into the Client.fsproj
to be included and compiled coming before the Index.fs
I copied and pasted the contents from the ElmishElements into this file.
This broke the build as the file needed a module to be defined and the references imported so I added
module PageLayoutParts
open Elmish
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
open Fulma
to the top of the file.
This still did not build. There was an issue with a broken-css
being added by the converter for the background-image element. As well as an issue with the way strong
elements were converted.
The indentation was
[ strong [ ]
[ str "On Enter Playing Field" ]
str ": Effect description." ]
I needed to change it to
[ strong [ ]
[ str "On Enter Playing Field" ]
str ": Effect description." ]
i.e. the function definition is strong str not strong and two lists like many other elements.
Finally, I found that the mainLayout
thing I wrote was invalid. I had to change it to:
let mainLayout =
div [ Class "container is-fluid" ]
[ topNavigation
br [ ]
br [ ]
section [ Class "section" ]
[ div [ Class "container py-r" ]
It compiled and I was then able to upload the view function in Index.fs to reference the mainLayout function.
let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Msg -> unit) =
After viewing the page a few elements had to be rearranged and some changes had to be made. For example, changing the html unicode codes to just the unicode characters.
For the next step, we will try to make the output actually pull information from the GameState model and break down these general page parts into smaller and more usable parts.
This is the final commit in the step-4-implement-layout-in-client
The first thing I need to do is alter the init() in the Index.fs
to return a tuple with a GamesState instead of a Model. I am then going to work through the errors until everything compiles.
In order to alter the init() I will have to come up with what the initial state should be. By the end of this section I am going to manually add some information (i.e. not leave it in a new game state) so that something is happening on the screen to render.
First I set up my type like:
let model =
Players = Map.empty
Boards = Map.empty
CurrentTurn = None
CurrentStep= GameStep
TurnNumber = 1
I then also deleted the Model type and updated the Msg
type to consist solely of a GameStarted type.
I then had to update the cmd of the init() like
let cmd = Cmd.ofMsg GameStarted
so that it returned a valid cmd and update the update
to only match on the GamesStarted
let update (msg: Msg) (model: GameState): GameState * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| GameStarted ->
model, Cmd.none
I was not able to save and it compiled
Next I will need to wire in the model part by part into the layout potentially updating the domain with missing items as I go.
The first thing I noticed is that I didn't have any sort of validation that my Id's were non empty so I added some by defining a NonEmptyString
type, making the constructor private and adding a NonEmptyString namespace witha build function that creates a NonEmptyString after validating the provided string is not null or whitespace.
type NonEmptyString = private NonEmptyString of string
module NonEmptyString =
let build str =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace str then "Value cannot be empty" |> Error
else str |> NonEmptyString |> Ok
I then moved the domain types into a Domain
module and made the various Ids types of NonEmptyStrings.
module Domain =
type PlayerId = NonEmptyString
type CardInstanceId = NonEmptyString
type CardId = NonEmptyString
type InPlayCreatureId = NonEmptyString
type Player =
{ ...
I then added the arguements model
and dispatch
to pass through from the view
to the mainLayout
Inside the mainLayout the enemyStats and enemyCreatures will depend on the opponent Player
and opponent PlayerBoard
and playerCreatures
and playerHand
will depend on your PlayerBoard
and the playerControlCenter
will depend on the entire GameState
First, we will need to pull out the opponent and player board and player but I have noticed that the GamesState does not define the current player vs the opponent so I am adding a property to the GameState to store this information.
and GameState =
CurrentPlayer: PlayerId
OpponentPlayer: PlayerId
I then wrote functions to extract the needed information, wrapped them in results and a single function to extract all the data.
I then wrapped the main layout to verify no errors were encountered in building the models and changed the function to return an error message if any issues are encountered.
let opponentPlayer (model : GameState) =
match model.Players.TryGetValue model.OpponentPlayer with
| true, p -> p |> Ok
| false, _ -> "Unable to locate oppponent in player list" |> Error
let opponentPlayerBoard (model : GameState) =
match model.Boards.TryGetValue model.OpponentPlayer with
| true, p -> p |> Ok
| false, _ -> "Unable to locate oppponent in board list" |> Error
let currentPlayer (model : GameState) =
match model.Players.TryGetValue model.CurrentPlayer with
| true, p -> p |> Ok
| false, _ -> "Unable to locate current player in player list" |> Error
let currentPlayerBoard (model : GameState) =
match model.Boards.TryGetValue model.CurrentPlayer with
| true, p -> p |> Ok
| false, _ -> "Unable to locate current player in board list" |> Error
let extractNeededModelsFromState (model: GameState) =
opponentPlayer model, opponentPlayerBoard model, currentPlayer model, currentPlayerBoard model
let mainLayout model dispatch =
match extractNeededModelsFromState model with
| Ok op, Ok opb, Ok cp, Ok cpb ->
div [ Class "container is-fluid" ]
[ topNavigation
br [ ]
br [ ]
| _ -> strong [] [ str "Error in GameState encountered." ]
Looking further at the Player
definition I see that it is missing a playmat URL for their background graphic. I added that as well as definitions for two new primates domain types which should only hold valid URLs:
type UrlString = private UrlString of NonEmptyString
module UrlString =
let build str =
if Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(str, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute) then "Value must be a url." |> Error
else str |> NonEmptyString.build |> Result.map UrlString
type ImageUrlString = private ImageUrlString of UrlString
module ImageUrlString =
let isUrlImage (str : string) =
let ext = Path.GetExtension(str)
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace ext then false
match str with
| "png" | "jpg" ->
| _ -> false
let build str =
if isUrlImage str then "Value must be a url pointing to iamge." |> Error
else str |> UrlString.build |> Result.map ImageUrlString
type Player =
PlayerId: PlayerId
Name: string
PlaymatUrl: ImageUrlString
RemainingLifePoints: int
In the Init I now have to add PlayerIds for the opponent and and current player. To do this I created a createPlayer function which takes a playerIdStr playerName playerCurrentLife playerPlaymatUrl and returns a Player
let createPlayer playerIdStr playerName playerCurrentLife playerPlaymatUrl =
let playerId = NonEmptyString.build playerIdStr |> Result.map PlayerId
let playerPlaymatUrl = ImageUrlString.build playerPlaymatUrl
match playerId, playerPlaymatUrl with
| Ok s, Ok pm ->
Ok {
PlayerId = s
Name = playerName
RemainingLifePoints = playerCurrentLife
PlaymatUrl = pm
| _ -> Error "Unable to create player"
I then modified the init to create two players and plug them into the GameState. In doing this modification I had to switch the init to return a Result type.
let init =
let player1 = createPlayer "Player1" "Player1" 10 "https://picsum.photos/id/1000/2500/1667?blur=5"
let player2 = createPlayer "Player2" "Player2" 10 "https://picsum.photos/id/10/2500/1667?blur=5'"
match player1, player2 with
| Ok p1, Ok p2 ->
let model =
Players = Map.empty
Boards = Map.empty
CurrentTurn = None
CurrentStep= NotCurrentlyPlaying
TurnNumber = 1
CurrentPlayer = p1.PlayerId
OpponentPlayer = p2.PlayerId
let cmd = Cmd.ofMsg GameStarted
Ok (model, cmd)
| _ -> "Failed to create players" |> Error
I then had to modify the App.fs in the client to accept a result set back from the init like
match Index.init with
| Ok (gamesState, dispatch) ->
let placeHolderFunc () =
gamesState, dispatch
Program.mkProgram placeHolderFunc Index.update Index.view
At this point, I ran into an error where the methods I was using from Path and Uri to validate the URLs are not implemented in FABLE. While FABLE implements a large part of the .NET framework some parts are not implemented. for now, I basically made the functions just to validate that the strings not null.
It now builds and displays the Error in GameState encountered.
message from the view definition (since the players and boards are not registered in their respective maps).
Now I will have to update the init to populate these values.
I updated the Players value to
Players = [
p1.PlayerId, p1;
p2.PlayerId, p2
] |> Map.ofList
Additionally, I will need to create a function to generate a player board.
let playerBoard player =
PlayerId= player.PlayerId
Deck= {
TopCardsExposed = 0
Cards = List.empty
Hand= { Cards = List.empty }
ActiveCreature= None
Bench= None
DiscardPile= {
TopCardsExposed = 0
Cards = List.empty
TotalResourcePool= ResourcePool Seq.empty
AvailableResourcePool = ResourcePool Seq.empty
This was not working for me. I spent a long time trying to figure out why. The end answer was that my ImageUrlString build method needed a not
and was actually verifying that the image URL was invalid.
Now it is once again loading the page and I am able to start padding these values to my layout parts.
First I will pass the opponent Player
and PlayerBoard
to the enemyStats
and plug those in.
Similarly, I will do the same for the player control center.
Here I can notice that the health, hand, deck and discard items are shared between the two nav bars and extract that as a shared function.
I, therefore, pulled out a playerStats function:
let playerStats (player: Player) (playerBoard: PlayerBoard) =
[ div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "💓 %i/10" player.RemainingLifePoints) ] ]
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "🤚 %i" playerBoard.Hand.Cards.Length) ] ]
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "🂠 %i" playerBoard.Deck.Cards.Length) ] ]
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "🗑️ %i" playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards.Length)] ] ]
I can also pull out the step information into a currentStepInformation
function. I can then utilize it if it is the player's turn and the GameState.CurrentStep to select the classes for the steps like:
let yourCurrentStepClasses (player: Player) (gameState : GameState) (gamesStep: GameStep) =
if not (player.PlayerId = gameState.CurrentPlayer) then "button is-primary"
if gameState.CurrentStep = gamesStep then "button is-danger"
else "button is-primary"
let currentStepInformation (player: Player) (playerBoard: PlayerBoard) (gameState : GameState) =
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
[ p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses player gameState GameStep.Draw)
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Draw" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses player gameState GameStep.Play)
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Play" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses player gameState GameStep.Attack)
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Attack" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses player gameState GameStep.Reconcile)
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Reconcile" ] ] ] ] ]
All this builds so I am not able to try to populate the Player Hand from the PlayerBoard.Hand. This can be rendered by rendering each card from the list in a yield.
I can do this like
let renderCardForHand (card: Card) =
div [ Class "column is-4" ]
[ div [ Class "card" ]
[ header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str "Card Name" ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str "🍂 x4" ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src "https://picsum.photos/320/200?1"
Alt "Placeholder image"
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str "This is a sweet description." ]
p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ strong [ ]
[ str "On Enter Playing Field" ]
str ": Effect description." ]
p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ strong [ ]
[ str "On Exit Playing Field" ]
str ": Effect description." ]
h5 [ Class "IsTitle is5" ]
[ str "Attacks" ]
table [ ]
[ tr [ ]
[ td [ ]
[ str "🍂 x1" ]
td [ ]
[ str "Leaf Cut" ]
td [ ]
[ str "10" ] ]
tr [ ]
[ td [ ]
[ str "🍂 x2" ]
td [ ]
[ str "Vine Whip" ]
td [ ]
[ str "30" ] ] ] ] ]
footer [ Class "card-footer" ]
[ a [ Href "#"
Class "card-footer-item" ]
[ str "Play" ]
a [ Href "#"
Class "card-footer-item" ]
[ str "Discard" ] ] ] ]
let renderCardInstanceForHand (card: CardInstance) =
renderCardForHand card.Card
let playerHand (hand : Hand) =
section [ Class "section" ]
[ div [ Class "container py-4" ]
[ h3 [ Class "title is-spaced is-4" ]
[ str "Hand" ]
div [ Class "columns is-mobile mb-5" ]
[ yield! Seq.map renderCardInstanceForHand hand.Cards ] ] ]
Next to see some data I will have to populate some hand data into the init object.
