Data storage module for app preferences.
Most Electron apps need some sort of way to save user data. This could be user preferences (e.g. show/don’t show notifications) or some kind of application data (e.g. last window size and position). So how do we save user settings in an Electron app? And where do we save them to?
fs, path and electron only
const electron = require('electron');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
npm install --save @jawadalik91/electron-store
and you are done.
const Store = require('@jawadalik91/electron-store');
const store = new Store({
// We'll call our data file 'user-preferences'
configName: 'user-preferences'
store.set('myDataObj', { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 });
var myDataObj = store.get('myDataObj');
const store = new Store();
store.set('myDataObj', anything);
var anything = store.get('myDataObj');
Love for my own use
0 contributors
- Jawad Ali - Initial work - JawadAlik91
This project is licensed under the MIT License
- redux store
- Medium blog
- react-electron boilerplate