Two-part pipeline for processing 16S rRNA or ITS amplicon sequences specifically for the University of Maryland Baltimore Institute for Genome Sciences
demultiplexes, filters, trims, and merges 16S or ITS paired-end reads. The script can be launched from any location on the IGS server according to this template: (-i <input directory> | -r1 <fwd reads> -r2 <rev reads> [-i1 <index 1> -i2 <index 2>]) -p <project> -r <run> -m <map> [-v <variable region>] [--1Step] [<options>]
Please run --help
for complete documentation.
outside of IGS servers is not yet supported. It is possible however to modify hard-coded paths in
to configure the pipeline for one's own running environment.
runs the DADA2 ASV classification pipeline on one or more runs in the same project. On a RHEL7 IGS machine:
qlogin -P jravel-lab -l mem_free=500M -q interactive.q
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/packages/gcc/lib64
source /usr/local/packages/usepackage/share/usepackage/use.bsh
use python-2.7
use qiime
cd <project directory created by> -i <comma-separated-input-run-names> -v <variable-region> -p <project-ID>
You can close the terminal at any time. To return to this process in another session, run:
screen -r
Choose one of the following options.
-To create a local git clone:
git clone
-To update your local git clone while discarding your local development history:
git fetch origin master
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
-To merge the changes into your local git clone:
git checkout master
git pull -X patience # Git may not be able to merge all the changes without manual editing
Find the desired version on Click the "<>" button to browse the repository. Click the green "Clone or download" dropdown and click "Download ZIP" to download this version of the pipeline.
In a local clone:
Enter the following commands to save any existing changes to Git's stash and checkout a previous commit (change 1.0.0 to your desired version).
git add .
git stash # To discard changes instead of stashing them, git reset --hard
git rev-list master --grep='v1.0.0' | head -n 1 | xargs git checkout
To create a local clone:
Follow the desktop instructions above to find the desired version of the pipeline. Click the green "Clone or download" dropdown and copy the HTTPS URL. Then run:
The contents of taxonomy/silva/
are derived from the Silva database, and reformatted for DADA2 by Benjamin Callahan. They are available under the Silva dual-licensing model for academic and commercial users:
This repository's copy of the UNITE database at taxonomy/sh_general_release_dynamic_01.12.2017.fasta
is available under Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA).
All other files in this respository are available under GPLv3.