To do this I am going to create a testCardSeqGenerator
function. This will take a number and return that number of randomly generated cards.
While doing this I realized the all the GameStateSpecialEffect
in the cards and attacks should be Optional and updated the domain like
and CharacterCard
= { CardId: CardId;
Name: string;
Creature: Creature;
ResourceCost: ResourcePool;
PrimaryResource: Resource;
EnterSpecialEffects: Option<GameStateSpecialEffect>;
ExitSpecialEffects: Option<GameStateSpecialEffect>
and EffectCard
= {
CardId: CardId;
Name: string;
ResourceCost: ResourcePool;
PrimaryResource: Resource;
EnterSpecialEffects: Option<GameStateSpecialEffect>;
ExitSpecialEffects: Option<GameStateSpecialEffect>;
and ResourceCard
= {
CardId: CardId;
Name: string;
ResourceCost: ResourcePool;
PrimaryResource: Resource;
EnterSpecialEffects: Option<GameStateSpecialEffect>;
ExitSpecialEffects: Option<GameStateSpecialEffect>;
ResourceAvailableOnFirstTurn: bool;
ResourcesAdded: ResourcePool
and Attack =
Damage: int
Cost: ResourcePool
SpecialEffect: Option<GameStateSpecialEffect>
After playing around for a while I was eventually able to create functions to generate test data:
let testCardGenerator cardInstanceIdStr cardIdStr =
let cardInstanceId = NonEmptyString.build cardInstanceIdStr |> Result.map CardInstanceId
let cardId = NonEmptyString.build cardInstanceIdStr |> Result.map CardId
match cardInstanceId, cardId with
| Ok id, Ok cid ->
let creature =
Health= 95
Weaknesses= List.empty
Attach = List.empty
let card =
CardId = cid
ResourceCost = [ Resource.Grass, 4;
Resource.Colorless, 1 ] |> Seq.ofList |> ResourcePool
Name = cardIdStr
EnterSpecialEffects = None
ExitSpecialEffects = None
PrimaryResource = Resource.Grass
Creature = creature
Ok {
CardIntanceId = id
Card = card |> CharacterCard
| _, _ ->
sprintf "Unable to create card instance for %s\t%s" cardInstanceIdStr cardIdStr
|> Error
let testCardSeqGenerator (numberOfCards : int) =
seq { 0 .. (numberOfCards - 1) }
|> Seq.map (sprintf "Exciting Character #%i")
|> Seq.map (fun x -> testCardGenerator x x)
|> Seq.map (fun x ->
match x with
| Ok s -> [ s ] |> Ok
| Error e -> e |> Error)
|> Seq.fold (fun x y ->
match x, y with
| Ok accum, Ok curr -> curr @ accum |> Ok
| _,_ -> "Eating Errors lol" |> Error
) (Ok List.empty)
One of the major issues I encountered was transforming the Sequence of results into a Result of a sequence. I ended up having to map the Seq<Result<Card, string>> to a Seq<Result<Card list, string>> and fold across that.
I was then able to update the playerBoard
function to
let playerBoard (player : Player) =
let deckTemp = testCardSeqGenerator 35
let handTemp = testCardSeqGenerator 3
match deckTemp, handTemp with
| Ok deck, Ok hand ->
Ok {
PlayerId= player.PlayerId
Deck= {
TopCardsExposed = 0
Cards = deck
Cards = hand
ActiveCreature= None
Bench= None
DiscardPile= {
TopCardsExposed = 0
Cards = List.empty
TotalResourcePool= ResourcePool Seq.empty
AvailableResourcePool = ResourcePool Seq.empty
| _,_ -> "Error creating deck or hand" |> Error
I feel like there has to be a much better way to deal with these Result types but I am going to keep driving on and revisit later.
In building out this generator I realized I needed to add an image URL for the cards so I added an ImageUrl
to the types of type ImageUrlString
and added this to the builder.
Now I need to update the renderCardForHand
. First I switch the card type and push the character cards into a renderCharacterCard
Apparently, a description is also needed on the card types.
Also, a description is needed on the GameStateSpecialEffect
Also, a ToString
override is needed for the ImageUrlString
type. I set this by overriding all the ToString methods on the NonEmptyString
, UrlString
, and ImageUrlString
type NonEmptyString = private NonEmptyString of string
with override this.ToString() = match this with NonEmptyString s -> s
type UrlString = private UrlString of NonEmptyString
with override this.ToString() = match this with UrlString s -> s.ToString()
type ImageUrlString = private ImageUrlString of UrlString
with override this.ToString() = match this with ImageUrlString s -> s.ToString()
This has proven to be extremely time-consuming and I am calling it quits for the day.
This is the last commit in the branch step-5-wire-up-layout-to-gamestate
Now I am going to continue to wire up the layout to the GameState. Previously, I was able to generate some cards and decks. Doing that I realize I can pull out a function to map Resources to a symbol.
In order to facilitate this mapping I created a function:
let getSymbolForResource resource =
match resource with
| Grass -> "🍂"
| Fire -> "🔥"
| Water -> "💧"
| Lightning -> "⚡"
| Psychic -> "🧠"
| Fighting -> "👊"
| Colorless -> "□"
Using this I can create a function mapping a `ResourcePool' to a string like:
let textDescriptionForResourcePool (resourcePool : ResourcePool) =
|> Seq.map (fun x -> sprintf "%s x%i" (getSymbolForResource x.Key) x.Value)
|> String.concat ";"
Using this function I can break out a renderAttackRow function. To do this I had to add a Name property to the Attack
type. After adding the Name
I can create a method like:
let renderAttackRow (attack: Attack) =
match attack.SpecialEffect with
| Some se ->
tr [ ]
[ td [ ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool attack.Cost) ]
td [ ]
[ str attack.Name ]
td [ ]
p [] [ str (sprintf "%i" attack.Damage) ]
p [] [ str se.Description ]
] ]
| None ->
tr [ ]
[ td [ ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool attack.Cost) ]
td [ ]
[ str attack.Name ]
td [ ]
p [] [ str (sprintf "%i" attack.Damage) ]
] ]
and reference it like
let renderCharacterCard (card: CharacterCard) =
div [ Class "column is-4" ]
[ div [ Class "card" ]
[ header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str card.Name ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool card.ResourceCost) ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str card.Description ]
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Enter Playing Field" card.EnterSpecialEffects
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Exit Playing Field" card.ExitSpecialEffects
h5 [ Class "IsTitle is5" ]
[ str "Attacks" ]
table [ ]
yield! seq {
for a in card.Creature.Attach do
(renderAttackRow a)
] ] ]
footer [ Class "card-footer" ]
[ a [ Href "#"
Class "card-footer-item" ]
[ str "Play" ]
a [ Href "#"
Class "card-footer-item" ]
[ str "Discard" ] ] ] ]
Now I have to plug in the information into the player and enemy creature hopefully reusing much of the previously created functions.
First, I can plug in the playmat backgrounds.
Then, I see I can use a mapping function for the SpecialCondition
s to status symbols similar to what was done for the Resource symbols as well a function which takes an optional list of these conditions and appends them together. These mappings do rely on emojis, this is not a great idea but I am sticking with it for now.
let getSymbolForSpecialCondition status =
match status with
| Asleep -> "💤"
| Burned -> "♨"
| Confused -> "❓"
| Paralyzed -> "🧊"
| Poisoned -> "☠️"
let textDescriptionForListOfSpecialConditions specialConditions =
match specialConditions with
| Some sc -> sc |> Seq.map getSymbolForSpecialCondition |> String.concat ";"
| None -> ""
I am starting to have a number of UI helper functions so I am going to move them into another file/module GeneralUIHelpers
. I will have to register this file in Client.fsproj making sure it is compiled before the PageLayoutElement.fs.
I can now pull out a renderEnemyActiveCreature
function which takes an optional InPlayCreature
as well as a renderEnemyBench
which takes an optional list of InPlayCreature
I wrote these and modified the enemyCreatures function to be like:
let renderEnemyActiveCreature (inPlayCreature : Option<InPlayCreature>) =
match (Option.map (fun x -> (x, x.Card)) inPlayCreature) with
| None -> strong [] [ str "No creature in active play" ]
| Some (creature, EffectCard card) -> strong [] [ str "Active creature is not a character?" ]
| Some (creature, ResourceCard card) -> strong [] [ str "Active creature is not a character?" ]
| Some (creature, CharacterCard card) ->
a [ Href "#" ]
[ div [ Class "card" ]
[ header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str (sprintf "✫ %s" card.Name) ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str (sprintf "💓 %i/%i" (card.Creature.Health - creature.CurrentDamage) card.Creature.Health)
str (textDescriptionForListOfSpecialConditions creature.SpecialEffect) ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str card.Description ]
h5 [ Class "IsTitle is5" ]
[ str "Attacks" ]
table [ ]
yield! seq {
for a in card.Creature.Attach do
(renderAttackRow a)
} ] ] ] ] ]
let renderEnemyBenchRow inPlayCreature =
match inPlayCreature.Card with
| EffectCard ec -> strong [] [ str "Bench creature is not a character code" ]
| ResourceCard rc -> strong [] [ str "Bench creature is not a character code" ]
| CharacterCard card ->
tr [ ]
[ td [ ]
[ str card.Name ]
td [ ]
[ str (textDescriptionForListOfSpecialConditions inPlayCreature.SpecialEffect) ]
td [ ]
[ str (sprintf "💓 %i/%i" (card.Creature.Health - inPlayCreature.CurrentDamage) card.Creature.Health) ] ]
let renderEnemyBench bench =
match bench with
| None -> strong [] [ str "No creatures on bench" ]
| Some l->
table [ Class "table is-fullwidth" ]
[ tr [ ]
[ th [ ]
[ str "Creature Name" ]
th [ ]
[ str "Status" ]
th [ ]
[ str "Health" ] ]
yield! seq {
for b in l do
renderEnemyBenchRow b
let enemyCreatures (player: Player) (playerBoard: PlayerBoard) =
section [
Class "section"
Style [ Background (sprintf "url(%s')" (player.PlaymatUrl.ToString()))
BackgroundSize "cover"
BackgroundRepeat "no-repeat"
BackgroundPosition "center center" ] ]
[ div [ Class "container py-r" ]
[ div [ Class "columns" ]
[ div [ Class "column is-1" ]
[ ]
div [ Class "column is-3" ]
[ renderEnemyActiveCreature playerBoard.ActiveCreature ]
div [ Class "column is-7" ]
[ div [ Class "columns is-mobile is-multiline" ]
[ h2 [ Class "title is-4" ]
[ str "Bench" ]
renderEnemyBench playerBoard.Bench
] ] ] ] ]
This now builds (and looks very weird with no content).
I now need to populate some test data for the enemy creatures.
