This gem provides a convenient interface for creating releases and deploying using Git and Capistrano.
should only contain deployable code.- Each deployment environment has its own branch.
- Remote repository is assumed to be named 'origin'
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'epi_deploy', github: 'epigenesys/epi_deploy'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
No initial setup is required as prerequisites are checked automatically before each command is run.
This command will bump the version in config/initializers/version.rb, create a Git tag in the format YYYYmonDD-HHMM-<short_commit_hash>-v<version> and push it to the remote repository. This can only be done on the master branch.
$ ed release
Optional flag to deploy to the given environment(s) after creating the release. Shorthand -d.
$ ed release --deploy demo:production
Deploy the latest release to the given environment(s).
$ ed deploy demo production
Optional flag to specify which tag, commit, or branch to deploy to the given environment(s). Shorthand -r. If the flag is provided without a reference you will be prompted to choose from the latest releases.
$ ed deploy demo production --ref <reference>
If you want to deploy to multiple customers, you can set it up as following:
, create one config file for the environment you want to deploy to. (e.g.production.rb
) -
In this file, include the setting for stage (
set :stage, :production
) as well as all the common settings across customers (e.g.set :branch, 'production'
) -
, create one config file with the name in following format: "stage.customer.rb", e.g.production.epigenesys.rb
, and include the following content (remember to replace the name of the stage and customer):load File.expand_path('../production.rb', FILE)
... any other customer specific settings
set :current_customer, 'epigenesys' server fetch(:server), user: fetch(:user), roles: %w{web app db}
Include this line in
:require 'capistrano/epi_deploy'
Now by doing ed release -d production
, the latest release of code will be deploy to all customers. You can also deploy to a specific customer by doing e.g. ed release -d production.epigenesys
You can also deploy to all customers for a given environment by running e.g. cap production deploy_all