I created a web app to help students maintain organization, with the goal of having a central place where students can manage their schoolwork without having to switch between multiple platforms. It has similar functionality to apps like My Study Life, Trello, and myHomework, but it also allows for Canvas integration. This means that when students link their Canvas account, it will be able to display schedule, upcoming assignments, current grades, and more directly in the app while still allowing them to add their own assignments/tasks.
- Visual Studio Code for efficient code editing
- Github Pages for easy push-to-deploy hosting
- Flask for quickly creating and scaling this web apps
- Canvas LMS REST API for accessing and modifying data externally from the Canvas application
- SQLAlchemy is a Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that I used for leveraging SQL's functionality and flexibility
Sidenote: This project was originally hosted on Heroku, but I had to remove it due to their sudden price changes for hosting. It is now hosted on Render!