Similar to the cards I am able to generate the data like:
let inPlayCreatureGenerator inPlayCreatureIdStr cardInstanceIdStr cardIdStr cardImageUrlStr =
let inPlayCreatureId = NonEmptyString.build inPlayCreatureIdStr |> Result.map InPlayCreatureId
let card = testCardGenerator cardInstanceIdStr cardIdStr cardImageUrlStr
match inPlayCreatureId, card with
| Ok id, Ok c ->
Ok {
InPlayCharacterId= id
Card = c.Card
CurrentDamage= 0
SpecialEffect= None
AttachedEnergy = [ Resource.Grass, 4;
Resource.Colorless, 1 ] |> Seq.ofList |> ResourcePool
SpentEnergy = [ Resource.Grass, 4;
Resource.Colorless, 1 ] |> Seq.ofList |> ResourcePool
| _, _ -> "Unable to create in play creature." |> Error
let inPlayCreatureSeqGenerator (numberOfCards : int) =
seq { 0 .. (numberOfCards - 1) }
|> Seq.map (fun x -> inPlayCreatureGenerator
(sprintf "ExcitingCharacter%i" x)
(sprintf "ExcitingCharacter%i" x)
(sprintf "Exciting Character #%i" x)
(sprintf "https://picsum.photos/320/200?%i" x))
|> Seq.map (fun x ->
match x with
| Ok s -> [ s ] |> Ok
| Error e -> e |> Error)
|> Seq.fold (fun x y ->
match x, y with
| Ok accum, Ok curr -> curr @ accum |> Ok
| _,_ -> "Eating Errors lol" |> Error
) (Ok List.empty)
Next, I need to modify the player creatures to also reference the state.
To do this I created three functions:
let playerActiveCreature (inPlayCreature : Option<InPlayCreature>) =
match (Option.map (fun x -> (x, x.Card)) inPlayCreature) with
| None -> strong [] [ str "No creature in active play" ]
| Some (creature, EffectCard card) -> strong [] [ str "Active creature is not a character?" ]
| Some (creature, ResourceCard card) -> strong [] [ str "Active creature is not a character?" ]
| Some (creature, CharacterCard card) ->
a [ Href "#" ]
[ div [ Class "card" ]
[ header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str (sprintf "✫ %s" card.Name) ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str (sprintf "💓 %i/%i" (card.Creature.Health - creature.CurrentDamage) card.Creature.Health)
str (textDescriptionForListOfSpecialConditions creature.SpecialEffect) ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str card.Description ]
h5 [ Class "IsTitle is5" ]
[ str "Attacks" ]
table [ ]
yield! seq {
for a in card.Creature.Attach do
(renderAttackRow a)
} ] ] ]
footer [ Class "card-footer" ]
[ a [ Href "#"
Class "card-footer-item" ]
[ str "Tap Out" ] ] ] ]
let playerBenchCreature (inPlayCreature : InPlayCreature)=
match (inPlayCreature, inPlayCreature.Card) with
| (creature, EffectCard card) -> strong [] [ str "Active creature is not a character?" ]
| (creature, ResourceCard card) -> strong [] [ str "Active creature is not a character?" ]
| (creature, CharacterCard card) ->
div [ Class "column is-4-mobile is-12-tablet" ]
[ div [ Class "card" ]
[ header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str card.Name ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str (sprintf "💓 %i/%i" (card.Creature.Health - creature.CurrentDamage) card.Creature.Health)
str (textDescriptionForListOfSpecialConditions creature.SpecialEffect) ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str card.Description ]
h5 [ Class "IsTitle is5" ]
[ str "Attacks" ]
table [ ]
yield! seq {
for a in card.Creature.Attach do
(renderAttackRow a)
} ] ] ] ] ]
let playerBench (bench : Option<InPlayCreature list>) columnsInBench =
match bench with
| None -> strong [] [ str "No creatures on bench."]
| Some l ->
div [ Class "column is-9"] [
div [ Class "container"] [
h3 [Class "title is-3"] [str "Bench"]
yield! seq {
let numberOfRows = (l.Length / columnsInBench)
for row in {0 .. numberOfRows } do
let innerl = Seq.truncate columnsInBench (Seq.skip (row * columnsInBench) l)
div [ Class "columns is-mobile is-multiline" ]
yield! seq {
for creature in innerl do
div [ Class (sprintf "column is-%i" (12/columnsInBench)) ] [
playerBenchCreature creature
} ] ]
let playerCreatures (player: Player) (playerBoard: PlayerBoard) =
section [
Class "section"
Style [ Background (sprintf "url('%s')" (player.PlaymatUrl.ToString()))
BackgroundSize "cover"
BackgroundRepeat "no-repeat"
BackgroundPosition "center center" ] ]
[ div [ Class "container py-r" ] [
div [ Class "columns" ]
[ div [ Class "column is-3" ]
[ playerActiveCreature playerBoard.ActiveCreature ]
playerBench playerBoard.Bench 4
] ] ]
This compiles and displays now. Here note that the playerBench takes an argument for the number of columns to display. I wasn't sure if it should be 3 or 4 cards per column so I made it a variable.
The playerCreatures can then be changed to
let playerCreatures (player: Player) (playerBoard: PlayerBoard) =
section [
Class "section"
Style [ Background (sprintf "url('%s')" (player.PlaymatUrl.ToString()))
BackgroundSize "cover"
BackgroundRepeat "no-repeat"
BackgroundPosition "center center" ] ]
[ div [ Class "container py-r" ] [
div [ Class "columns" ]
[ div [ Class "column is-3" ]
[ playerActiveCreature playerBoard.ActiveCreature ]
playerBench playerBoard.Bench 4
] ] ]
Additionally, at this stage, I noticed that the playmat background on the creatures was missing a '
around the URL so I added that.
Now our layout is largely wired up to the GameState. Next, we will need to define some events which modify the GameState and attach those events to the UI.
This is the final commit in the branch step-6-wire-up-layout-to-gamestate-part-2
As players play the game they can perform a number of actions that trigger events that modify the GameState.
Note from a technical standpoint: The GameState is actually immutable and never changes but rather a new GameState is generated from an acton and the previous state. This new state replaces the past state.
Initially, I am going to start just writing out some potential events which could happen during the game and the associated event data they would carry.
- StartGame - Initializes a new game (Creates a new GameState)
- A unique GameID
- Pair of Players with associated decks
- PlayerID of Player to start game
- DrawCard - Moves the top card from the deck to the hand on the playboard referenced by the PlayerId
- GameId
- PlayerId
- DiscardCard - Move card with CardInstanceId from the playerboard's hand to discard pile
- GameId
- PlayerId
- CardInstanceID
- PlayCard -
If resources are available on the player's board:
remove the card from the player's hand
- if a resource card add to the total resource pool
- if an effect card trigger the effect
- if a character card creates an inplay creature and trigger the enter event. If no active create exists place the in-play creature in the active position otherwise place it on the bench.
If the resources are not available add an error message to the gamestate
- GameId
- PlayerId
- CardInstanceID
- EndPlayStep - Move the gamestate to the attack state
- GameId
- PlayerId
- PerformAttack -
If the resources are available on the player's board:
if the opponent has an inplay creature deal the damage from the attack to that creature. If the creature has <= 0 heath the creature dies
if the opponent has no inplay creature deal the damage to the player
if the resources are not available on the player's board display a message
- GameId
- PlayerId
- InPlayCreatureId
- Attack
- SkipAttack - Move the gamestate to reconcile
- GameId
- PlayerId
- EndTurn - Mode the gamestate to the other player's draw state
- GameId
- PlayerId
- GameWon - Move the gamestate to the game over state
- PlayerId of Winner
- Winning Reason (string)
There will have to be additional events for things like tapping out/retreating active creatures but I think those would best be added after everything else is set up/works.
Going through this process I have identified a few initial things that need to be added.
* need a list of notifications on the GameState
* need a GameStep for GameOver
* need an optional winner on the GameOver Step
* need a game id on the GameState
I am not thinking that the CurrentPlayerTurn should actually be on the Game Step so I am refactoring that type.
I modified the domain models with:
and GameOverStep =
WinnerId: Option<PlayerId>
Message: string
and GameStep =
| Draw of PlayerId
| Play of PlayerId
| Attack of PlayerId
| Reconcile of PlayerId
| GameOver of GameOverStep
and Notification = string
and GameState =
GameId: GameId
NotificationMessages: Option<Notification list>
CurrentPlayer: PlayerId
OpponentPlayer: PlayerId
Players: Map<PlayerId, Player>
Boards: Map<PlayerId, PlayerBoard>
TurnNumber: int
I then had to update the init function for the new fields like
let init =
let player1 = createPlayer "Player1" "Player1" 10 "https://picsum.photos/id/1000/2500/1667?blur=5"
let player2 = createPlayer "Player2" "Player2" 10 "https://picsum.photos/id/10/2500/1667?blur=5"
let gameId = NonEmptyString.build "GameIDHere" |> Result.map GameId
match player1, player2, gameId with
| Ok p1, Ok p2, Ok g ->
let playerBoard1 = playerBoard p1
let playerBoard2 = playerBoard p2
match playerBoard1, playerBoard2 with
| Ok pb1, Ok pb2 ->
let model =
GameId = g
Players = [
p1.PlayerId, p1;
p2.PlayerId, p2
] |> Map.ofList
Boards = [
pb1.PlayerId, pb1;
pb2.PlayerId, pb2
] |> Map.ofList
NotificationMessages = None
CurrentStep= p1.PlayerId |> Attack
TurnNumber = 1
CurrentPlayer = p1.PlayerId
OpponentPlayer = p2.PlayerId
let cmd = Cmd.ofMsg GameStarted
Ok (model, cmd)
| _ -> "Failed to create player boards" |> Error
| _ -> "Failed to create players" |> Error
I similarly had to update the currentStepInformation to utilize the updated GameStep type. Using the fact that whose turn it is now embedded in the state I was able to simplify the yourCurrentStepClasses function like:
let yourCurrentStepClasses (gameState : GameState) (gamesStep: GameStep) =
if gameState.CurrentStep = gamesStep then "button is-danger"
else "button is-primary"
let currentStepInformation (player: Player) (gameState : GameState) =
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
[ p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses gameState (player.PlayerId |> GameStep.Draw))
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Draw" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses gameState (player.PlayerId |> GameStep.Draw))
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Play" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses gameState (player.PlayerId |> GameStep.Draw))
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Attack" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses gameState (player.PlayerId |> GameStep.Draw))
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Reconcile" ] ] ] ] ]
At this point everything builds and I am checking it in with a commit message of Step 7 Updates to GameState
In the Client/Index.fs I can now modify the Msg type to be a discriminated union of all the above-listed types. First, I am moving the Msg type into its own module/file Events/Events.fs.
