Character Tracker for dungeon masters playing Dungeons & Dragons. This application lets you log in and store an assortment of basic NPC info that you can quickly pull up and access during a game. You can also quickly auto generate and update old characters at the press of a button.
Live link on Heroku
- Change .env.EXAMPLE from placeholders to your mysql username and password.
- Rename .env.EXAMPLE file to .env
- Create and seed database
npm i
If missing package.json
npm i bcrypt
npm i connect-session-sequelize
npm i dotenv
npm i express
npm i express-handlebars
npm i express-session
npm i mysql2
npm i rpg-dice-roller
npm i sequelize
- Unique username validation works but user feedback for error cannot differentiate from server issue or non-unique username. Error needs to be parsed in the backend to send appropriate error response.
- HP can be calculated and then displayed on character sheets based off class, level, and constitution.
- Racial and class bonuses added to attribute modifiers
- Input field for gender
- Area to select avatar and picture
- Armor class selection based off armor type
- Inventory management
- Location input field
- More specific character identifiers rather than a catch all of notes
- Sorting cards by race, class, stats
- Filtering cards by race, class, stats
- Filtering by session or game
- Character deletion or death