LaTeX files for Independent Study at The College of Wooster
This project aims to provide you with a template for typesetting your IS using LaTeX. LaTeX is very similar to HTML in the sense that it is a markup language. Instead of worrying about the formatting of elements, the woosterthesis
class takes care of several elements so that students only need to identify the structure of their IS. Students should read exampleis_manual.pdf
document before writing, as the manual explains how to use all the custom options available, with particular attention to the Introduction.
The woosterthesis
class loads several packages by default and several others through class options; it is assumed you have these installed on your system. These include the following:
alltt | amsfonts | amsmath | amssymb | amsthm | babel | biblatex |
biblatex-chicago | caption | csquotes | eso-pic | eucal | eufrak | fancyhdr |
float | floatfl | fontenc | fontspec | geometry | graphicx | hyperref |
ifpdf | ifthen | ifxetex | inputenc | lettrine | listings | lmodern |
makeidx | maple2e | microtype | pdftex | polyglossia | pxfonts | setspace |
subfig | textpos | TikZ | verbatim | wrapfig | xcolor | xltxtra |
xunicode |
The woosterthesis
class also assumes you are using pdfTeX (support for postscript based TeX has been dropped as of 2006/17/11).
The template has been tested with Overleaf, as well as TeXLive installs on OS X and Windows 11. Some students have reported receiving processing time warnings from Overleaf and a request to move to a paid subscription, for that reason I recommend using a locally installed TeX instance instead of a cloud-based one.