Based on the above description I was able to define the events as follows:
type StartGameEvent =
GameId: GameId
Players: Map<Player, Deck>
type DrawCardEvent =
GameId: GameId
PlayerId: PlayerId
type DiscardCardEvent =
GameId: GameId
PlayerId: PlayerId
CardInstanceId: CardInstanceId
type PlayCardEvent =
GameId: GameId
PlayerId: PlayerId
CardInstanceId: CardInstanceId
type EndPlayStepEvent =
GameId: GameId
PlayerId: PlayerId
type PerformAttackEvent =
GameId: GameId
PlayerId: PlayerId
InPlayCreatureId: InPlayCreatureId
Attack: Attack
type SkipAttackEvent =
GameId: GameId
PlayerId: PlayerId
type EndTurnEvent =
GameId: GameId
PlayerId: PlayerId
type GameWonEvent =
GameId: GameId
Winner: Option<PlayerId>
Message: Option<Notification list>
type Msg =
| GameStarted
| StartGame of StartGameEvent
| DrawCard of DrawCardEvent
| DiscardCard of DiscardCardEvent
| PlayCard of PlayCardEvent
| EndPlayStep of EndPlayStepEvent
| PerformAttack of PerformAttackEvent
| SkipAttack of SkipAttackEvent
| EndTurn of EndTurnEvent
| GameWon of GameWonEvent
I am not receiving compiler errors for incomplete match statements but it builds. At this point, I am committing these changes with the message Update Msg type to include a variety of events
I am keeping this as the final commit in the branch step-7-creating-events-to-update-state
In the next step/section I will be wiring up the events to actually modify the game state. Finally, we will be removing the GameStarted
event and replace the initializing function with a hydrated StartGame
These updates to the gamestate will occur in the update function of the client Index.fs
First I scaffolded out the update function like:
let update (msg: Msg) (model: GameState): GameState * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| GameStarted ->
model, Cmd.none
| StartGame ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| DrawCard ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| DiscardCard ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| PlayCard ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| EndPlayStep ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| PerformAttack ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| SkipAttack ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| EndTurn ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| GameWon ev ->
model, Cmd.none
First I will implement to StartGame
In order to do this I first created a takeDeckDealFirstHandAndReturnNewPlayerBoard
let takeDeckDealFirstHandAndReturnNewPlayerBoard (intitalHandSize: int) (playerId : PlayerId) (deck : Deck) =
let emptyHand =
Cards = list.Empty
let deckAfterDraw, hand = drawCardsFromDeck intitalHandSize deck emptyHand
PlayerId= playerId
Deck= deckAfterDraw
ActiveCreature= None
Bench= None
DiscardPile= {
TopCardsExposed = 0
Cards = List.empty
TotalResourcePool= ResourcePool Seq.empty
AvailableResourcePool = ResourcePool Seq.empty
This references a new function to draw cards:
let drawCardsFromDeck (cardsToDraw: int) (deck : Deck) (hand: Hand) =
if deck.Cards.IsEmpty then
deck, hand
let cardsToTake = List.truncate cardsToDraw deck.Cards
{ deck with Cards = List.skip cardsToTake.Length deck.Cards}, {hand with Cards = hand.Cards @ cardsToTake}
Then I was able to intialize the state as:
let intitalizeGameStateFromStartGameEvent (ev : StartGameEvent) =
GameId= ev.GameId
NotificationMessages= None
CurrentPlayer= ev.CurrentPlayer
OpponentPlayer= ev.OpponentPlayer
Players= ev.Players
Boards= ev.Decks
|> Seq.map (fun x -> x.Key, takeDeckDealFirstHandAndReturnNewPlayerBoard 7 x.Key x.Value )
|> Map.ofSeq
CurrentStep= ev.CurrentPlayer |> Draw
TurnNumber= 1
Then I just have to call intitalizeGameStateFromStartGameEvent from my update match statement.
Using the same draw function I can implement the draw event.
let appendNotificationMessageToListOrCreateList (existingNotifications : Option<Notification list) (newNotification : string) =
match existingNotifications with
| Some nl ->
|> Notification
|> (fun y -> y :: nl)
|> Some
| None ->
[ (newNotification |> Notification) ]
|> Some
let modifyGameStateFromDrawCardEvent (ev: DrawCardEvent) (gs: GameState) =
match gs.Boards.TryGetValue ev.PlayerId with
| true, pb ->
let newDeck, newHand = drawCardsFromDeck 1 pb.Deck pb.Hand
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (ev.PlayerId, { pb with Deck = newDeck; Hand = newHand }) ) }
| false, _ ->
{ gs with NotificationMessages = appendNotificationMessageToListOrCreateList gs.NotificationMessages "Unable to lookup player board" }
I realize there has to be a better way to pipe into a list than |> (fun y -> y :: nl)
but I am just going to leave that for now.
Discard card is next. I noticed a typo in the name CardInstanceId
so I corrected that. Also, I notice I will similarly have to pull the player board from the state so I should extract that to be a function like:
let getExistingPlayerBoardFromGameState playerId gs =
match gs.Boards.TryGetValue playerId with
| true, pb ->
pb |> Ok
| false, _ ->
(sprintf "Unable to locate player board for player id %s" (playerId.ToString())) |> Error
I am then able to implement a discardCardFromBoard function like:
let discardCardFromBoard (cardInstanceId : CardInstanceId) (playerBoard : PlayerBoard) =
let cardToDiscard : CardInstance list = List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards
match cardToDiscard with
| [] ->
(sprintf "Unable to locate card in hand with card instance id %s" (cardInstanceId.ToString())) |> Error
| [ x ] ->
with Hand =
{ playerBoard.Hand with
Cards = (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
DiscardPile ={playerBoard.DiscardPile with Cards = playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards @ [ x ] }
} |> Ok
| _ ->
(sprintf "ERROR: located multiple cards in hand with card instance id %s. This shouldn't happen" (cardInstanceId.ToString())) |> Error
let modifyGameStateFromDiscardCardEvent (ev: DiscardCardEvent) (gs: GameState) =
let newBoard =
getExistingPlayerBoardFromGameState ev.PlayerId gs
|> Result.bind (discardCardFromBoard ev.CardInstanceId)
match newBoard with
| Ok pb ->
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (ev.PlayerId, pb) ) }
| Error e ->
{ gs with NotificationMessages = appendNotificationMessageToListOrCreateList gs.NotificationMessages e }
The end play step should just move the player to the Attack step like:
| EndPlayStep ev ->
{ model with CurrentStep = (Attack ev.PlayerId)}, Cmd.none
Similarly, SkipAttack should just move the player to the Reconcile step.
| SkipAttack ev ->
{ model with CurrentStep = (Reconcile ev.PlayerId)}, Cmd.none
EndTurn should just move the game to the draw step of the other player.
| EndTurn ev ->
let otherPlayer = getTheOtherPlayer model ev.PlayerId
{ model with CurrentStep = (Draw otherPlayer)}, Cmd.none
Game Won should transition to the GameOverState, set a winner and a message but I will first have to define a function to format the GameOverMessage like:
let formatGameOverMessage (notifications : Option<Notification list>) =
match notifications with
| None ->
"Game Over for unknown reason"
| Some [] ->
"Game Over for unknown reason"
| Some x ->
|> Seq.map (fun x -> x.ToString())
|> String.concat ";"
then I can
| GameWon ev ->
let newStep = { WinnerId = ev.Winner; Message = formatGameOverMessage ev.Message } |> GameOver
{ model with CurrentStep = newStep}, Cmd.none
This involved some copypasta which could be removed and refactored but I am just going to keep driving on for now.
This now just leaves me to complete the play card and attack events.
For the play card action, I will need to implement a variety of functions. These will require refactoring but just to get something down I added
let applyEffectIfDefinied effect gs =
match effect with
| Some e -> e.Function.Invoke gs |> Ok
| None -> gs |> Ok
let currentResourceAmountFromPool (resourcePool : ResourcePool) (resource : Resource) =
match resourcePool.TryGetValue(resource) with
| true, t -> t
| false, _ -> 0
let rec addResourcesToPool (rp1 : Map<Resource, int>) rp2 =
match rp2 with
| [] -> rp1 |> Map.toSeq |> ResourcePool
| [ (x,y) ] ->
rp1.Add(x, y + (currentResourceAmountFromPool rp1 x)) |> Map.toSeq |> ResourcePool
| (x,y) :: xs ->
addResourcesToPool (rp1.Add(x, y + (currentResourceAmountFromPool rp1 x))) xs
let createInPlayCreatureFromCardInstance characterCard inPlayCreatureId =
InPlayCharacterId= inPlayCreatureId
Card = characterCard
CurrentDamage= 0
SpecialEffect= None
AttachedEnergy = Seq.empty |> ResourcePool
SpentEnergy = Seq.empty |> ResourcePool
} |> Ok
let appendCreatureToPlayerBoard inPlayCreature playerBoard =
match playerBoard.ActiveCreature with
| None ->
{ playerBoard with ActiveCreature = Some inPlayCreature }
| Some a ->
{ playerBoard
with Bench
= Some (Option.fold (fun x y -> x @ y) [ inPlayCreature ] playerBoard.Bench) }
let addCreatureToGameState cardInstanceId x playerId gs playerBoard inPlayCreature=
let playerBoard =
with Hand =
playerBoard.Hand with
Cards = (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
DiscardPile ={playerBoard.DiscardPile with Cards = playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards @ [ x ] }
} |> (appendCreatureToPlayerBoard inPlayCreature)
{ gs with Boards = gs.Boards.Add ( playerId, playerBoard) } |> Ok
let buildInPlayCreatureId idStr =
let res = idStr |> NonEmptyString.build
match res with
| Ok r -> InPlayCreatureId r |> Ok
| Error e -> Error e
let playCardFromBoard (cardInstanceId : CardInstanceId) (playerId : PlayerId) (gs: GameState) (playerBoard : PlayerBoard) =
let cardToDiscard : CardInstance list = List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards
match cardToDiscard with
| [] ->
(sprintf "Unable to locate card in hand with card instance id %s" (cardInstanceId.ToString())) |> Error
| [ x ] ->
match x.Card with
| CharacterCard cc ->
|> buildInPlayCreatureId
|> (Result.bind (createInPlayCreatureFromCardInstance x.Card))
|> (Result.bind (addCreatureToGameState cardInstanceId x playerId gs playerBoard))
|> (Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied cc.EnterSpecialEffects))
| ResourceCard rc ->
let newPb = {
with Hand =
{ playerBoard.Hand with
Cards = (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
TotalResourcePool = addResourcesToPool playerBoard.TotalResourcePool (Map.toList rc.ResourcesAdded)
DiscardPile ={playerBoard.DiscardPile with Cards = playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards @ [ x ] }
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (playerId, newPb)) } |> (applyEffectIfDefinied rc.EnterSpecialEffects) |> Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied rc.ExitSpecialEffects)
| EffectCard ec ->
let newPb = {
with Hand =
{ playerBoard.Hand with
Cards = (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
DiscardPile = {playerBoard.DiscardPile with Cards = playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards @ [ x ] }
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (playerId, newPb) ) } |> (applyEffectIfDefinied ec.EnterSpecialEffects) |> Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied ec.ExitSpecialEffects)
| _ ->
(sprintf "ERROR: located multiple cards in hand with card instance id %s. This shouldn't happen" (cardInstanceId.ToString())) |> Error
let modifyGameStateFromPlayCardEvent (ev: PlayCardEvent) (gs: GameState) =
let newBoard =
getExistingPlayerBoardFromGameState ev.PlayerId gs
|> Result.bind (playCardFromBoard ev.CardInstanceId ev.PlayerId gs)
match newBoard with
| Ok pb ->
| Error e ->
{ gs with NotificationMessages = appendNotificationMessageToListOrCreateList gs.NotificationMessages e }
I am leaving the attack logic for later and am now focuses on testing to verify what I have done so far is working.
I am now interested in building a more realistic gamestate for testing.
This is the final commit in the branch step-8-wire-up-events-to-update-game-step
In order to create better test data I am going to be creating a temporary SampleCardDatabase in the Client. This SampleCardDatabase will also require several generic list methods I am putting in a CollectionManipulation module also in the client.
I am going to create a creatureCardDb which creates a list of sample creature cards and a resourceCardDb which contains a list of sample resource cards. I am ignoring the effect cards for now.
Both of these "Db"s are generated by piping lists of tuples through a constructor function and taking all the valid "Ok" results.
