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Tutorial : Basic Pin

grayghostvisuals edited this page Oct 21, 2014 · 15 revisions

Live Examples


Tutorial To get started you'll need to reference jQuery and the ScrollMagic library from your HTML doc just before the closing body tag like so…

<script src="path/to/jsfolder/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/jsfolder/jquery.scrollmagic.min.js"></script>

Now we can create our markup. Take note of the id values used as these will correlate to our points of execution and the elements we desire to pin.

<main role="main">
      <h1>Basic Pinning.</h1>
      <p>Durations are pinned for their respective pixels set as the duration value and released again.</p>

  <section id="pinned-trigger1">
    <div id="pinned-element1">
      <p>This element will be pinned for the half the window height</p>

  <section id="pinned-trigger2">
    <div id="pinned-element2">
      <p>This element will be pinned for a duration of 400px</p>
      <p>Section Four!</p>

One your script is referenced you can begin to structure your project and set the trigger points. In this example below we initiate the controller and then set property values for each scene defined.

// init controller
controller = new ScrollMagic();

// Assign handler and add it to the controller
var scene = new ScrollScene({
  triggerElement: "#pinned-trigger1", // point of execution
  duration: $(window).height() - 100, // pin element for the window height - 100
  triggerHook: 0, // don't trigger until #pinned-trigger1 hits the top of the viewport
  reverse: true // allows the effect to trigger when scrolled in the reverse direction
.setPin("#pinned-element1") // the element we want to pin

// Assign handler and add it to the Controller
var scene2 = new ScrollScene({
  triggerElement: "#pinned-trigger2", // point of execution
  duration: 400 // pin the element for a total of 400px
.setPin("#pinned-element2") // the element we want to pin


If you notice I used $(window).height - 100 as a duration value. This means once the trigger is reached we keep the element fixed for whatever the window height - 100 result is. You could even use the offset value of other elements as your points of execution. Be creative! Refer to the documentation above to fine tune your controlling of the pinned element and scene.


Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started

First Steps
How to use ScrollMagic
Using AMD (i.e. requirejs)


What are Tweens (and their projected duration)
What are Pins
Scene trigger position


basic pin w/multiple scenes
basic tween w/multiple scenes
anchor navigation
using ScrollMagic with OnePageScroll
using ScrollMagic with Tween.js

Getting Started (v2)

  1. Setup
  2. First Tween
  3. First Pin
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