- Updates supported cursors
- Updates pointer-events syntax and version info
- Adds CSS pseudo-classes :not() and :defined
- Removes rem unit support
- Improves manifest version detection
- Updates manifest schema (adds version 6)
- Adds support for enableFillAsCustomAttribute feature flag in V5Schema.ts
- Adds enableAlerts feature flag
- Updates info about userInfo permission bug and tells them it works only in PS
- Adds support for customData property in V4 and V5 schemas
- Adds info how to develop this plugin
- Updates CONTRIBUTING.md with information on how to update CSS/LESS/SASS rules and manifest.json rules
- Updates versionTable.ts with new release dates and versions
Get it here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=JaroslavBereza.uxpvalidator