I implemented them like:
let creatureCreatureConstructor creatureId name description primaryResource resourceCost health weaknesses =
let cardId = NonEmptyString.build creatureId |> Result.map CardId
let cardImageUrl = ImageUrlString.build (sprintf "/images/full/%s.png" creatureId)
match cardId, cardImageUrl with
| Ok cid, Ok imgUrl ->
Ok {
CardId = cid
ResourceCost = resourceCost
Name = name
EnterSpecialEffects = None
ExitSpecialEffects = None
PrimaryResource = primaryResource
Creature =
Health= health
Weaknesses= weaknesses
Attack = List.empty
ImageUrl = imgUrl
Description =description
| _, _ -> Error "No"
let resourceCardConstructor resourceCardId resource =
let cardId = NonEmptyString.build resourceCardId |> Result.map CardId
let cardImageUrl = ImageUrlString.build (sprintf "/images/resource/%s.png" (resource.ToString()))
match cardId, cardImageUrl with
| Ok cid, Ok imgUrl ->
Ok {
CardId = cid
ResourceCost = Seq.empty |> ResourcePool
Name = resource.ToString()
EnterSpecialEffects = None
ExitSpecialEffects = None
PrimaryResource = resource
ResourceAvailableOnFirstTurn = true
ResourcesAdded = [ (resource, 1) ] |> ResourcePool
ImageUrl = imgUrl
Description = (sprintf "Add 1 %s to your available resource pool." (getSymbolForResource resource))
| _, _ -> Error "No"
let resourceCardDb =
"GrassEnergy", Resource. Grass;
"FireEnergy", Resource.Fire;
"WaterEnergy", Resource. Water;
"LightningEnergy", Resource.Lightning;
"PsychicEnergy", Resource.Psychic;
"FightingEnergy", Resource.Fighting;
"ColorlessEnergy", Resource.Colorless
] |> List.map (fun (x,y) -> resourceCardConstructor x y)
|> selectAllOkayResults
let creatureCardDb =
("001", "BulbMon", "It has a bulb on it bro",Resource.Grass, [ Resource.Grass, 1; ] |> Seq.ofList |> ResourcePool, 40, [Resource.Fire] )
("050", "DigMon", "Mole Monster", Resource.Fighting,[ Resource.Fighting, 1; ] |> Seq.ofList |> ResourcePool, 30, [ Resource.Lightning ] )
("086", "SeelMon", "See Lion Monster", Resource.Water, [ Resource.Water, 1; ] |> Seq.ofList |> ResourcePool, 60, [ Resource.Lightning ] )
|> List.map (fun (x,y,z,q,q2,q3, q4) -> creatureCreatureConstructor x y z q q2 q3 q4)
|> selectAllOkayResults
with selectAllOkayResults defined in the CollectinManipulation as
let predicateForOkayResults z =
match z with
| Ok _ -> true
| _ -> false
let selectorForOkayResults z =
match z with
| Ok x -> [ x ]
| _ -> []
let selectAllOkayResults (z : List<Result<'a,'b>>) =
|> List.filter predicateForOkayResults
|> List.map selectorForOkayResults
|> List.fold (@) []
let shuffleG xs = xs |> Seq.sortBy (fun _ -> System.Guid.NewGuid())
I now need to utilize these functions when setting up teh game. I want to add a mixture of resource cards and creature cards. For now I can alternate decks between creature and resource cards.
First I renamed testCardGenerator
to testCeatureCardGenerator
and change the function to pull information from the sample database:
let testCreatureCardGenerator cardInstanceIdStr =
let cardInstanceId = NonEmptyString.build cardInstanceIdStr |> Result.map CardInstanceId
match cardInstanceId with
| Ok id ->
let card = SampleCardDatabase.creatureCardDb |> CollectionManipulation.shuffleG |> Seq.head
Ok {
CardInstanceId = id
Card = card |> CharacterCard
| _ ->
sprintf "Unable to create card instance for %s" cardInstanceIdStr
|> Error
I can then create a similar function testResourceCardGenerator
let testResourceCardGenerator cardInstanceIdStr =
let cardInstanceId = NonEmptyString.build cardInstanceIdStr |> Result.map CardInstanceId
match cardInstanceId with
| Ok id ->
let card = SampleCardDatabase.resourceCardDb |> CollectionManipulation.shuffleG |> Seq.head
Ok {
CardInstanceId = id
Card = card |> ResourceCard
| _ ->
sprintf "Unable to create card instance for %s" cardInstanceIdStr
|> Error
I can then combine these two functions into testDeckSeqGenerator
let testDeckSeqGenerator (numberOfCards :int) =
seq { 0 .. (numberOfCards - 1)}
|> Seq.map (fun x ->
if x % 2 = 1 then
testCreatureCardGenerator (sprintf "cardInstance-%i" x)
testResourceCardGenerator (sprintf "cardInstance-%i" x)
|> List.ofSeq
|> CollectionManipulation.selectAllOkayResults
I can then rewrite the init to reference the new Dbs like:
let init =
let player1 = createPlayer "Player1" "Player1" 10 "https://picsum.photos/id/1000/2500/1667?blur=5"
let player2 = createPlayer "Player2" "Player2" 10 "https://picsum.photos/id/10/2500/1667?blur=5"
let gameId = NonEmptyString.build "GameIDHere" |> Result.map GameId
match player1, player2, gameId with
| Ok p1, Ok p2, Ok g ->
let playerBoard1 = playerBoard p1
let playerBoard2 = playerBoard p2
match playerBoard1, playerBoard2 with
| Ok pb1, Ok pb2 ->
let model : GameState =
GameId = g
Players = Map.empty
Boards = Map.empty
NotificationMessages = None
CurrentStep = NotCurrentlyPlaying
TurnNumber = 0
PlayerOne = p1.PlayerId
PlayerTwo = p2.PlayerId
let startGameEvent =
GameId = g
Players = [
p1.PlayerId, p1;
p2.PlayerId, p2
] |> Map.ofList
PlayerOne = p1.PlayerId
PlayerTwo = p2.PlayerId
Decks = [ (p1.PlayerId, { TopCardsExposed = 0; Cards = testDeckSeqGenerator 60 });
(p2.PlayerId, { TopCardsExposed = 0; Cards = testDeckSeqGenerator 60 })]
|> Map.ofSeq
} |> StartGame
let cmd = Cmd.ofMsg startGameEvent
Ok (model, cmd)
| _ -> "Failed to create player boards" |> Error
| _ -> "Failed to create players" |> Error
I am able to see that the application does in fact now compile and renders the correct more realistic hands.
I am now able to try to wire up some functionality.
The first action I will try to implement is the "discard card" functionality on the discard button.
To do this I will need to wire up the OnClick functionality on the button.
I will wire it up by having this OnClick be a lambda sending a discard Msg like:
let renderCardInstanceForHand (dispatch : Msg -> unit) gameId playerId (card: CardInstance) =
div [ Class "column is-4" ]
[ div [ Class "card" ]
[ yield! (renderCardForHand card.Card)
yield footer [ Class "card-footer" ]
[ a [ Href "#"
Class "card-footer-item" ]
[ str "Play" ]
a [ Href "#"
OnClick (fun _->
GameId = gameId
PlayerId = playerId
CardInstanceId = card.CardInstanceId
} : DiscardCardEvent) |> DiscardCard |> dispatch)
Class "card-footer-item" ]
[ str "Discard" ] ] ] ]
To modify the renderCardInstance like this I had to alter the function to render the card frame and card footer as opposed to the renderCardForHand.
I did this by changing the renderCardForHand like:
let renderCharacterCard (card: CharacterCard) =
header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str card.Name ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool card.ResourceCost) ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str card.Description ]
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Enter Playing Field" card.EnterSpecialEffects
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Exit Playing Field" card.ExitSpecialEffects
h5 [ Class "IsTitle is5" ]
[ str "Attacks" ]
table [ ]
yield! seq {
for a in card.Creature.Attack do
(renderAttackRow a)
] ] ]
let renderCardForHand (card: Card) : ReactElement list=
match card with
| CharacterCard c -> renderCharacterCard c
| _ ->
strong [] [ str "IDK" ]
I am not able to click the discard button but it doesn't function as expected! It is discarding all the cards other than the desired card!
I now have to fix the behavior of the discardCardFromBoard
function. I have found that the bug lies in the filter on the Hand being (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
and not (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId <> cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
. Scanning through the code I will also have to update the similar funcationality in addCreatureToGameState
and playCardFromBoard
. (the fact that I had to update this logic is a real sign I need to refactor but I am ignoring this for now).
I reload the webpage and discard appears to be correctly functioning.
Now I can similarly implement the play card functionality by altering the
Refreshing the browser, nothing happens when I click play.
The first thing I did was add a notification area to the page to see if there was an error message like:
let notificationArea (messages :Option<Notification list>) =
match messages with
| Some s ->
div []
yield! Seq.map (fun x -> div [Class "notification is-danger"] [ str (x.ToString()) ]) s
| _ ->
div [] []
let mainLayout model dispatch =
match extractNeededModelsFromState model with
| Ok op, Ok opb, Ok cp, Ok cpb ->
div [ Class "container is-fluid" ]
[ topNavigation
br [ ]
br [ ]
enemyStats op opb
enemyCreatures op opb
playerControlCenter cp cpb model
notificationArea model.NotificationMessages
playerCreatures cp cpb
playerHand model.GameId cp.PlayerId cpb.Hand dispatch
| _ -> strong [] [ str "Error in GameState encountered." ]
After poking around for a while I realized this was never wired up at all. In the update function, I updated the
| PlayCard ev ->
model, Cmd.none
| PlayCard ev ->
modifyGameStateFromPlayCardEvent ev model, Cmd.none
Now it appears to be adding the creatures to the playfield. One thing that needs to be added to the UI is the total and available resources.
To do this I modified the playerStats
function on the PageLayoutElements to include the resources like:
let playerStats (player: Player) (playerBoard: PlayerBoard) =
[ div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "💓 %i/10" player.RemainingLifePoints) ] ]
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "🤚 %i" playerBoard.Hand.Cards.Length) ] ]
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "🂠 %i" playerBoard.Deck.Cards.Length) ] ]
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "🗑️ %i" playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards.Length)] ]
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "Total Res: %s" (textDescriptionForResourcePool playerBoard.TotalResourcePool))] ]
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "Avail Res: %s" (textDescriptionForResourcePool playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool))] ] ]
I can now see the resources and see that the total resources are modifying but not available so I will need to update the playCardFromBoard
function on index like:
let playCardFromBoard (cardInstanceId : CardInstanceId) (playerId : PlayerId) (gs: GameState) (playerBoard : PlayerBoard) =
let cardToDiscard : CardInstance list = List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards
match cardToDiscard with
| [] ->
(sprintf "Unable to locate card in hand with card instance id %s" (cardInstanceId.ToString())) |> Error
| [ x ] ->
match x.Card with
| CharacterCard cc ->
|> buildInPlayCreatureId
|> (Result.bind (createInPlayCreatureFromCardInstance x.Card))
|> (Result.bind (addCreatureToGameState cardInstanceId x playerId gs playerBoard))
|> (Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied cc.EnterSpecialEffects))
| ResourceCard rc ->
let newPb = {
with Hand =
{ playerBoard.Hand with
Cards = (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId <> cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
TotalResourcePool = addResourcesToPool playerBoard.TotalResourcePool (Map.toList rc.ResourcesAdded)
AvailableResourcePool =
if rc.ResourceAvailableOnFirstTurn then
addResourcesToPool playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool (Map.toList rc.ResourcesAdded)
else playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool
DiscardPile ={playerBoard.DiscardPile with Cards = playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards @ [ x ] }
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (playerId, newPb)) } |> (applyEffectIfDefinied rc.EnterSpecialEffects) |> Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied rc.ExitSpecialEffects)
| EffectCard ec ->
let newPb = {
with Hand =
{ playerBoard.Hand with
Cards = (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId <> cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
DiscardPile = {playerBoard.DiscardPile with Cards = playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards @ [ x ] }
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (playerId, newPb) ) } |> (applyEffectIfDefinied ec.EnterSpecialEffects) |> Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied ec.ExitSpecialEffects)
| _ ->
(sprintf "ERROR: located multiple cards in hand with card instance id %s. This shouldn't happen" (cardInstanceId.ToString())) |> Error
With both the total and available populating the layout completely breaks so I put these two values on top of each other. This looks bad but is functional for the moment:
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-primary"
Href "#" ]
[ str (sprintf "Tot %s" (textDescriptionForResourcePool playerBoard.TotalResourcePool))
br []
str (sprintf "Ava %s" (textDescriptionForResourcePool playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool))] ] ]
I now notice that I am able to play cards for which I don't have the resources, as well as my available resources, are not being decremented.
