🔭 I’m currently working at Zealpact as Software developer
🌱 I’m currently learning Advanced machine learning and Gen Ai.
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/jashsingh04
💬 Ask me about anything lol
📫 How to reach me jashsingh245@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I read a lot of books and watch anime.
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Student-database-management-system PublicCRUD operations using spring boot.
Software-defect-prediction-extension PublicUsing Bio inspired algorithms with ensemble machine learning and deep learning algorithms to successfully detect defects in a software.
Jupyter Notebook
Deep-learning-model-for-bionic-hand-action-recognition PublicConstructed an IOT setup to capture EMG signals through a user friendly GUI and developed a deep learning model to learn hand actions and deployed for real time recognition.
Jupyter Notebook
Depression-detection-using-sklearn-pipeline PublicThis machine learning project uses sklearn pipeline to classify depression or non-depression based on text dataset which consists of phrases or sentences.
Jupyter Notebook
Detection-of-ALS-using-SVM PublicThis machine learning project uses Support Vector Machine supervised learning model to detect ALS in patients based on their voice/audio.
Jupyter Notebook
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