To implement this I had to create a number of functions and rewrite the play logic to take this into account like:
let getNeededResourcesForCard card =
match card with
| CharacterCard cc -> cc.ResourceCost
| ResourceCard rc -> rc.ResourceCost
| EffectCard ec -> ec.ResourceCost
let tryRemoveResourceFromPlayerBoard (playerBoard:PlayerBoard) x y =
match playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool.TryGetValue(x) with
| true, z when z >= y -> Ok {playerBoard with AvailableResourcePool = (addResourcesToPool playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool [ (x, y) ]) }
| _, _ -> sprintf "Not enough %s" (getSymbolForResource x) |> Error
let rec decrementResourcesFromPlayerBoard playerBoard resourcePool =
match resourcePool with
| [] -> Ok playerBoard
| [ (x, y) ] -> tryRemoveResourceFromPlayerBoard playerBoard x y
| (x, y) :: xs ->
match tryRemoveResourceFromPlayerBoard playerBoard x y with
| Error e -> e |> Error
| Ok pb -> decrementResourcesFromPlayerBoard pb xs
let decrementRequiredResourcesFromModel cardToDiscard (playerId : PlayerId) (gs: GameState) (playerBoard : PlayerBoard) =
getNeededResourcesForCard cardToDiscard
|> Map.toList
|> decrementResourcesFromPlayerBoard playerBoard
|> Result.bind (fun updatedPlayerBoard -> Ok {gs with Boards = gs.Boards.Add(playerId, updatedPlayerBoard) })
let playCardFromBoardImp cardInstanceId playerId playerBoard (x : CardInstance) cardToDiscard gs =
match x.Card with
| CharacterCard cc ->
|> buildInPlayCreatureId
|> (Result.bind (createInPlayCreatureFromCardInstance x.Card))
|> (Result.bind (addCreatureToGameState cardInstanceId x playerId gs playerBoard))
|> (Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied cc.EnterSpecialEffects))
| ResourceCard rc ->
let newAvailResourcePool =
if rc.ResourceAvailableOnFirstTurn then
addResourcesToPool playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool (Map.toList rc.ResourcesAdded)
let newPb = {
with Hand =
playerBoard.Hand with
Cards = (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId <> cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
TotalResourcePool = addResourcesToPool playerBoard.TotalResourcePool (Map.toList rc.ResourcesAdded)
AvailableResourcePool = newAvailResourcePool
DiscardPile ={playerBoard.DiscardPile with Cards = playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards @ [ x ] }
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (playerId, newPb)) } |> (applyEffectIfDefinied rc.EnterSpecialEffects) |> Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied rc.ExitSpecialEffects)
| EffectCard ec ->
let newPb = {
with Hand =
{ playerBoard.Hand with
Cards = (List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId <> cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards)
DiscardPile = {playerBoard.DiscardPile with Cards = playerBoard.DiscardPile.Cards @ [ x ] }
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (playerId, newPb) ) } |> (applyEffectIfDefinied ec.EnterSpecialEffects) |> Result.bind (applyEffectIfDefinied ec.ExitSpecialEffects)
let playCardFromBoard (cardInstanceId : CardInstanceId) (playerId : PlayerId) (gs: GameState) (playerBoard : PlayerBoard) =
let cardToDiscard : CardInstance list = List.filter (fun x -> x.CardInstanceId = cardInstanceId) playerBoard.Hand.Cards
match cardToDiscard with
| [] ->
(sprintf "Unable to locate card in hand with card instance id %s" (cardInstanceId.ToString())) |> Error
| [ x ] ->
decrementRequiredResourcesFromModel x.Card playerId gs playerBoard
|> Result.bind (playCardFromBoardImp cardInstanceId playerId playerBoard x cardToDiscard)
| _ ->
(sprintf "ERROR: located multiple cards in hand with card instance id %s. This shouldn't happen" (cardInstanceId.ToString())) |> Error
From a testing standpoint, the lack of rendering the resource cards has become quite difficult to deal with so I have added a simple rendering for the resource cards:
let renderResourceCard (card: ResourceCard) =
header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str card.Name ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool card.ResourceCost) ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str card.Description ]
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Enter Playing Field" card.EnterSpecialEffects
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Exit Playing Field" card.ExitSpecialEffects
] ] ]
let renderCardForHand (card: Card) : ReactElement list=
match card with
| CharacterCard c -> renderCharacterCard c
| ResourceCard rc -> renderResourceCard rc
| _ ->
strong [] [ str "IDK" ]
One thing I have realized is that I need to add functionality to remove old notifications. To do this I will need to add an id to the Notification
s, define a Msg DeleteNotification
which removes the notification with a specified id. Then I will add a delete button the to UI which sends a DeleteNotification
The UI update will be:
let notificationArea (messages :Option<Notification list>) dispatch=
match messages with
| Some s ->
div []
yield! Seq.map (fun x -> div [Class "notification is-danger"] [
button [ Class "delete"
OnClick (fun y -> x.Id |> DeleteNotification |> dispatch)
] []
str x.Content ]) s
| _ ->
div [] []
The domain update to the notification will be:
and Notification =
Id: Guid
Content: string
let createNotification message ={Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Content = message}
The Msg type I also updated to remove the outdated GameStarted type:
type Msg =
| StartGame of StartGameEvent
| DrawCard of DrawCardEvent
| DiscardCard of DiscardCardEvent
| PlayCard of PlayCardEvent
| EndPlayStep of EndPlayStepEvent
| PerformAttack of PerformAttackEvent
| SkipAttack of SkipAttackEvent
| EndTurn of EndTurnEvent
| DeleteNotification of Guid
| GameWon of GameWonEvent
I can then update update
to include the new event
| DeleteNotification dn ->
removeNotification model dn, Cmd.none
and define removeNotification
let filterNotificationList notificationId l =
l |> List.filter (fun x -> x.Id <> notificationId)
|> function
| [] -> None
| x -> Some x
let removeNotification gs notificationId =
{ gs with NotificationMessages = match gs.NotificationMessages with
| Some x -> filterNotificationList notificationId x
| None -> None
This all appears to build so I am leave this as the final change in the branch step-9-better-sample-data-and-wiring-up-ui
Adding more realistic cards data and wiring up the Ui to send some events -Continued - the Player Control Center
Now I will try to implement the turn step changes via conditional buttons in the player control center.
Currently, a placeholder for these buttons is located in the playerControlCenter
function. I will pull out a stepNavigation
function and rewrite the playerControlCenter
let playerControlCenter (player : Player) playerBoard gameState dispatch =
nav [ Class "navbar is-fullwidth is-primary" ]
[ div [ Class "container" ]
[ div [ Class "navbar-brand" ]
[ p [ Class "navbar-item title is-5"
Href "#" ]
[ str player.Name ] ]
div [ Class "navbar-menu" ]
[ div [ Class "navbar-start" ]
[ yield! playerStats player playerBoard
currentStepInformation player gameState ]
div [ Class "navbar-end" ]
[ stepNavigation player playerBoard gameState dispatch ] ] ] ]
- note I also added the dispatch to the function
This stepNavigation
function is going to rely on switching the current step and player to tell what options & actions are available.
I can implement the changes like:
let renderStepOptionButton dispatch buttonText classType message =
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [
Class (sprintf "button %s is-large" classType)
OnClick (fun _-> (message |> dispatch))
[ span [ ]
[ str buttonText ] ] ]
let stepNavigation (player: Player) (playerBoard: PlayerBoard) (gameState : GameState) dispatch =
match gameState.CurrentStep with
| GameStep.Draw d when d = player.PlayerId ->
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
(renderStepOptionButton dispatch "Draw" "is-warning" (({ GameId = gameState.GameId; PlayerId = player.PlayerId; } : DrawCardEvent) |> DrawCard) )
] ]
| GameStep.Play d when d = player.PlayerId ->
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
(renderStepOptionButton dispatch "End Play" "is-danger" (({ GameId = gameState.GameId; PlayerId = player.PlayerId; } : EndPlayStepEvent) |> EndPlayStep) )
] ]
| GameStep.Attack d when d = player.PlayerId ->
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
(renderStepOptionButton dispatch "Skip Attack" "is-danger" (({ GameId = gameState.GameId; PlayerId = player.PlayerId; } : SkipAttackEvent) |> SkipAttack) )
] ]
| GameStep.Reconcile d when d = player.PlayerId ->
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
(renderStepOptionButton dispatch "End Turn" "is-danger" (({ GameId = gameState.GameId; PlayerId = player.PlayerId; } : EndTurnEvent) |> EndTurn) )
] ]
| GameStep.NotCurrentlyPlaying ->
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
(renderStepOptionButton dispatch "Start New Game" "is-danger" (({ GameId = gameState.GameId; PlayerId = player.PlayerId; } : EndTurnEvent) |> EndTurn) )
] ]
| GameStep.GameOver g ->
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
(renderStepOptionButton dispatch "Start New Game" "is-danger" (({ GameId = gameState.GameId; PlayerId = player.PlayerId; } : EndTurnEvent) |> EndTurn) )
] ]
| _ -> div [] []
Now I can see I start on the draw stage and am able to draw but that is not transitioning me to the next step. I will have to investigate the modifyGameStateFromDrawCardEvent
Investigating this function it appears I forgot to add the state shifting functionality.
I implemented this by changing the modifyGameStateFromDrawCardEvent
function like
let migrateGameStateToNewStep newStep (gs: GameState) =
// maybe some vaidation could go here?
Ok {
gs with CurrentStep = newStep
let moveCardsFromDeckToHand gs playerId pb =
let newDeck, newHand = drawCardsFromDeck 1 pb.Deck pb.Hand
Ok { gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (playerId, { pb with Deck = newDeck; Hand = newHand }) ) }
let modifyGameStateFromDrawCardEvent (ev: DrawCardEvent) (gs: GameState) =
getExistingPlayerBoardFromGameState ev.PlayerId gs
|> Result.bind (moveCardsFromDeckToHand gs ev.PlayerId)
|> Result.bind (migrateGameStateToNewStep (ev.PlayerId |> Attack))
|> function
| Ok g -> g
| Error e -> { gs with NotificationMessages = appendNotificationMessageToListOrCreateList gs.NotificationMessages e }
Refreshing the site I am not able to click through all the steps of my turn!
I am leaving this as the final commit of branch step-10-better-sample-data-and-wiring-up-ui-cont
To facilitate testing, I am not going to add logic to swap Player 1 and Player 2. This should allow us to step through an entire game.
To do this I will add a Msg of type SwapPlayer.
type Msg =
| StartGame of StartGameEvent
| DrawCard of DrawCardEvent
| DiscardCard of DiscardCardEvent
| PlayCard of PlayCardEvent
| EndPlayStep of EndPlayStepEvent
| PerformAttack of PerformAttackEvent
| SkipAttack of SkipAttackEvent
| EndTurn of EndTurnEvent
| DeleteNotification of Guid
| GameWon of GameWonEvent
| SwapPlayer
I will then handle the message in the update like:
let update (msg: Msg) (model: GameState): GameState * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| SwapPlayer ->
{ model with PlayerOne = model.PlayerTwo; PlayerTwo = model.PlayerOne }, Cmd.none
Now I can add a button to switch players on the top nav bar like:
let topNavigation dispatch =
div [ Class "navbar-end" ]
[ div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "buttons" ]
[ a [ Class "button is-light"
OnClick (fun _ -> SwapPlayer |> dispatch)
Href "#" ]
[ str "Switch Player" ]
a [ Class "button is-light"
Href "#" ]
[ str "Log in" ]
While doing this I found a bug in the, it should have been written like:
let currentStepInformation (player: Player) (gameState : GameState) =
div [ Class "navbar-item" ]
[ div [ Class "field is-grouped has-addons is-grouped-right" ]
[ p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses gameState (player.PlayerId |> GameStep.Draw))
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Draw" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses gameState (player.PlayerId |> GameStep.Play))
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Play" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses gameState (player.PlayerId |> GameStep.Attack))
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Attack" ] ] ]
p [ Class "control" ]
[ button [ Class (yourCurrentStepClasses gameState (player.PlayerId |> GameStep.Reconcile))
Disabled true ]
[ span [ ]
[ str "Reconcile" ] ] ] ] ]
Also, I just noticed that the Draw is moving to the Attack step instead of the play step.
To fix this I changed the event that was being dispatched like
let modifyGameStateFromDrawCardEvent (ev: DrawCardEvent) (gs: GameState) =
getExistingPlayerBoardFromGameState ev.PlayerId gs
|> Result.bind (moveCardsFromDeckToHand gs ev.PlayerId)
|> Result.bind (migrateGameStateToNewStep (ev.PlayerId |> Play))
|> function
| Ok g -> g
| Error e -> { gs with NotificationMessages = appendNotificationMessageToListOrCreateList gs.NotificationMessages e }
Also, in this branch, it was recommended to me that you can zoom cards. I am attempting to add a model that displays card details to the hand.
To try this I am trying to add a modal on click for the hand.
Meanwhile, I am noticing I really need to refactor out operators for stuff like :
| |> Result.bind (applyUpdatedPlayerBoardResultToGamesState playerId gs x)
|> Result.bind (fun x -> (applyUpdatedPlayerBoardResultToGamesState playerId gs x) |> Ok)
i did this by implementing infix operators like
let (>>=) twoTrackInput switchFunction =
Result.bind switchFunction twoTrackInput
let (>=>) switch1 switch2 x =
match switch1 x with
| Ok s -> switch2 s
| Error f -> Error f
Additionally, I moved many of the constructors for domain objects to the Shared Domain and deleted unused test generator functions.
Eventually, I was able to get the modal to work by adding a property to the game board: ZoomedInCard
this is an optional CardInstanceId. I then added functions to check if the zoomed-in card was set to the current card. If it is the view displays the modal, if not it is hidden. I also added a Msg ZoomedInCardToggled and wired that up to the update function and the click of the thumbnail image in the hand.
This all builds and is the final commit in the step-11-allow-the-user-to-switch-to-being-the-other-player
The next step will be to implement the attack functionality.
To do this I implemented several new functions:
let getPlayBoardToTargetAttack (playerId : PlayerId) gs =
|> gs.Boards.TryGetValue
|> function
| true, pb -> pb |> Ok
| _, _ -> "Unable to locate target for attack" |> Error
let activeCreatureKilledFromPlayerBoard playBoard :PlayerBoard =
match playBoard.Bench with
| None | Some [] -> { playBoard with ActiveCreature = None}
| Some [ x ] -> { playBoard with ActiveCreature = Some x; Bench = None}
| Some (x :: xs) -> { playBoard with ActiveCreature = Some x; Bench = Some xs}
let applyBasicAttackToPlayBoard (attack : Attack) (playBoard) gs =
match playBoard.ActiveCreature with
| Some cre when (cre.CurrentDamage + attack.Damage) < cre.TotalHealth ->
playBoard with ActiveCreature =
Some { cre with CurrentDamage = cre.CurrentDamage + attack.Damage }
}, 0, sprintf "%i damage dealt to %s" attack.Damage cre.Name)
| Some cre ->
((activeCreatureKilledFromPlayerBoard playBoard), 0, sprintf "%i damage dealt to %s. It died." attack.Damage cre.Name)
| None ->
(playBoard, attack.Damage, sprintf "%i damage dealt to player" attack.Damage)
let applyPlayerDamageToPlayer (playerId : PlayerId) damage (gs: GameState) =
let player = gs.Players.TryGetValue playerId
match player with
| true, p -> { gs with Players = gs.Players.Add(playerId, {p with RemainingLifePoints = p.RemainingLifePoints - damage})}
| _,_ -> gs
let playAttackFromBoard (attack : Attack) (playerId : PlayerId) (gs: GameState) (playerBoard : PlayerBoard) =
let target = getTheOtherPlayer gs playerId
let otherBoard = getPlayBoardToTargetAttack target gs
match otherBoard with
| Ok playBoard ->
let (newPb, playerDamage, messages) = (applyBasicAttackToPlayBoard attack playBoard gs)
{ gs with Boards = (gs.Boards.Add (target, newPb) ) }
|> applyPlayerDamageToPlayer target playerDamage
|> appendMessagesToGameState messages |>Ok
| Error e ->
Error e
let modifyGameStateFromPerformAttackEvent (ev: PerformAttackEvent) (gs: GameState) =
getExistingPlayerBoardFromGameState ev.PlayerId gs
>>= (playAttackFromBoard ev.Attack ev.PlayerId gs)
>>= migrateGameStateToNewStep (ev.PlayerId |> Reconcile )
|> applyErrorResultToGamesState gs
I then reference this modifyGameStateFromPerformAttackEvent
in the update function.
This builds. I will now have to make sure my sample data has attacks and that the UI is wired up to trigger these events.
To wire up the UI I am able to modify the renderAttackRow
to also include a button to exec an attack if it is available like:
let renderDamageInformationForAttack (attack: Attack) =
match attack.SpecialEffect with
| Some se ->
td [ ]
p [] [ str (sprintf "%i" attack.Damage) ]
p [] [ str se.Description ]
| None ->
td [ ]
p [] [ str (sprintf "%i" attack.Damage) ]
let renderAttackRowWithoutActions (attack: Attack) =
tr [ ]
[ td [ ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool attack.Cost) ]
td [ ]
[ str attack.Name ]
renderDamageInformationForAttack attack ]
let renderAttackRow displayAttackButton canAttack availableResources gameId playerId inPlayCreatureId (attack: Attack) dispatch = // Lol this needs to be refactored
let execAttack = (fun _ ->
GameId = gameId
PlayerId = playerId
InPlayCreatureId = inPlayCreatureId
Attack = attack
} : PerformAttackEvent) |> PerformAttack |> dispatch)
let displayAttackButton = displayAttackButton && canAttack && (hasEnoughResources availableResources (Map.toList attack.Cost))
tr [ ]
td [ ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool attack.Cost) ]
td [ ]
[ str attack.Name ]
renderDamageInformationForAttack attack
td [ ]
if displayAttackButton then
button [
Class "is-danger"
OnClick execAttack
str "Exec"
str ""
] ]
To populate the test database I am adding a "tackle" attack to all generated creatures in the SampleCardDatabase
let creatureCreatureConstructor creatureId name description primaryResource resourceCost health weaknesses =
let cardId = NonEmptyString.build creatureId |> Result.map CardId
let cardImageUrl = ImageUrlString.build (sprintf "/images/full/%s.png" creatureId)
match cardId, cardImageUrl with
| Ok cid, Ok imgUrl ->
Ok {
CardId = cid
ResourceCost = resourceCost
Name = name
EnterSpecialEffects = None
ExitSpecialEffects = None
PrimaryResource = primaryResource
Creature =
Health= health
Weaknesses= weaknesses
Attack = [
Damage = 5
Name = "Tackle"
Cost = Seq.empty |> ResourcePool
SpecialEffect = None
ImageUrl = imgUrl
Description =description
| _,_ -> Error "No"
I am now able to test the game. I can deal damage to creatures and players. It works in terms of basic functionality.
I am leaving this as the last commit in the branch step-12-implement-attack
Next, I would like a better way to come up with more complicated and complete sets of decks, players, and cards.
I am not going to try to start pulling the decks, player info, and cards from a database.
The first thing I am going to do for this is moving the SampleCardDatabase
to the Shared project from the Client project.
Now I am researching ways to store the information on the server-side.
The first step appears to be mapping to and from a DTO. To start this I added a Dto module to the Shared project.
I am going to be creating DTOs for each of the domain types and writing functions to map from the DTOs to the Domain models.
I started doing this with the idea of documenting the process I was going through. This turned into quite a bit of code but generally, I was creating Dtos for each domain type and adding a module for that class with fromDomain
and toDomain
functions which map to the DTO and to a Result<the domain type, string> type. I implemented them like
module Player =
let fromDomain (person:Domain.Player) : PlayerDto =
PlayerId = person.PlayerId.ToString()
Name = person.Name
PlaymatUrl = person.PlaymatUrl.ToString()
LifePoints = person.RemainingLifePoints
}: PlayerDto
let toDomain (dto: PlayerDto) :Result<Domain.Player,string> =
CollectionManipulation.result {
let! playerId = dto.PlayerId |> NonEmptyString.build
let! name = dto.Name |> Ok
let! playmatUrl = dto.PlaymatUrl |> ImageUrlString.build
let! lifePoints = dto.LifePoints |> Ok
return {
PlayerId = playerId |> PlayerId
Name = name
PlaymatUrl = playmatUrl
RemainingLifePoints = lifePoints
You can note that the toDomain
function utilizes a computational expression I had to added.
the computational expression is defined like:
type ResultBuilder() =
member __.Return(x) = Ok x
member __.ReturnFrom(m: Result<_, _>) = m
member __.Bind(m, f) = Result.bind f m
let result = new ResultBuilder()
This ResultBuilder
allows multiple result checks to chained together using a series of let!
bind operations.
I was able to test serializing these DTOs using System.Text.Json by adding code to the Server project
SampleCardDatabase.creatureCardDb |> Seq.map (fun c-> CharacterCard c)
|> Seq.map Card.fromDomain
|> Seq.map (fun c ->
|> JsonSerializer.Serialize
|> (fun c-> System.IO.File.WriteAllText("test.json", c))
|> ignore
It did serialize but I noticed the CardId and other Domain Ids needed to have their ToString()
methods overloaded like:
module Domain =
type PlayerId = PlayerId of NonEmptyString
with override this.ToString() = match this with PlayerId s -> s.ToString()
type CardInstanceId = CardInstanceId of NonEmptyString
with override this.ToString() = match this with CardInstanceId s -> s.ToString()
type CardId = CardId of NonEmptyString
with override this.ToString() = match this with CardId s -> s.ToString()
type InPlayCreatureId = InPlayCreatureId of NonEmptyString
with override this.ToString() = match this with InPlayCreatureId s -> s.ToString()
type GameId = GameId of NonEmptyString
with override this.ToString() = match this with GameId s -> s.ToString()
I am leaving this as the final commit in the branch step-13-decks-to-database
. We were unable to actually write to a database but are able to serialize a list of cards to JSON now. This actually took an inordinate amount of time (like a week of share time) so I will continue on with this in step 14.
I am going to try to save my data in Postgresq which I will hopefully be running a docker container.
First I installed [DBeaver|https://dbeaver.io/download/] to administer/ access the new Postgres instance.
I then ran
docker pull postgres
mkdir c:/data/safecardgamepostgresqldata
docker run -d --name dev-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=trident1814 -v c:/data/safecardgamepostgresqldata/:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 postgres
I was then able to connect to this Postgres instance via DBever and create two tables with the definitions:
CREATE TABLE public.card (
card_id varchar(256) NOT NULL,
card_name varchar(256) NOT NULL,
card_description varchar(500) NULL,
card_image_url varchar(500) NOT NULL,
card_thumbnail_image_url varchar(500) NOT NULL,
card_primary_resource varchar(256) NOT NULL,
card_type varchar(256) NOT NULL,
card_enter_special_effects varchar NULL,
card_exit_special_effects varchar NULL,
card_creature_health int NULL,
card_creature_weaknesses varchar NULL,
card_creature_attacks varchar NULL,
card_resources_available_on_first_turn bit NULL,
card_resources_added varchar NULL,
CONSTRAINT card_pk PRIMARY KEY (card_id),
CONSTRAINT card_unique_name UNIQUE (card_name)
CREATE TABLE public.player (
player_id varchar(256) NOT NULL,
player_name varchar(256) NOT NULL,
player_playmat_url varchar(500) NULL,
CONSTRAINT player_pk PRIMARY KEY (player_id),
CONSTRAINT player_unique_name UNIQUE (player_name)
After this, I added Npgsql.FSharp
to the Server project by running dotnet add package Npgsql.FSharp
using this library I was able to add a module to my Server project named: DatabaseRepositories
In this module, I defined two repositories, a CardRepository
and a PlayerRepository
each includes methods to map DTOs to the database table row, a select all, and a select by id.
I then pulled some other TCG card data in JSON and transformed that into a CSV file that matched the database and imported it (not included in the repo but you can find similar on google/github).
I also added a deck_card_association and deck SQL tables.
CREATE TABLE public.deck_card_association (
deck_card_association int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,
deck_id varchar(256) NOT NULL,
card_id varchar(256) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT deck_card_association_fk_deck FOREIGN KEY(deck_id) REFERENCES deck(deck_id),
CONSTRAINT deck_card_association_fk_card FOREIGN KEY(card_id) REFERENCES card(card_id)
CREATE TABLE public.deck (
deck_id varchar(256) NOT NULL,
deck_name varchar(256) NOT NULL,
deck_description varchar(500) NULL,
deck_image_url varchar(500) NULL,
deck_thumbnail_image_url varchar(500) NULL,
deck_primary_resource varchar(256) NOT NULL,
deck_owner varchar(256) NULL,
deck_private boolean NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT deck_pk PRIMARY KEY (deck_id),
CONSTRAINT deck_unique_name UNIQUE (deck_name),
CONSTRAINT deck_fk_owner FOREIGN KEY(deck_owner) REFERENCES player(player_id)
I then similarly bulk pulled some JSON info for an existing TCG game and added it to the database.
I now will have to implement a deck repository and APIs.
These I will implement in the next part.
I am leaving this as the final commit in branch step-14-continue-working-on-saving-to-db
I first implemented the repositories. While doing this I had to move the JSON parsing from the shared DTOs to the server project (as fable doesn't support Newtonsoft JSON/ it performs weirdly). Additionally, I pulled out the row to DTO mappings into a shared module in the server project.
When implimenting the repository for pulling cards from a deck I ordered by random to shuffle
the deck on load like select c.* from card c inner join deck_card_association dca on dca.card_id = c.card_id where dca.deck_id = @deck_id order by RANDOM()
I was then able to update the API to include new methods for the premade decks like:
type ICardGameApi =
getPlayers : unit -> Async<Player seq>
getPlayer: string -> Async<Result<Player, string>>
getCards: unit -> Async<Card seq>
getCard: string -> Async<Result<Card,string>>
getDecks: unit -> Async<PreCreatedDeckDto seq>
getCardsForDeck: string -> Async<Card seq>
which I then implemented like:
let playerRepository = PlayerRepository()
let cardRepository = CardRepository()
let deckRepository = DeckRepository()
let gameApi : ICardGameApi =
getPlayers = fun () -> playerRepository.GetAll()
getPlayer = fun playerId -> playerRepository.Get(playerId)
getCards = fun () -> cardRepository.GetAll()
getCard = fun cardId -> cardRepository.Get(cardId)
getDecks = fun () -> deckRepository.GetAll()
getCardsForDeck = fun deckId -> deckRepository.GetCardsForDeck(deckId)
I was then able to update the Index on the client to use this API:
let createCardInstanceForCard (card : Card) =
let cardInstanceId = NonEmptyString.build (System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) |> Result.map CardInstanceId
match cardInstanceId with
| Ok id ->
Ok {
CardInstanceId = id
Card = card
| _ ->
sprintf "Unable to create card instance for %s" (card.ToString()) |> Error
let testDeckSeqGenerator (numberOfCards :int) =
async {
let! values = cardGameServer.getDecks ()
let! cards = values |> CollectionManipulation.shuffleG |> Seq.head |> (fun x -> x.DeckId) |> cardGameServer.getCardsForDeck
return cards
|> Seq.map createCardInstanceForCard
|> CollectionManipulation.selectAllOkayResults
This now appears to work but some of the cards are rending weird. To fix this I updated the PageLayElements with:
let renderThumbnailResourceCard (card: ResourceCard) =
figure [ Class "image is-64x64" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ]
let renderThumbnailEffectCard (card: EffectCard) =
figure [ Class "image is-64x64" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ]
let renderResourceCard (card: ResourceCard) =
header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str card.Name ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool card.ResourceCost) ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str card.Description ]
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Enter Playing Field" card.EnterSpecialEffects
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Exit Playing Field" card.ExitSpecialEffects
] ] ]
let renderEffectCard (card: EffectCard) =
header [ Class "card-header" ]
[ p [ Class "card-header-title" ]
[ str card.Name ]
p [ Class "card-header-icon" ]
[ str (textDescriptionForResourcePool card.ResourceCost) ] ]
div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-4by3" ]
[ img [ Src (card.ImageUrl.ToString())
Alt card.Name
Class "is-fullwidth" ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content" ]
[ p [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str card.Description ]
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Enter Playing Field" card.EnterSpecialEffects
displayCardSpecialEffectDetailIfPresent "On Exit Playing Field" card.ExitSpecialEffects
] ] ]
let renderCardDetailForHand (card: Card) : ReactElement list=
match card with
| CharacterCard c -> renderCharacterCard c
| ResourceCard rc -> renderResourceCard rc
| EffectCard ec -> renderEffectCard ec
let renderCardThumbnailForHand (card: Card) : ReactElement =
match card with
| CharacterCard c -> renderThumbnailCharacterCard c
| ResourceCard rc -> renderThumbnailResourceCard rc
| EffectCard ec -> renderThumbnailEffectCard ec
I am now able to play the game entirely on the client it seems. I do notice an issue where my attacks are not decrementing my available resources and I don't think my resources are resetting every turn.
I was able to update the resource resetting but altering the EndTurnEvent
to reset the user's resources when the draw step is set like:
let modifyGameStateFromPerformAttackEvent (ev: PerformAttackEvent) (gs: GameState) =
tryToMoodifyGameStateFromPerformAttackEvent ev gs
|> applyErrorResultToGamesState gs
let tryToMoodifyGameStateTurnToOtherPlayer model otherPlayer =
CollectionManipulation.result {
let! pb = getExistingPlayerBoardFromGameState otherPlayer model
return { model with
CurrentStep = (Draw otherPlayer)
Boards = model.Boards.Add(otherPlayer, { pb with AvailableResourcePool = pb.TotalResourcePool})
let moodifyGameStateTurnToOtherPlayer playerId model =
getTheOtherPlayer model playerId
|> tryToMoodifyGameStateTurnToOtherPlayer model
|> applyErrorResultToGamesState model
I was able to update the attack to remove resources but updating the modifyGameStateFromPerformAttackEvent
to also remove the resources by modifying it like:
let tryToMoodifyGameStateFromPerformAttackEvent (ev: PerformAttackEvent) (gs: GameState) =
CollectionManipulation.result {
let! pb = getExistingPlayerBoardFromGameState ev.PlayerId gs
let! newGs = decrementRequiredResourcePoolFromModel ev.Attack.Cost ev.PlayerId gs pb
let! postAttackGs = playAttackFromBoard ev.Attack ev.PlayerId newGs pb
return! postAttackGs |> migrateGameStateToNewStep (ev.PlayerId |> Reconcile )
let modifyGameStateFromPerformAttackEvent (ev: PerformAttackEvent) (gs: GameState) =
tryToMoodifyGameStateFromPerformAttackEvent ev gs
|> applyErrorResultToGamesState gs
After testing this I have noticed that the attacks should use any available colored resources for colorless resources with no more colorless resources are available.
I was able to add this functionality by updating tryRemoveResourceFromPlayerBoard
to be a recursive function that will try to remove available resources from colored types if colorless is needed and not available.
let rec tryRemoveResourceFromPlayerBoard (playerBoard:PlayerBoard) x y =
match playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool.TryGetValue(x) with
| true, z when z >= y -> Ok {playerBoard with AvailableResourcePool = (addResourcesToPool playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool [ (x, 0-y) ]) }
| _, _ ->
if x = Colorless then
let letBestMatch = playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool
|> Map.toList
|> List.filter (fun (k,v) -> v > 0)
|> List.tryHead
match letBestMatch with
| None -> sprintf "Not enough %s" (getSymbolForResource x) |> Error
| Some (k, v) when v >= y -> Ok {playerBoard with AvailableResourcePool = (addResourcesToPool playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool [ (k, v-y) ]) }
| Some (k, v) ->
{playerBoard with AvailableResourcePool = (addResourcesToPool playerBoard.AvailableResourcePool [ (k, 0) ]) }
x (y - v)
sprintf "Not enough %s" (getSymbolForResource x) |> Error
Additionally, to make this give preference to decrementing the colored before the colorless energy I had to order the application but sorting the resource pools like:
let rec decrementResourcesFromPlayerBoard playerBoard resourcePool =
let sortedPool = resourcePool |> List.sortBy (fun (x : Resource * int) ->
match x with
| Colorless, _ -> 2
| _, _ -> 1
This now appears to be a somewhat crappy but playable game besides not having a win condition. I need to add the logic to actually cause a player to lose when they have zero or less health. (obviously currently you can do that first turn depending on the cards you draw which makes the game more exciting?)
I am leaving this as the final commit in the branch step-15-deck-repository
A number of times during this process I have encountered stupid issues which could have been avoided had a spent a little time refactoring & writing tests. I didn't do this as I didn't think this would be a complicated or time consuming of a project. Since the game psuedo works now I am going to to take the time to do some house keeping.
I added some authentication via Oauth with Github.
Additionally, I added user secrets and configuration registration. I used Rider spell check to fix a number of spelling mistakes and reformat a number of things.
Apparently, string interpolation does not work with fable/react and completely broke the site. I migrated everything from sprintf via the refactor and then had to manually redo it all which was endless fun.
I am trying to add a user management controller now. I tried using saturn cli. This conflicted with the safe template so I created it in a different repo and am trying to copy it over.